Countifs with concat, and char to count large amounts of specific data - excel

So here is a tricky one that I cannot seem to get past and I'm not sure if there is even a way for it to work. My formula is as follows:
=COUNTIFS($A$2:$A$1469,CONCAT(CHAR(34),CHAR(42),LEFT(A1479,10),CHAR(42),CHAR(34)),$B$2:$B$1469,"No Card on File")
--The concat looks like this in a cell by itself
--"~Auburn~" where ~ are asterisks.
(Char34 is ", and Char42 is *)
I'm trying to create a way that I can use the concat to tell the sumifs what I'm trying to find but including the wild card and in the quotation marks in order for it to find the correct number because some of the names have added info at the end like, South Tacoma - ESD and South Tacoma - ESU.
Any help would be appreciated!


Retreiving specific letters from Text in Microsoft Excel

I have the column as you can see in this image.
The Distributor Address is in the format: "Street Address, Postcode, State".
I need to retrieve only "Postcode" and "State" and combine them.
The new column should be like this ➡"NSW2007","VIC3182"...
How could I retrieve the specific letters and combine them?
You can use FILTERXML if you have the newest version of Excel. See Excel - Extract substring(s) from string using FILTERXML for an excellent overview.
In this case, something like the below should work:
EDIT: overlooked the specific format you wanted
Well, here is a different way:
This does rely on the state being the last 3 characters and the postcode after the first comma...
There are several ways of solving that. I will show a solution using a few basic functions: RIGHT, MID and LEN.
Assuming your data is on A1:
=RIGHT(A1,3)&MID(A1, LEN(A1)-8, 4)
RIGHT returns the 3 last characters from the cell A1.
MID returns the middle of the cell given a starting position and a length.
LEN gives you the starting position of the zip code, which is always the length of the string - 8 in your table.
Is it essential that your data is well organized as in the image to work well. One alternative is finding the ", " as below.
=RIGHT(A1,3)&MID(A1, FIND(", ",A1)+2,4)

Find value within cell from a series in Excel

I have a list of addresses, such as this:
Lake Havasu,  Lake Havasu City,  Arizona.
St. Johns River,  Palatka,  Florida.
Tennessee River,  Knoxville,  Tennessee.
I would like to extract the State from these addresses and then have a column showing the abbreviated State name (AZ, FL, TN etc.).
I have a table that has the States with their abbreviation and once I extract the State, doing a simple INDEX MATCH to get the abbreviation is easy. I don't want to use text-to-columns because this file will constantly have values added to it and it would be much easier to just have a formula that does the extraction for me.
The ways I've tried to approach this that have failed so far are:
Some kind of SEARCH() function that looks at the full State list and tries to find a value that exists in the cell
A MID or RIGHT approach to only capture the last section but I can't work out how to have FIND only look for the second ", "
A version of INDEX MATCH but that fails because I can't find a good way to search or find the values as per approach (1)
Any help would be appreciated!
Please try this formula, where A2 is the original text.
=FILTERXML("<data><a>" & SUBSTITUTE(A2,", ","</a><a>") & "</a></data>","data/a[3]")
An alternative would be to look for the 2nd comma as shown below. Note that the "50" in the formula is an irrelevant number required by the MID() function. It shouldn't be smaller than the number of characters you need to return, however.
Char(160) is a character that wouldn't (shouldn't) naturally occur in your text, as it might if the text comes from a UNIX database. You can replace it with another one that fits the description.
=TRIM(MID(A2, FIND(CHAR(160),SUBSTITUTE(A2,",",CHAR(160),2)) + 1,50))
The following variation of the above would remove the final period. It will fail if there is anything following the period, such as an unwanted blank. That could be accommodated within the formula as well but it would be easier to treat the original data, if that is an option for you.
=TRIM(MID(LEFT(A2, LEN(A2)-1), FIND(CHAR(160),SUBSTITUTE(A2,",",CHAR(160),2)) + 1,50))
To find the abbreviation I would recommend to use VLOOKUP rather than INDEX/MATCH.
Use this (screenshot refers):

How to I extract a number between 2 symbols on google sheets

I'd like the output to be 10 and 200.
You should also try
=ArrayFormula(IFERROR(REGEXEXTRACT(B2:B, ".* (\d+) /.*")*1))
Or omit the arrayformula and drag down
=IFERROR(REGEXEXTRACT(B2, ".* (\d+) /.*")*1)
Other suggested solution may work for the given example.
Think ahead though for a more concrete solution in situations like
column B
Medical Face Shield - Pack - 10 / Next Day Shipping
KN95 Protective Mask - Type B - Carton - 200 / Next Day Shipping
MM - 33 Face Shield - 555 / - Type B - Carton - 1000 / Next Day Shipping
Functions used:
#Catherine, your image doesn't show the range where your raw data resides nor where you want the results. And you've only allowed us to see two examples. But based on those two examples, and supposing that your raw data were in B2:B, delete everything from A2:A (or use another empty column) and place the following formula in A2 (or parallel):
=ArrayFormula(IF(B2:B="",, REGEXEXTRACT(B2:B, "- ([0-9]+)")))
This reads (in plain English): "If any cell from B2 down is blank, don't put anything in the results column. If it's not blank, extract from whatever is in the current row in Column B any group of numbers that follows a dash-and-space combination."
Everything in quotes within the REGEXEXTRACT denotes what to look for, while what is in parentheses denotes the part of that to extract.
If you need to count or do math with the extracted portions, add a VALUE wrap to the REGEXEXTRACT like this:
=ArrayFormula(IF(B2:B="",, VALUE(REGEXEXTRACT(B2:B, "- ([0-9]+)"))))

Extracting the last sequence of numbers in excel

I have a list of addresses from which I need to extract the last sequence of numbers (zip code). I'm looking for a general expression from which I can extract the zip codes from addresses from all over the world. I would have to tweak the expression in order for it to work for each country, or for a group of countries, I assume.
I'm trying to write a formula in excel that can recognise the last digit in a string, and from that, extract the numbers immediately before that last digit and stoping whenever it reaches a non-integer. Below I have an example of an address and the formula I've come up with (in E26), but I'm looking for something more compact:
National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER), Phase X, Sector 67, SAS Nagar, Punjab, 160062, India.
=MID(E26, MAX(IF(ISNUMBER(VALUE(MID(E26,ROW(INDIRECT("1:" & LEN(E26))),1))),ROW(INDIRECT("1:" & LEN(E26))))+1)-6, 6)
The first part of recognizing the last digit is working fine, the problem is to recognize the beggining of the sequence, at least in cases where there's also street numbers within the string (such as in this case). This is why I'm subtacting -6 to the position where the last digit was found, since I know the lenght of the zip code in this particular country. However, it may not be the case for all countries.
Plus there are cases, where there's a space between the sequence such as: 160 062. Also, they won't always have delimeters that I could use to extract the zip codes, hence, the reason why a need an algorithm for this.
I was wondering if there's a nitter way to do this? I would be open for VBA. Thanks for your help!
Best regards,

Sum with text conditions

Good afternoon, I'm stuck with a small problem of formulas in excel:
I have a table in another sheet and I have to perform the following operations:
1. number of units sold in Bogota.
2. number of units sold in different cities to Bogota.
I'm trying to use the formula:
For the first requirement works, but at the moment of using it to know which city is different from Bogota, I do not know how to do it; try to use the <> operator but I get an error and placing the formula as follows:
do not add the data (Summation gives 0). Someone has an idea of the problem.
I believe you have to put quotes "like this" around the entire logical statement ""<>BOGOTA"
It can be used like this:
Hope this helps
