In Azure, how do I deploy functionapp code without using git? - azure

I created a Resource Manager template which has the Resources to run a function app basically using the default template for this purpose and I can manually copy files to my File Storage under sites\wwwroot and when I curl the functionapp it works.
But what I'm wondering is, what is the right way to deploy a bunch of files to update the actual functionapp, but not using git. I can see some examples of how to use git but my problem is that I want to have all my functions in a single repo not a bunch of smaller repos (I want a monorepo).
In Azure you just upload your code in a .gz file to S3 then when creating the lambda you give it a path to the zip. And then later there is a simple API that you can call to push up a new zip and presto.
What is the equivalent API in azure to just give it a zip and have it unpack the files in the right directory?
I managed to figure it out finally, the top answer was essentially right but there were a few extra steps I had to figure out so I'll put those here.
The specific doc on curl is here. My issue thread with the team is here.
The actual curl call I used is this:
$ curl -XPUT --data-binary ""
Notes on this:
You must use --data-binary, -d results in a bad payload
To create the zip in bash I used: $ zip index.js
abc:xyz is the deployment username and password
The right path to send is site/wwwroot/hello where hello is the name of the function.
You can set the username and password in the azure portal UI (documented here) but you can also set it with the azure-cli like so:
$ az login
$ az webapp deployment user set --user-name abc --password xyz
And that was the trick, once you've setup the deployment credentials you can use them in basic auth to call the kudu api.

Using Rest API to deploy Function App is also allowed in Azure. We could use the following Rest API to do that. We could get more detail info from Kudu REST API. We could get the ftp use and password from publish file, about how to publish file, please refer to another SO thread.
PUT https://{user}:{password}#{FunctionAppname}{path} # example path:site/wwwroot


Private External Git on Azure Function App

Is there any way to configure the deployment center of a function, as below, using the az cli?
I tried to use az functionapp deployment source config, but I didn't find any parameter to put the password and user.
According to the docs you have parameters available to provide the authentication information:
However I don't get these as options when using the Azure CLI -h (not even in the latest version in cloud shell). Not sure if the auto-complete is just failing to parse them or they're not available at all.

How to automatically deploy a web job to Azure portal using Power shell

I have been checking for ways to deploy a web job to azure automatically using PowerShell. I saw some blogs that depict the steps and the following summarizes what I have tried
I build my application (ASP.NET Console Application) in release mode and Zipped the contents of bin/Release to a folder.
In PowerShell, I logged in with az login
Then I tried the following commmand
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://$$webJobName ` -InFile $ZipFile -ContentType "application/zip" -Method Put
$ZipFile has the path to the folder I created on step 1.
The output I get is the following
Invoke-WebRequest : The page was not displayed because the request entity is too large
Please let me know if you know what the issue is or If you have any reference that would help.
Thanks in advance!
Thanks for pitching in everyone! Your input was helpful, however I would like to update the answer with the solution I found that was so easy and saved me so much time. I will like to update you on how I could successfully deploy the app service and web job in a single go. Its very easy and since it deploys web app and corresponding web jobs in a single go, this was the perfect solution for my scenario. Thanks to my colleague who helped me with this solution.
The following depicts the steps I had to go through.
Lets suppose that my app service in Azure is "appService1" and I want to create a triggered web job under appService1 that goes by the name "webJob1".
I followed zip-deployment with azure cli.
Publish your web application (For the app service) solution in release mode to get the files you will have to deploy. Let this folder be WebAppBuild.
Build your application (a console application in my case) that would serve as the web job for the app service in release mode.
Inside the published folder for the web application (for app service ie WebAppBuild in our example), add a folder with the following path
(If you need more than one web jobs deployed, you can create more than one folders like webJob2, webJob3 etc)
Add the files you have in step 2 to this folder. This is basically the files needed for your web job
Zip the contents in a single folder that acts as your deployment folder for web app and web job
Go to powershell and run az login (works if you have installed azure cli, otherwise you will have to install it as well)
Log into your respective account with the prompt window
Run the following commands that sets run from package property to true for your web app and the second command is the actual deployment command
az webapp config appsettings set --resource-group <<resourceGroupName>> --name <<appServiceName>> --settings WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE="1" ;
az webapp deployment source config-zip --resource-group <<resourceGroupName>> --name <<appServiceName>> --src <<zipFilePath>>
Now login to your azure portal and navigate to your web app. Check under web jobs option and you will see that the web job has been created with the files you deployed.
For more help on starting, stopping, deleting the web job with azure cli, go through the following document.
Check here

