Confused by Excel formula - excel

I am an university final year student and I'm working on my research project.
I have to perform simulation by using MS Excel and there's a problem which keep confusing me during this process.
When, I'm doing the simulation, I type the following formula
what I'm trying to do is " IF B14 (water tank) is smaller than 16000, the pump will turn on, marked as "1", else it will be turned off, marked as "0".
I wanna make the tank be filled up when there's not enough of water inside it.
However, the formula turns out stop the pump once the water tank storage is more than 200.
What I want to achieve, is refill the water tank to almost its full capacity, not stopping it once the capacity is just above 200.
Is there any formula pattern i could be adopted in tis situation?
Thanks you so much,

How about
So, if the tank is full then "off",
if the tank is not full and less than 200 then off,
otherwise the pump is on.

Based on your response to my comment:
If you have a cell (named Status) that returns 1 or 0 depending on if the pump is currently on or off, then you can use:
If you do not have such a cell, you can do this in a single cell by enabling iterative calculations (See Tools/Options/Formulas) and using this formula:
C14: =IF(OR(B14<200,AND(B14<16000,C14=1)),1,0)
^^^ ^^^
Note the cell reference in the formula being the same as the cell in which the formula exists.

My chart looks like this:
1 Tank 1 Pump In Out TimeInterval
2 16200 0 10.6 8.15 10
3 16118.5 0 10.6 8.15 10
4 16037 0 10.6 8.15 10
5 15955.5 0 10.6 8.15 10
Row 2 is the initial state, input the values manually. Formulas I'm using are:


