Finding a sum from based off value from adjacent column - excel

Bit of a silly question, but i've got a small logic problem with an excel formula
If ive got 2 rows of various values, such that it looks like:
1 101
2 150
3 200
4 50
5 70
6 20
How do I find the sum of all values under 'B' that are adjacent to a value in 'A' that is greater than 3?
So essentially it would add up only 50, 70 and 20, as those are adjacent to 4, 5 and 6.
Currently I've got:
Naturally this is going to be used with a much larger data set, of a few thousand values - so any advice would be incredibly appreciated.
Thank you!!

Try this formula:
Returns 140


Sumif of multiple Index matches against one value

Need help regarding Excel dynamically search based sum of two columns matching from two different tables.
I have got this Table of Data Entered One Time
1 Qlty Warp Weft
2 Stpl.1 150 20
3 Cotn.1 80 60
4 Stpl.2 20 20
5 Cotn.2 20 20
6 Stpl.3 20 40
in Column A2:A6, Quality can not be duplicated, its a unique Name
The Data entry and report Table is here
8 Yarn Name Sent Bags Remaining Qualty Used Warp Used Weft
9 20 800 600 Stpl.1 71 200
10 150 101 30 Stpl.2 70 30
11 40 300 290 Stpl.3 100 10
12 20 400
C9:C5000 is Returning Column, Values are calculated on the base of Column A9:A5000 (Yarn Name)
Need to Find Yarn Name (eg:) "20" in B2:B6 AND/OR C2:C6, wherever it matches, index that Quality from A2:A6
Then match the returned qualities(could be more than one) to D9:D5000 and sum the mathced results from E9:F5000
I have tried so far in C12
PS:- I am using Excel 2007
If I understand correctly, then following array formula can help you:
Array formula after editing is confirmed by pressing ctrl + shift + enter
To calculate Warp and Weft columns separately use following array formula:

Divide excel column to N equal groups

I have a column with ordinal values. I want to have another column that ranks them in equal groups (relatively to their value).
Example: If I have a score and I want to divide to 5 equal groups:
What function do I use in the new column to get this eventually:
Score Group
100 5
90 5
80 4
70 4
60 3
50 3
40 2
30 2
20 1
10 1
Thanks! (I'm guessing the solution is somewhere in mod, row and count - but I couldn't find any good solution for this specific problem)
If you don't care about how the groups are split for groups that aren't evenly divisible, you can use this formula and drag down as far as necessary:
Possibly a more efficient solution exists, but this is the first way I thought to do it.
Obviously you'll have to change the references to the A column if you want it in a different column.
See below for working example.

Excel - Count of entries below cumulative threshold without helper column

I have the following little table. I'd like a formula that finds the number of values where the cumulative total (of column B) is less than some threshold (tx).
I tried
but OFFSET doesn't seem to be arrayable like that. Obviously, this would be trivial with a helper column, but for certain reasons that is not possible.
So the correct answer here should be 10.
tx = .8
1 0.112106465
2 0.110981698
3 0.091959216
4 0.082163441
5 0.073292066
6 0.072407529
7 0.071646289
8 0.061646797
9 0.06011448
10 0.057566381
11 0.050341978
12 0.048227061
13 0.043207335
14 0.03940462
15 0.012914194
16 0.007603446
17 0.004417003
You're not really looking for a MIN; rather it should be MAX that follows your condition.
In E7 as a standard (non-array) formula,
=AGGREGATE(14, 6, ROW(1:17)/(SUBTOTAL(9, OFFSET(B1, 0, 0, ROW(1:17), 1))<D7), 1)
I prefer the following array formula** due to its non-volatility:
The most succinct way to do it I've found is
entered as an array formula, or, equivalently,

Sum Values Of One Column if Contiguous Value is a Pair Number

First of all I apologise for my English if I made any mistake.
I've got a matrix, two columns and 100 rows
Column A: Year => 1990, 1991, 1992...
Column B: number => 45, 200, 67...
I need to get a the total amount of the sum of the values pertainig to the 'pair years'.
1990 45
1991 200
1992 67
Total = 45 + 67 + ....
I've tried many options but none of them worked. It seemed easy a first glance but I can't find the solution. I would appreciate any help or the whole solution to this problem. Thanks in advance for your help.
You can use the following with years in Column A and Days in column B
Although if possible I would prefer using a helper column in this situation.
In column C you could use the formula:
And drag it down. Then in the cell you wish to have your results you could use:

Excel: Find the minimal value in a column

An Excel table consists of two columns (e.g., A1:B5):
0 10
1 20
3 30
2 20
1 59
I need to get the minimal value in column B for which the corresponding value in column A is greater than zero. In the above example it should be 20.
I tried using various combinations of INDEX(), MIN(), IF(), ROW(), array formulas, etc. - but I just can't figure out how to do it. :-( Any help would be appreciated.
Grsm almost had it
if you enter the following formula in C1 as an array (Ctrl+Shift+End)
That should do the trick.
I think you have to make an extra column..
0 10 false 20
1 20 20
3 30 30
2 40 40
1 50 50
column C : =IF(A1>0;B1)
cell D1: =MIN(C1:C5)
You need to do it in 2 stages
First use the MIN function to find the minimum
Then take that answer and use the LOOKUP function to select the row and column that you need.
Check the "Minimum And Maximum Values In A Range" example in (you can download the same as well from the same section)
This is not identical, but very similar: Excel VBA - Find minimum of list of values?
