Resolution of image in WordPress - custom-wordpress-pages

Hi I am working on Geodirectory theme with supreme child theme I want to create custom icons for front page so how can I find out exact resolution of it .


Orchard 1.8.1 Containable/Container Layouts

I am using Orchard 1.8.1 and one of the sections of the site I'm building is for a standard photo gallery. Since all the modules involving photo galleries are ancient, I opted to stay native and try using custom content types to build it instead. The way I accomplished this is with a Photo Gallery content type that has the Container part associated, then a Photo Gallery Item content type that has the Containable part associated to it.
Using the Shape Tracing tool, I was able to build out the main gallery page that shows all the individual galleries, but when you go inside a single gallery is where I get lost. The attached screenshot probably shows it best, but in the Content zone, I can see there are two individual items contained under Model.ContentItem.ContainerPart.ItemCount, however I can't figure out how to access those individual items to build a template to show them. The point of the gallery page will be implementing the gallery from Galleria, so whenever I view the individual page for the Photo Gallery content type, I need to access all child items underneath it to build this.
Any ideas?
You can use a media library picker field configured for multiple media, and then edit each image to set its caption and title. Then, it's just a matter of customizing a template override in your theme to make it look exactly the way you want.

Adding pages and templates to a portlet

I am using eclipse ide and I have created a liferay project Test-portlet. I haven't written any code for this project
When I ran this project I got the usual welcome screen and I added the Test-portlet to the page and removed other stuff from the page.
I actually want to create a website using liferay. The website already exists which should be rewritten in liferay.
So when I load the project I get this welcome screen and the Test-portlet. At the top of this page I get the the menu-Admin,Sites,.... and LIferay logo on LHS.
I wish to remove all of these and displa only the web page data of the website. I know I can use themes and layouts for such purpose.
If I should use portlet to create this website , how should I keep adding pages and designs?
Also how should I add pages,themes,templates to this portlet?
Before creating this Test-portlet project, I had created pages using control panel.
How should I create this website? Using portlet by creating project?
Also this Test-portlet is displayed as a small portlet on the entire page. WHen click on the gear symbol and click on maximise, it only maximises during that time and when project is run again, it comes back to its original size.
Should I create this websiste using portlets?
Data for website comes from database. Few pages have static data.
Subsequent pages may be added in future.
HOw should the pages be added if I use portlet to create the website?
Please go through liferay themes and liferay layouts

Reducing the size of the publish menu in Expression Engine

I am fairly new to ee. I have a site built using it but it is not a conventional site. There is only one page and all the content exists around that page, navigated with jquery scrolling.
I want to build a conventional site:
Page structure -
Web design
graphic Design
What I want to avoid is having a massive list of channel fields in the publish drop down menu (as there is on my previous site)
How is it best to organise the channels? I am trying to get my head around the pages module but I will still have loads of channel entries not organised.
I think having a channel called 'Pages' is the best start. Then channel fields for each page. Ok good....but I would need to create loads of field entries for each section of each page:
Pages ->
Home page featured image
Home page left column
home page right column
About featured image
about main content
Services featured image
Services main content
Web design featured image
Web Design main content
Photography featured image
Photography main content
But What I want is to have another two levels to the tree structure
Pages ->
Home ->
Home page featured image
Home page left column
home page right column
About ->
About featured image
about main content
Services ->
Services featured image
Services main content
Web Design ->
Web design featured image
Web Design main content
Photography ->
Photography featured image
Photography main content
Any suggestions or ideas? Am I just supposed to put up with having loads of channel fields, when I want to click on a page and have all the fields for that page come up together so that Home page featured image, Home page left column and home page right column are all edited at the same time from the same entry.
Not sure I completely understand your question but I guessing you are having problems with structuring your navigation in the backend and frontend? this plugin allows you to re-structure the control panel menu to suit different user groups. So you can group your publish channel navigation how you want and reduce it down to any size. So you can call a navigation "edit home page" and have all the corresponding channels in the dropdown.
I also use this plugin to structure by navigation on the frontend
You could also consider the Structure add-on.

Changing text color in Drupal Views admin pages

Hope this is the right place to ask this question. I am new to the forum (and to Drupal!).
I am developing a site using Drupal. Am using Zenophile Midnight and have created a Zen sub Theme. This has three columns, each with a black background.
I am trying to edit a View but when I open the views/edit node I find when I try to create a Filter the text does not show (presumably because it is black). How can I change this just for these pages and not for the whole site? I know the text is there as I can mark it by dragging over it.
Would be grateful for your help.
If you log in as the administrator of the site and select Administer > Site Configuration > Administration Theme there you can change the theme that is used for site administration. This does not affect the theme used by the site for the public view of the site.
You can select the default Garland theme for administration and your custom theme can be applied to the rest of the site.

Help on DotNetNuke

Does any body know how can i change the layout of a dotnetnuke website. I need to modify the standard layout
You can use a custom skin or modify the default skin that comes with the DNN installation. The default skin files are in [Website]\Portals_default\Skins\MinimalExtropy\ where [Website] is your DNN web site folder. If you are new to skinning and have a lot of questions, I am sure that the DNN forums will be helpful - DNN Skinning forums
You can do that by editing the CSS. I had similar issue, for which I used " inspect element" in google chrome that helped me in recognizing div elements and css properties. You can find css in portals_default\Skins\DarkKnight (or your own skin name) \skin.css
If your wanting to do anything outside of the CSS (ie, turn off the search bar on a page); then you have to have full access to the site -- open the site via FTP or download all the files, then you can modify the 'default' page, or the skin file you want to change. my suggestion is to make a 'copy' of the skin default page you want to change, give it a new name, and then save it back to the server. When you go to change the 'skin' theme from the 'site manager' you will see your new skin page listed as an option. Modifying from the CMS does not allow you to modify the actual 'page', only its 'parts'. There is also a starter kit available for Visual Studio, google "DNN Starter Kit" which you can create custom modules, skins and containers.