(Excel)Calculating costs, where prices differ based on quantities

I'm looking for some help as I'm not really sure of the correct terms to use on my query below, so whilst normally I would google this, I'm not really sure what to search for.
I need to work out the total cost for something, where you have a flat rate, and then an additional cost that changes depending on how much of something you have.
So an example, you get expenses paid for millage. If you drive 0-20 miles, you'll get £10. Between 30-50 miles you get 50p per mile. Between 51-100 miles you get £1 per mile and so on, added onto the base rate of the initial £10 you'd get paid as standard.
It's not the best example, but hoping it gives an idea of what I'm after.
If I was doing this by hand I'd know how to work it out, but I'm not to sure what kind of formula I need to be using - I've never had to work with complex formulas past "=sum" until now.
If anyone has any examples they can share or can point me in the right direction of what kind of things to google I'd be most grateful !
Well, here is one way, but you don't state what the rate is between 21 and 30...
very basic, but you should be able to edit and expand as you want.
Do note that the limits (30 miles, 50 miles) and rates used in the formula all come from the sheet - so if the 30 mile limit changes to 25 miles - all you need to do is change cell A7...
I apologize for not answering sooner, but I find this question a bit difficult to address due to the complexity of formulas we can encounter. I know the one you documented is not the most complex one we might encounter, but I was not sure if that was your actual problem or if it was intended as a simple example. I have seen a variety of other things which have often thrown me for a loop.
For example, take this set of rules:
Minimum Fee is $23.50 up to $500
$501 - $2,000 = $3.05 per 100 unit increment
$2,001 - $25,000 = $14.00 per 1000 unit increment over $2,000
$25,001 - $50,000 = $10.10 per 1000 unit increment over $25,000
$50,001 - $100,000 = $7.00 per 1000 unit increment over $50,000
$100,001 - $500,000 = $5.60 per 1000 unit increment over $100,000
$500,001 - $1,000,000 = $4.75 per 1000 unit increment over $500,000
$1,000,001 - $9,999,000 = $3.65 per 1000 unit increment over $1,000,000
$10,000,001 and up = $3.65 per 1000 unit increment over $10,000,000
It does not look too different from yours except that there is an increment of something other than a single unit. In other words for the $501 to $2,000 range, $501 to $600 would all get the same additional $3.05 incremental charge. Another dollar would actually double this because it jumps to the next increment. Like your example, each range builds on the prior range. Assuming that these amounts are in colums A through F:
i Low High Fee Base Fee Per
0 1 500 23.50
1 501 2,000 $3.05 100
2 2,001 25,000 $23.50 1000
3 25,001 50,000 $10.10 1000
4 50,001 100,000 $7.00 1000
5 100,001 500,000 $5.60 1000
6 500,001 1,000,000 $4.75 1000
7 1,000,001 9,999,999 $3.65 1000
8 10,000,000 $3.65 1000
Note also that the rate declines as the amounts increase whereas yours appears to increase.
What I did with this is create a maximum value in Column H as follows:
i Max
0 =E3
1 =INT((C4-C3)/F4)*D4
2 =INT((C5-C4)/F5)*D5
3 =INT((C6-C5)/F6)*D6
4 =INT((C7-C6)/F7)*D7
5 =INT((C8-C7)/F8)*D8
6 =INT((C9-C8)/F9)*D9
7 =INT((C10-C9)/F10)*D10
The first one, where i is zero, is simply the base fee. The others are computed and copied. There is no maximum for the last row. I did not really think I needed this column but it made it easier to devise the formulas.
Assuming that I put an amount to evaluate in Cell I2, it will be evaluated as follows where the formula in row 3 (where i=0) is the set fee but all others are basically a copied formula:
i 4,950
0 =IF(I$2>=$B3,$H3,0)
1 =IF(I$2>=$B4,IF($H4="",INT((I$2-$C3)/$F4)*$D4,MIN($H4,INT((I$2-$C3)/$F4)*$D4)),0)
2 =IF(I$2>=$B5,IF($H5="",INT((I$2-$C4)/$F5)*$D5,MIN($H5,INT((I$2-$C4)/$F5)*$D5)),0)
3 =IF(I$2>=$B6,IF($H6="",INT((I$2-$C5)/$F6)*$D6,MIN($H6,INT((I$2-$C5)/$F6)*$D6)),0)
4 =IF(I$2>=$B7,IF($H7="",INT((I$2-$C6)/$F7)*$D7,MIN($H7,INT((I$2-$C6)/$F7)*$D7)),0)
5 =IF(I$2>=$B8,IF($H8="",INT((I$2-$C7)/$F8)*$D8,MIN($H8,INT((I$2-$C7)/$F8)*$D8)),0)
6 =IF(I$2>=$B9,IF($H9="",INT((I$2-$C8)/$F9)*$D9,MIN($H9,INT((I$2-$C8)/$F9)*$D9)),0)
7 =IF(I$2>=$B10,IF($H10="",INT((I$2-$C9)/$F10)*$D10,MIN($H10,INT((I$2-$C9)/$F10)*$D10)),0)
8 =IF(I$2>=$B11,IF($H11="",INT((I$2-$C10)/$F11)*$D11,MIN($H11,INT((I$2-$C10)/$F11)*$D11)),0)
The Fee for this is the sum of all of the rows (labeled i, 0 through 8 above). in this example, it would be 23.50 plus 45.75 plus 28.00 for a total of 97.25.
Not too bad. How about a set like this:
No fee if $1,000 or less
$1,001 - $5,000 = $80.00 + 3% of excess over $1,000.00 per 100 unit increment
$5,001 - $10,000 = $250.00 + 2% of excess over $5,000.00 per 500 unit increment
$10,001 - $25,000 = $350.00 + 1% of excess over $10,000.00 per 1000 unit increment
$25,001 and Over = $520.00 + 3/4% of excess over $25,000.00 per 1000 unit increment
In your formula, the initial flat amount never changes and once you've computed the amount for that range, other ranges build upon it. Here, there are steps. For example at $1,000 the fee is zero, but at $1,001, it jumps to $80 as if there were an $80 fee for the first 1000. Without boring you with the entire table, Here is the formula for computing the range from 5,001 to 10,000 assuming that G2 contains the amount to use and Row 5 colums A through E are the following:
Low High Rate Minimum Increment
5,001 10,000 2.00% 250 500
The formula simply looks at the current row and does the computation if the amount in G2 falls within the range from Column A to Column B.
A simplification of all of the above comes when each range cumulatively builds on the prior ranges AND the rate of payment is always increasing, like the U.S. Tax Tables:
Over Not Over
0 9,525 10% of taxable income
9,525 38,700 $952.50 plus 12% of the excess over $9,525
38,700 82,500 $4,453.50 plus 22% of the excess over $38,700
82,500 157,500 $14,089.50 plus 24% of the excess over $82,500
157,500 200,000 $32,089.50 plus 32% of the excess over $157,500
200,000 500,000 $45,689.50 plus 35% of the excess over $200,000
500,000 $150,689.50 plus 37% of the excess over $500,000
Here, we can use something referred to as the "deskpad method" to shortcut the computation
Assuming that the amount to be evaluated is in G1 and these are in column A through C starting in Row 1:
Over Not Over Rate
0 9,525 10.0%
9,525 38,700 12.0%
38,700 82,500 22.0%
82,500 157,500 24.0%
157,500 200,000 32.0%
200,000 500,000 35.0%
500,000 37.0%
We compute the amount based on G1 as follows:
Note: this is not entered as an array formula.
How does this relate to your question. If the need is as simple as you stated (in other words, the rate is always increasing and we do not have any "steps" in the reimbursement, we can compute it similarly to the U.S. Tax computation.
I created these values in columns A through D starting in row 1:
Over Not Over
0 20 £- Flat Amount of £10.00
20 50 £0.50 £10.00 plus £.50 per mile over 20 miles
50 100 £1.00 £25.00 plus £1.00 per mile over 50 miles
100 £1.50 £75.00 plus £1.50 per mile over 100 miles
where column D is just descriptive. I put the £10.00 flat fee in Cell E1.
Assuming that G1 contains the number of miles, we would compute the reimbursement as:
For example, when G1 is 52 miles, the computation is £27.00
Note: this is not entered as an array formula.
So, if this is the situation, what you would need is a place to house Columns A through C, a place to house the flat amount and a formula similar to what I provided to compute the reimbursement based on the cell housing the number of miles.
Please note that all the earlier items indicate that this formula will not be so simple if the rate is stepped or the rate declines or if the incremental unit is something other than 1 mile.
I hope that some of this makes sense. Good luck.
Things to google : "nested IF in excel"
How to do this in a one-line-formula : enter " =IF(A1<20,10,IF(A1>50,IF(A1>50,10+A1,"u"),0.5*(A1))) " in B1, your milage in A1.
To learn building this :
identify the conditions :
condition1 > 0-20 miles, you'll get £10.
condition2 > between 30-50 miles you get 50p per mile
condition3 > between 51-100 miles you get £1 per mile added onto £10
put the conditions into IF() statement
For contition1 > just type " =if(a1<20,10,0) " at B2 (and try it!) (:
Note : The syntax for IF() function is if("condition","if-true-do-this","if-false-do-this")
Thus, for condition2 > " =if(a1>20,a1*0.5,0) "
And for condition3 > " =if(a1>50,if(a1>50,10+a1),0) " correction : should be " =if(a1>50,10+a1,0) "
Combining all the conditions > "=IF(A1>20,IF(A1>50,IF(A1>50,10+A1,"error"),0.5*(A1)),10) "
Notice that I changed 0 in the "if-false-do-this" part of the equation just to make sure it show something when the milage entered is less than 0.
Hope that helps. /(^_^)

