Phonegap : Floating bubble notification like facebook messenger in Phonegap - phonegap-plugins

Example image
How to add floating bubble notification like this image in Phonegap.

There is not "an out of box" plugin for what you are looking for. However you can either create your own plugin OR simply use the phonegap-plugin-push plugin and edit it to achieve what you are looking for.
The phonegap-plugin-push plugin has a support for icons. I assume you can further edit/develop this to do what you want.
Please view the push plugin:
This plugin has some support for images and icons.
Reading further, it seems like that the push note plugin only supports the image/icon for Android devices.
But since you have provided a screenshot of Android device, I assume you are working on Android.
Take a note of this:
const push = PushNotification.init({
"android": {
"icon": "phonegap",
"iconColor": "blue"
Where icon is the name of an .png image file in the Android res/drawable folder. For example: platforms/android/res/drawable/phonegap.png


Configure Kotlin Notification In Android Studio made rendering preview

I applied this notification without knowing what it does. Now UI is missing. It says "Some issues were found while trying to render this preview" while preview and when I run app, It shows a blank surface. How and Where can I configure this?
Finally I find what the notification changes in the project.
when I apllied notificitaion , it adds build.gradle:app to this twice like below.
implementation 'androidx.core:core-ktx:+'
implementation 'androidx.core:core-ktx:+'
Although I have already implemented this
This leads rendering problem.

Will the play store icon made by Image Asset in Android Studio cause "Hi-res icon" error?

I use Image Asset in Android Studio to generate the Google Play store icon, you can see Image A.
It's 512 x 512, 32-bit PNG.
But Google Play reject it, the following information is displayed
We found an issue in the following area(s): Hi-res icon
Are there some bugs with Image Asset to generate the Google Play store icon?
Image A
Reject Details
Your app is rejected due to the policy here:
Most likely this is the policy that it breaks:
App titles and icons that are so similar to those of existing products or services that users may be misled
Google is probably worried that the icon is just an microphone icon, which is used in other places in the Android system, and may therefore mislead users that the app is related to Android or Google.
Therefore, I suggest modifying your icon to differentiate it and make it unique, and then they should accept it.

Android Studio not changing API version

Whenever I go and try to click to change the API version, it stays the same and will not switch to the one I choose. Do I need to add something for it to change?
Here is a picture of my IDE:
As you can see, it is on API 15.
I have several different API's listed but it will not change to them if I click on one.
There is two different api, first one is Viewing api, it's shows on editing xml, in this case it's shown as your photo. Second one is real one. Its building api. You can reach them from "Gradle" -> "Build Gradle". There is 2 different API's min sdk and target sdk. You can change api from there. And don't forget to sync your Gradle

DW CS6 - phone gap

trying to dip my toe in mobile web apps, my new version of CS6 Dreamweaver seems to be missing phone gap examples.
Create new, from samples has
jQuery Mobile(CDN)
jQuery Mobile (local)
jQueryMobile with Theme (local)
all of the videos on adobes site seem to indicate
jQuery (phonegap)
jQueryMobile with Theme (phonegap)
Do I need these - why are they missing, where can I get them (or other samples)
I found this on a support form... Answers my question but makes me wonder why all the Adobe videos still show these two options when presenters are showing you CS6
Carey Burgess (Customer Advocate) 4 months ago
... The jQuery Mobile samples pages under Mobile Starters are the right pages to use to get you started developing for PhoneGap Build in Dreamweaver.
The only reason that CS5.5 had separate listings in there for PhoneGap was to automatically insert the Phonegap JavaScript file (cordova.js), which would be extraneous when building apps with PhoneGap Build.
found at:

How to separately style HTML5 apps using the Sencha framework for iOS and Android?

App development in native Apps happens separately for iPhone and Android. But in HTML5 Sencha framework apps, the same HTML5 code is used. Should we use same visual styling for alert boxes or buttons for both platforms or should they look different depending on the platform?
Since the same HTML5 code is used, how do you to take care of different look and feel for both platforms? For example, the menu bar is at bottom for iPhone and for android it is at the top. Or for Android we need to hide the top back button Or how to style the alert boxes or buttons differently for both platforms?
Do we need to use different set of CSS files for iOS and for An?
I was going thru the kitchen sync Sencha application and it shows a very basic styling for alert boxes.
You can use the iOS/Android classes that Sencha Touch will add when detecting user agent. For example, if the device is running iOS the body element has the class "x-ios". For android it will be "x-android". This also applies for specific OS versions (ex: "x-ios-4"). Try overriding your user agent in Chrome and inspect the elements under different agents to get an understanding of the classes. Using these classes you can avoid multiple stylesheets and just set up the CSS accordingly depending on the class.
As for specific layout tweaks that cannot be performed with simple CSS - this is where profiles come into play (!/api/ Set up a profile for Android and iOS, and use the launch function to manipulate specific components as needed.
Using these methods you should be able to keep things organized and minimize the number of separate files needed.
