Folium library error in choropleth - python-3.x

Am using folium library with an open data set from kaggle,
map.choropleth(geo_path=country_geo, data=plot_data,
columns=['CountryCode', 'Value'],
fill_color='YlGnBu', fill_opacity=0.7, line_opacity=0.2,
The above part of the code is giving me the following error:
TypeError: choropleth() got an unexpected keyword argument 'geo_path'
When I replace geo_path with geo_data I get this error:
JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 7 column 1 (char 6)

Is the issue related to "UCSanDiegoX: DSE200x Python for Data Science"? I took the advice of Cody and rename geo_path to geo_data at the specifications of map.choropleth.
At the git hub repository, take care of using the RAW data, which is in fact a file structured with the format GeoJSON. The first two lines should start like the code provided below

geo_path doesn't work because it is not a parameter for choropleth. You are correct in replacing it with geo_data.
Your second error is likely due to non-existent or incorrectly formatted geojson file.
From your argument for geo_data needs to be a "URL, file path, or data (json, dict, geopandas, etc) to your GeoJSON geometries".
GeoJSON formatted files follow this structure from
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [125.6, 10.1]
"properties": {
"name": "Dinagat Islands"


string difference in jsondiffpatch nodejs

I am using jsondiffpatch npm module for the difference.
left JSON contains
"inclusionParams": "{\"internalCode\":{\"isIncluded\":true,\"type\":\"string\",\"searchStr\":\"320150,320285,321887,322866,322867,323007,323009,323011,323037,323051,323907,323914\"}}",
right JSON contains
"inclusionParams": "{\"country\":{\"isIncluded\":true,\"type\":\"string\",\"searchStr\":\"US\",\"expr\":null,\"ids\":null},\"ext.dmaCode\":{\"isIncluded\":false,\"type\":\"string\",\"searchStr\":\"868, 801, 641, 597, 504\",\"expr\":null,\"ids\":null},\"status\":{\"isIncluded\":true,\"type\":\"string\",\"searchStr\":\"Active\",\"expr\":null,\"ids\":null}}",
getting difference something like
inclusionParams=["## -80,76 +80,32 ##\n ,855\n-,%22%7D,%22status%22:%7B%22isIncluded%22:true,%22type%22:%22string%22,%22searchStr%22:%22Active%22\n+%22,%22expr%22:null,%22ids%22:null\n %7D,%22c\n## -163,10 +163,33 ##\n tr%22:%22US%22\n+,%22expr%22:null,%22ids%22:null\n %7D%7D\n",0,2];
but I want to get the difference as of right JSON value instead of the above value[character wise difference].
how to achieve it?
are there any configurations?
differ = jsondiffpatch.create({
textDiff: {
// default 60, minimum string length (left and right sides) to use text diff algorythm: google-diff-match-patch
minLength: 10000

Write Past Value in data.txt

I want to write some list in data.txt.
The output from program is:
('(a1, b1)', '(a2, b2)', '(a3, b3)')
('(a4, b4)', '(a5, b5)', '(a6, b6)')
With this lines of code to write in data.txt;
data = {}
data['shapes'] = []
'name': str(,
'Vertices': list(triangle.get_points())
I need output in my data.txt with json format like this:
{"shapes": [{"name": "Triangle", "Vertices": ["(a1, b1)", "(a2, b2)", "(a3, b3)"]}, {"name": "Triangle", "Vertices": ["(a4, b4)", "(a5, b5)", "(a6, b6)"]}]}
But this is what I get:
{"shapes": [{"name": "Triangle", "Vertices": ["(a4, b4)", "(a5, b5)", "(a6, b6)"]}]}
So, how can I write the past value of triangle that have vertices (a1, b1)...(a3, b3)?
This part of your code should be executed only once:
data = {}
data['shapes'] = []
The following part of your code you should execute repeatedly
'name': str(,
'Vertices': list(triangle.get_points())
probably in a loop similar to this one
for triangle in triangles:
'name': str(,
'Vertices': list(triangle.get_points())
It seems like you're overwriting the variable referencing the first triangle object with the next triangle object before appending the first triangle object's information to data['shapes'].
That block of code where you append to your data['shapes'] should be executed twice, once for each triangle object.