How to check if a time noted is within designated window or range in Excel

I need to check if a time of collection is within allowed time window or not.
For e.g.
1 10.36 10.30 1 min out of +/- 5 minutes window
2 10.24 10.30 1 min out of +/- 5 minutes window
A1 here time of collection of data, and B1 is the scheduled time. The acceptable window or range for this is +/- 5 minutes out of window. In this case the time of collection is 1 min out of +/- 5 minutes window. Similar example is shown in row 2. How can i get C1 to show the message as above which can account for + 5 minutes and - 5 minutes scenarios?.
Thanks in advance.
5/1440 is 5 minutes (1440 minutes in a full day)
Use this formula¹ in C1 and fill down as necessary,
=ROUND(MAX((ABS(A1-B1)-0.05)*100, 0), 0)
Use the following custom number format on column C,
0 \mi\n out of ± 5 \mi\nut\e wi\n\dow
The advantages of a custom number format is that the numbers remain numbers and are available for future calculations (e.g. SUM, AVERAGE, etc) while displaying the text you wish to show. Note the right-alignment in the cells indicating true numbers.
¹ This formula depends on the time values being mixed numbers and not true time. If the time values are true time with a non-EN-US number format then additional maths may have to be applied to the formula.

How to sum the number of overlapping time frames in excel

Hoping someone can help,
I work for a fire department and i am trying to determine the number of times all our rigs on the road at emergencies at the same time. I have all the data from date, times, etc... So what i am looking for is an excel summation total that would display the sum of overlapping times that were greater than 3. So kinda as follows:
Rig Date Start Time End Time
1 1/1/2015 0703 0759
2 1/1/2015 0705 0823
3 1/1/2015 0706 0815
4 1/1/2015 0723 0759
1 1/1/2015 0802 0845
With more than three rigs on the road after 0723 it would grant me a total of one but then at 0802 rig 1 goes back out again meaning my total would increase by 2 and so on and so on. I dont have the slightest clue as to how to program this. I have three years of data i need to crunch through and something like this would help me greatly. Any help whatsoever is appreciated. Thanks in advance and lets see what you all come up with!
First, you might want to convert the times to Excel date-times (assuming you already applied Format as Table to your data, so all new formulas get populated for all rows automatically):
if the values are already Excel times, use:
=$B2 + C2
if you have integers like "703" (formatted as "0703"), use:
=$B2 + INT(C2/100)/24 + MOD(C2, 100)/24/60
or if you have values-as-text:
=$B2 + LEFT(C2, 2)/24 + RIGHT(C2, 2)/24/60
Don't forget to format the new columns using Custom Number format d.m. hh:ss or m/d hh:ss.
The next step is to count all ongoing deployments that end only after the current deployment started, i.e. use following formula as illustrated on screenshot:
=COUNTIFS(F$2:F2, ">" & E2)
Please make sure that the formula e.g. in row 13 looks like =COUNTIFS(F$2:F13, ">" & E13) to check that you are on the right track. Also none of the values can be 5 or more if you only have 4 rigs, otherwise you have an error in your data.
And to count number of times when all 4 rigs were in use, the formula looks like this:
=COUNTIFS($G$2:$G$13, 4)
In case you also want to sum the time while none rigs were available, add 2 more columns in your table. Column H in my illustration needs following array formula (entered by Ctrl+Shift+Enter):
=IF(G2=4, MIN(IF(F$2:F2 > E2, F$2:F2)), "")
And a normal formula in column I:
=IF(G2=4, H2-E2, "")
Don't forget to format numbers accordingly.
And do a simple sum: =SUM($I$2:$I$13).