How do I get into the folder of a Web App in Azure

Recently I am trying to use:
func azure functionapp publish WebAppName --publish-local-settings -i
to publish local.settings.json to a web app (actually an Azure function) but I get this error message:
Unable to find project root. Expecting to find one of host.json in project root.
I have logged in to Azure with az login but it looks like I need to get into the folder where I have deployed the Azure function where all those json files are.
A little background, we are using Octopus Deploy to deploy to an Azure function. After the deployment, we want to add a step so that the local.setting.json will be used to populate app settings.
So how do we change the current folder to be in the Azure function root where all those json files are?
Thanks a lot in advance!
You need to go to your local function project folder to run the command, for example, my function project is under MyFunctionProj folder.
Execute the command
func azure functionapp publish tonyfunc --publish-local-settings -i --publish-settings-only
By the way, if you just want to update the settings, you need add --publish-settings-only parameter.
Core Tools development

Deploy to Azure from CircleCI

I'm using CircleCI for the first time and having trouble publishing to Azure.
The docs don't have an example for Azure, they have an example for AWS and a note for Azure saying "To deploy to Azure, use a similar job to the above example that uses an appropriate command."
If anybody has an example YAML file that would be great, if not a nudge in the right direction would be handy. So far I think I've worked out the following.
I need a config that will install the Azure CLI
I need to put my Azure deployment credentials in an environment variable and
I need to run a deploy command in the YAML file to zip up all the right files and deploy to my Azure app service.
I have no idea if the above is correct, or how to do it, but that's my understanding right now.
I've also posted this on the CircleCi forum.
EDIT: Just to add a little more info, the AWS version of the config file used the following command:
- run:
name: Deploy to S3
command: aws s3 sync jekyll/_site/docs s3://circle-production-static-site/docs/ --delete
So I guess I'm looking for the Azure equivalent.
The easiest way is that on the azure management console you setup as deployment from source control and you can follow this two links
if you want to do the copy of the files from ci to the iis server or azure you will need ssh access the keys etc.. and In the Dependencies section of circle.yml you can have a line such as this:
branch: master
- scp -r circle-pushing/* username#my-server:/path-to-put-files-on-server/
“circle-pushing” is your repo name, which is whatever it’s called in GitHub or Bitbucket, and the rest is the hostname and filepath of the server you want to upload files to.
and probably this could help you understand it better

Clear an App Service instance and upload new content from a zip file

On App Service, what's the best way of deploying new content from a zip file, such that it replaces any existing content?
Please note:
I am running on linux
I cannot use msdeploy
I cannot use git
I cannot use VSTS
It needs to be simple
It cant be prone to timing out
It has to be supported by all subscription levels of App Service
Commands should only return after their respective operation(s) have completed
I have access to ARM templates
Provided it isn't as difficult, I'm sure I could upload files to storage blobs
For more information, see this discussion here:
There is a solution that consists in calling the ARM msdeploy provider to deploy a cloud hosted zip package. This requires no msdeploy on your client, so the fact that msdeploy technology is involved is mostly an implementation detail you can ignore.
There are a couple gotchas that I will call out at the end.
The steps are:
First, get your zip hosted in the cloud. e.g. I have a test one here you can play around with: (note that this zip uses special msdeploy packaging, but you can also use a plain old zip with just your files).
Then run the following command using cli 2.0, replacing your resource group, app name and zip url:
az resource update --resource-group MyRG --namespace Microsoft.Web --parent sites/MySite --resource-type Extensions --name MSDeploy --set properties.packageUri= --api-version 2015-08-01
This will result in the package getting deployed to your wwwroot, and any existing content that's not in the zip getting deleted. It's efficient as it won't touch any files that already exist and are identical to what's in the zip. So it's far faster than trying to clean out everything and unzipping clean (but results are identical).
Now a couple gotchas:
Due to what seems like a bug in CLI 2.0, I wasn't able to pass a URL that contains an equal sign, which rules out SAS URLs. I'll report that to them. For now, test the process with a public zip, like my test package above.
The command line is more complex than it should be. I will also ask the CLI team about this.