How do I declare and use a variable in the yaml file that is formatted for pyresttest?

So, a brief description of what I want, what my issue is, and what I have tried.
I want to declare and use a dictionary variable for my tests in pyrest, specifically for the [url, body] section so that I can conduct my POST tests targeting a specific endpoint and with a preformatted body.
Here is how mytest.yml file is structured:
- data:
- id: 63
- rate: 25
... a sizable set of field for reasons ...
- type: lab_test_authorization
- modified_at: ansible_date_time.datetime # Useful way to generate
- test:
- url: "some-valid-url/{the_url_question}" # data['special_key']
- method: 'POST'
- headers : {etc..etc}
- body: '{ "data": ${the_body_question} }' # data (the content)
Now the problem starts in my lack of understanding why (if true) does pyrest does not have support for dictionary mappings. I understand yaml supports these feature but am not sure if pyrest can parse through it. Knowing how to call and use dictionary variable in my url and body tags would be significantly helpful.
As of right now, if I try to convert my data Sequence into a data Dictionary, I will get an error stating:
yaml.parser.ParserError: while parsing a block mapping
in "<unicode string>", line 4, column 1:
expected <block end>, but found '-'
in "<unicode string>", line 36, column 1:
- config:
I'm pretty sure there are gaps in my knowledge regarding how yaml and pyresttest interact with each other, so any insight would be greatly appreciated.

How to merge a generator with a JSON tree

I have the following python code that is to replace low-precision temperatures in a list of JSON trees, ec2_tcs['zones'] with higher precision temps from a generator, ec1_api.temperatures().
from evohomeclient import EvohomeClient as EvohomeClientVer1
ec1_api = EvohomeClientVer1(client.username, client.password)
for temp in ec1_api.temperatures(force_refresh=True):
for zone in ec2_tcs['zones']:
if str(temp['id']) == str(zone['zoneId']):
if zone['temperatureStatus']['isAvailable']:
zone['temperatureStatus']['temperature'] \
= temp['temp']
# TypeError: usually occurs in client library if problems with vendor's website
except TypeError:
"Failed to obtain higher-precision temperatures"
The JSON data looks like this (an array of JSON data, 1 per 'zone'):
'zoneId': '3432521',
'name': 'Main Room'
'temperatureStatus': {'temperature': 21.5, 'isAvailable': True},
'setpointStatus': {'targetHeatTemperature': 5.0, 'setpointMode': 'FollowSchedule'},
'activeFaults': [],
}, {
and each result from the generator like this:
{'thermostat': 'EMEA_ZONE', 'id': 3432521, 'name': 'Main Room', 'temp': 21.55, 'setpoint': 5.0}
I know Python must have a better way of doing this, but I can't seem to make it fly. Any suggestions would be gratefully received.
I could 'massage' the generator, but there are good reasons why the JSON tree's schema should remain unchanged.
The primary goal is to reduce a number of nested code blocks with a very fancy one-liner!

Azure Stream Analitics list in the list

How do I take the data from the file list if json array is in the list? eg.
"weather":[{"id":804,"main":"Clouds","description":"overcast clouds","icon":"04d"}],
"dt_txt":"2014-07-23 09:00:00"}
How do I get to weather.main?
First your JSON format seem to have errors, let's fix these first:
"weather":[{"id":804,"main":"Clouds","description":"overcast clouds","icon":"04d"}],
"dt_txt":"2014-07-23 09:00:00"}
Note comma after at the end of humidity line, and closed record in the first line after Shuzenji.
Now, in the JSON example weather.main, is actually list[0].weather[0].main. Here is the way to get precisely this value
out of the JSON structure using Array and Record built-in functions:
-- input.list[0].weather[0].main
WeatherMain = GetRecordPropertyValue(GetArrayElement(GetRecordPropertyValue(GetArrayElement(input.list, 0), 'weather'), 0), 'main')
FROM input