How to make a "trending" or "averaging" curve

I have a spreadsheet on which I've been tracking my weight for the last year.
I weigh myself nearly every day, and I can be off by as much as 5 pounds from day to day.
I would like make a graph shows the overall pattern of my weight loss / gain, but without all of the noise.
What are some formulas that I can use to calculate the overall trend?
Place the raw daily measurements in A1 thru A365In B2 enter:
and copy down. Column B will give you a smoother dataset for plotting and trending.
Once you have enough data points a "moving average" will help reduce the daily noise. Let's say you have 10 data points starting in A1:
120.0 119.0 114.1 116.7 112.0 108.7 107.9 104.6 108.9 111.7
In cell C2 you could use the formula AVERAGE(A1:C1) and copy it to the end of your data set. THe relative references will always average the last 3 measurements.
Now your data looks like:
120.0 119.0 114.1 116.7 112.0 108.7 107.9 104.6 108.9 111.7
117.7 116.6 114.3 112.5 109.5 107.1 107.1 108.4
So your second row has far less variation that the raw data.
You can also get fancy and make the number of measurements variable. If that number were stored in A5 (below your data) then the formula would be something like
The MIN ensures that you don't go past the beginning of the data set (if you do a 5-day moving average you can;t go back 5 days from the 4th day, etc.)

Value between a range of values

Having this:
Class Min Max
Alfa 0 16.5
Beta 16.5 18.5
Charlie 18.5 25
Delta 25 30
And this:
Value X
I want a cell to have something like an IF statement (it's got a few more values in it, not this small, it has 8 class). An IF statement this long would probably not work (IF limit of 7) and is an ugly way of doing it. I was thinking of using hlookup, but I'm not sure if that's the best bet.
I can also swap the columns within a table, so I could have "Min| Max| Class"
X values are in a column.
Basically: =IF(X>=0 && X<16.5, Alpha, IF(X>=16.5 && X<18.5, Beta, IF(...
I think you mean VLOOKUP and would be much better way to go.
Make a Ranges sheet like this
Min Class
0 Alfa
16.5 Beta
18.5 Charlie
25 Delta
30.5 Unidentified
In your detail sheet use formula "=VLOOKUP(A2,Ranges!A:B,2,TRUE)" [The True is important]
And you get
Value X Class
35.52600894 Unidentified
26.27816853 Delta
29.53159178 Delta
29.84528548 Delta
26.77130341 Delta
25.07792506 Delta
19.2850645 Charlie
42.77156244 Unidentified
29.11485934 Delta
29.5010482 Delta
19.30982162 Charlie
With your Max range named MaxVal and your Class range named Class, please try:
(adjust references to suit).
=MATCH() here is using the match_type parameter of 1: “The MATCH function will find the largest value that is less than or equal to value. You should be sure to sort your array in ascending order.
If the match_type parameter is omitted, the MATCH function assumes a match_type of 1.”
Any X value greater than 30 returns a blank ("") but text may be inserted to suit (eg "Unidentified" instead of "").
The formula could be simplified by removing the error trap, if a row were inserted immediately under the labels with Alpha under Class and 0 under Max. Also by removing the condition, in a similar way.
It is not necessary to specify both bounds of each range.
INDEX/MATCH was chosen rather than say VLOOKUP for reasons as given here.
PS For the Greek *alpha*bet α is usually Alpha.
Edit re clarification
The easiest fix for 25 is Delta rather than Charlie may be to deduct a small amount from each Max value, eg change 25 to =25-1/1E100.
