Combining Functions in Excel - excel

I have a list of addresses in Excel. They are all the same, except for one difference - some have "US" at the end, while others end in a zip code. Two examples below:
142 N. Birchwood Louisville KY 40206 US
3937 Ludlow Street Philadelphia PA 19104
I am trying to extract the zip code for all the addresses in another column. To achieve this, I did a 2 step process.
=SUBSTITUTE(N2, "US", "") to delete US from every address.
=RIGHT(P2, 6) to extract the 6 characters from the right to get the 5 digit zip code)
The problem is that these functions are in two different columns and done separately. How do I combine these functions into one to get rid of the extra step?
Thank you!

Something like this should be enough to do the job:
The idea is that you should check for "US" only on the last part of the string. Thus, you have two options, depending on the result - either RIGHT(A1,5) or MID(A1,LEN(A1)-7,5):


Extracting the last sequence of numbers in excel

I have a list of addresses from which I need to extract the last sequence of numbers (zip code). I'm looking for a general expression from which I can extract the zip codes from addresses from all over the world. I would have to tweak the expression in order for it to work for each country, or for a group of countries, I assume.
I'm trying to write a formula in excel that can recognise the last digit in a string, and from that, extract the numbers immediately before that last digit and stoping whenever it reaches a non-integer. Below I have an example of an address and the formula I've come up with (in E26), but I'm looking for something more compact:
National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER), Phase X, Sector 67, SAS Nagar, Punjab, 160062, India.
=MID(E26, MAX(IF(ISNUMBER(VALUE(MID(E26,ROW(INDIRECT("1:" & LEN(E26))),1))),ROW(INDIRECT("1:" & LEN(E26))))+1)-6, 6)
The first part of recognizing the last digit is working fine, the problem is to recognize the beggining of the sequence, at least in cases where there's also street numbers within the string (such as in this case). This is why I'm subtacting -6 to the position where the last digit was found, since I know the lenght of the zip code in this particular country. However, it may not be the case for all countries.
Plus there are cases, where there's a space between the sequence such as: 160 062. Also, they won't always have delimeters that I could use to extract the zip codes, hence, the reason why a need an algorithm for this.
I was wondering if there's a nitter way to do this? I would be open for VBA. Thanks for your help!
Best regards,

Countifs with concat, and char to count large amounts of specific data

So here is a tricky one that I cannot seem to get past and I'm not sure if there is even a way for it to work. My formula is as follows:
=COUNTIFS($A$2:$A$1469,CONCAT(CHAR(34),CHAR(42),LEFT(A1479,10),CHAR(42),CHAR(34)),$B$2:$B$1469,"No Card on File")
--The concat looks like this in a cell by itself
--"~Auburn~" where ~ are asterisks.
(Char34 is ", and Char42 is *)
I'm trying to create a way that I can use the concat to tell the sumifs what I'm trying to find but including the wild card and in the quotation marks in order for it to find the correct number because some of the names have added info at the end like, South Tacoma - ESD and South Tacoma - ESU.
Any help would be appreciated!

Filtering letter combinatons

Hi – I’m looking for help for the following problem.
I have a utility operating that gives me all the combinations for a set of letters (or values). This is in the form of 8 choose n, ie there are 8 letters and I can produce all the combinations for sequences where I want no more than 4 letters. So n can be 2, 3, or 4
Now here it gets a bit more complex: the 8 letters are made up of three lists or groups. Hence, A,B,C,D;E1,E2;F1,F2
As I say, I can get all the 2, 3 and 4-sequences without a problem. But I need to filter them so that I get combinations (or rather can filter the result) where I only want letters in the result that ensures I get (in the n=2 condition) at least one from A,B,C,D and one from either the E set or the F set.
So, as a few examples, where n=2
AE1 or DF2… is ok but AB or E1E2 or E1F1… is not ok
Where n=3 the rules alter slightly but it’s the same principle
ABE1, ABF1, BDF2 or BE2F1… is ok but ABC, ABD, AE1E2, DF1F2 or E1E2F1… is not ok.
Similarly, where n=4
ABE1F1, ABE1F2… is ok but ABCD, ABE1E2, CDF1F2 or E1E2F1F2… is not ok.
I’ve tried a few things using different formulas such as with Match and Countif but can’t quite figure it out. So would be very grateful for any help.
I've been trying to find an approach to this problem that takes some of the messiness out of it. There are two factors that make this a bit awkward to deal with
(a) Combination of single letters and bigrams (digrams?)
(b) Possibility of several different letters / bigrams at each position in the string.
It's possible to deal with both of these issues by classifying the letters or bigrams into three groups or classes
(1) Letters A-D - let's call this group L
(2) First pair of bigrams E1 & E2 - let's call this group M
(3) Second pair of bigrams F1 & F2 - let's call this group N.
Then we can make a list of the allowed combinations of groups which as far as I can work out is something like this
For N=2
For N=3
For N=4
(I don't know if LLLM etc. is allowed but these can be added)
I'm going to make a big assumption that the utility mentioned in OP doesn't generate strings like AAAA or E1E1E1E1 otherwise it would be pretty useless and you would be better off starting from scratch.
So you just need a substitute that looks like this
And a lookup in the list of allowed patterns
and filter on the lookup value being TRUE.

Separating data set by how many spaces are before first letter

I have a huge data set that I need to separate into a hierarchy. Currently the only way to tell which level the data point is in the hierarchy is how many spaces are before the first letter (It is from an Essbase pull). I need to separate it out into various columns so that I can see the structure more effectively. There are 7 different numbers of spaces (the separation between hierarchy levels). I honestly have no idea how to get this done. Does anyone have any thoughts or advice?
You can use this formula:
Drag across and down.
If you do not want 15 - 40 spaces and it appears that all are multiples of 5 you can do this:
Using the examples in column B:
Insert column A before data. Then, get length (len) before triming (trim) spaces and after (trim) and subtract. (This assumes no spaces at end however)

separate Last Name, First Name and Middle Initial in three different columns

I have a file which contains Last Name, First Name MI for about 5000 people.
I need to split them in 3 different columns.
The issue I am facing is , that sometimes there are more than 1 first names, for example I have a person as Davis, Mary Ann L.
I want Davis in one column.
Mary Ann in another column and L in the 3rd column. Basically check if after the comma the number of characters is greater than 1. If it is greater than 1 then consider it as first name. If number of characters is equal to 1, then consider it Middle Initial.
How can I achieve this?
In your case, I would do a first approach by using the "Text to Column" command. Just mark the whole column, then choose Data -> Text to Column. Choose "delimited", then next, then select "Space".
After this, I would look through the processed data and get a picture. I assume that most records will be ok already now. And those records which are exceptions to the standard should be easily identifyable. You could even filter for them.
Only then, in a third step, I'd write a formula which processes the columns you have created in the first step.
Or, possibly a formula is not necessary at all. Possibly you can just easily filter and process some of the exceptions manually.
