Divide excel column to N equal groups - excel

I have a column with ordinal values. I want to have another column that ranks them in equal groups (relatively to their value).
Example: If I have a score and I want to divide to 5 equal groups:
What function do I use in the new column to get this eventually:
Score Group
100 5
90 5
80 4
70 4
60 3
50 3
40 2
30 2
20 1
10 1
Thanks! (I'm guessing the solution is somewhere in mod, row and count - but I couldn't find any good solution for this specific problem)

If you don't care about how the groups are split for groups that aren't evenly divisible, you can use this formula and drag down as far as necessary:
Possibly a more efficient solution exists, but this is the first way I thought to do it.
Obviously you'll have to change the references to the A column if you want it in a different column.
See below for working example.


Finding a sum from based off value from adjacent column

Bit of a silly question, but i've got a small logic problem with an excel formula
If ive got 2 rows of various values, such that it looks like:
1 101
2 150
3 200
4 50
5 70
6 20
How do I find the sum of all values under 'B' that are adjacent to a value in 'A' that is greater than 3?
So essentially it would add up only 50, 70 and 20, as those are adjacent to 4, 5 and 6.
Currently I've got:
Naturally this is going to be used with a much larger data set, of a few thousand values - so any advice would be incredibly appreciated.
Thank you!!
Try this formula:
Returns 140

Sumif of multiple Index matches against one value

Need help regarding Excel dynamically search based sum of two columns matching from two different tables.
I have got this Table of Data Entered One Time
1 Qlty Warp Weft
2 Stpl.1 150 20
3 Cotn.1 80 60
4 Stpl.2 20 20
5 Cotn.2 20 20
6 Stpl.3 20 40
in Column A2:A6, Quality can not be duplicated, its a unique Name
The Data entry and report Table is here
8 Yarn Name Sent Bags Remaining Qualty Used Warp Used Weft
9 20 800 600 Stpl.1 71 200
10 150 101 30 Stpl.2 70 30
11 40 300 290 Stpl.3 100 10
12 20 400
C9:C5000 is Returning Column, Values are calculated on the base of Column A9:A5000 (Yarn Name)
Need to Find Yarn Name (eg:) "20" in B2:B6 AND/OR C2:C6, wherever it matches, index that Quality from A2:A6
Then match the returned qualities(could be more than one) to D9:D5000 and sum the mathced results from E9:F5000
I have tried so far in C12
PS:- I am using Excel 2007
If I understand correctly, then following array formula can help you:
Array formula after editing is confirmed by pressing ctrl + shift + enter
To calculate Warp and Weft columns separately use following array formula:

Reverse MATCH with a non existing value

I have data in Excel in the following format:
Column A Column B
20/03/2018 300
21/03/2018 200
22/03/2018 100
23/03/2018 90
24/03/2018 300
25/03/2018 200
26/03/2018 100
27/03/2018 50
28/03/2018 90
29/03/2018 100
30/03/2018 110
31/03/2018 120
I would like to get the date where the minimum of B would never be under 99 again chronologically. It the example above, that would happen the 29th of March.
If I try to get it with: =INDEX(A:A,MATCH(99,B1:B12,-1)) the value returned is 22/03/2018 as it is the first occurrence found, searched from top to bottom.
In this case it would be perfect to be able to do a reverse match(e.g. a match that searches from bottom to top of the range) but this option is not available. I have seen that it is possible to do reverse matches with the lookup function but in that case I need to provide a value that is actually in my data set (99 would not work).
The workaround I have found is to add a third column like the following (with the minimum of the upcoming value of B going down) and index match on top it.
Column A Column B Column C
20/03/2018 300 50
21/03/2018 200 50
22/03/2018 100 50
23/03/2018 90 50
24/03/2018 300 50
25/03/2018 200 50
26/03/2018 100 50
27/03/2018 50 50
28/03/2018 90 90
29/03/2018 100 100
30/03/2018 110 110
31/03/2018 120 120
Is there a way of achieving this without a third column?
The AGGREGATE function is great for problems like these:
What are those numeric arguments?
14 tells the function to replicate a LARGE function
4 to ignore no values (this function can ignore error values and other things)
More info here. I checked it works below:
If your dates aren't always consecutive, you'll need to add a bit more to the function:
This is an array formula (Ctrl+Shift+Enter while still in the formula bar)
Builds an array of the row 1 below results that are less than or equal to 99. Large then returns the largest row number for index.

Excel formula for greater than but less than with several tiers

I have a few hundred rows of data, and each has a number between 1 and 200, and I'd like to put them in categories of 1-5 depending on where that number is.
The categories look like this:
Zones Min Max
1 0 35
2 35 60
3 60 85
4 85 110
5 110 200
I want to assign it a Zone if it is greater than the Min, but less than the Max.
I have 2 formulas I've been working with to solve it. One is a nested IF AND statement:
=IF(A1<=35,1,IF(AND(A1<=60,A1>35),2,IF(AND(A1<=85,A1>60),3,IF(AND(A1<=110,A1>85),4,IF(AND(A1<=200,A1>110),2,"TOO BIG")))))
The 2nd formula attempts to use a SUMPRODUCT function:
=INDEX($C$2:$C$6,SUMPRODUCT(--(A1<=$E$2:$E$6),-- (A1>$D2:$D$6),ROW($2:$6)))
Rather than have to continue to adjust the numeric values manually, I set them as absolutes, which is why this formula is slightly different. The E column is the Max value set, and the D is the Min value set.
Any help would be appreciated!
Use this:
Another way is to use VLOOKUP and you just need to set the min number:
The key is the 4th parameter needs to set to 1 which means TRUE. It will find the closest value and return the zone for you.
But noticed that you have overlaps like 35 or 60 etc. that you will need to adjust your value column.

excel incrementation by consecutive numbers

I have a form, thanks to user JamTay317, That lists data depending on folder number (bold number in form). I need to copy it for all 1500 folders (about 400 pages)
Form is divided on 4 labels on a page for easier printing
form overview
Form get it's folder number (nr teczki) from list with all folders from another sheet called "lista teczek":
list of folders
For first 4 folder numbers I use formula:
A2='lista teczek'!A1
J2='lista teczek'!A2
A21='lista teczek'!A3
J21='lista teczek'!A4
When I copy whole page underneath it increments by 36 (number of rows between)
A38='lista teczek'!A37
J38='lista teczek'!A38
A57='lista teczek'!A39
J38='lista teczek'!A40
Instead of A5, A6, etc.
Is there any way to override excel's incrementation to force it to use consecutive numbers? Or at least formula which will make it easier to follow folders list?
So I would use offset() to get the correct position
=A2=OFFSET('lista teczek'!$A$1;ROW(A1)-INT(ROW(A1)/36)*36+4*INT(ROW(A1)/36)-1;0)
So this will offset from A1 in the list sheet.
Below are row numbers a resultant lookup row numbers
Note the formula I used in the offset has an extra "-1" as this is an OFFSET so to get 1 from 1 we need to offset by 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
37 5
38 6
39 7
40 8
73 9
74 10
75 11
76 12
109 13
110 14
111 15
112 16
145 17
146 18
147 19
----LOGIC--- (edit)
So the idea is that you work out the occurrence you are on. Int(row()/36) gives us this. For example
First part gives us the offset from the start of the occurrence
Second part give the total of the previous occurrence
So you need to change the 36 to the gap between the occurrences and the 4 to the length of occurrences Not sure if that helps to explain
