sublime text 3 file tabs changed with update (too wide/too smart?) - sublimetext3

A new update to sublime text 3 seems to have changed the way the file tabs work. I'm not even sure what is the proper element for this name but something happened with this:
Before this most recent update, i think the tabs would just shrink as the number increased, and not being able to read the name was a signal that i need to close stuff. Now it feels a lot smarter, it makes sure that i can read the entire name, but then a whole bunch of them can be hidden and stacked at the very beginning or end. I dont like this, how can i change it back?

You can set "enable_tab_scrolling": false, in your user preferences to get the old ST2 behavior back.


Dymola, whitespace and version control

I opened a Modelica library in Dymola, changed one line, closed Dymola and clicked "Save all", now TortoiseSVN is showing several hundred changed files instead of just one file with the one line changed I intended to do. All these changes are either whitespace, or line breaks, introduced by Dymola it seems.
Of course I can now be careful to only commit the file I have changed (and revert the rest), but that makes committing more time-consuming and error-prone than it needs to be. Or I can just commit it all, but that makes it hard for my colleagues to review the change. Also, it feels like it is not deterministic, so a later commit might just revert parts back. I sometimes even revert all changes, then use a text editor to change just the one line. All this makes version control unnecessarily complicated.
When I look at the commits and diffs for e.g. the Modelica Standard library:
The diffs are nice and small and readable usually. Is there a trick to avoid the whitespace issue?
How I can I turn off all autoformatting by Dymola? Is there a technical reason to do it in the first place?
You can reduce (but not entirely prevent) this behavior as follows:
Increase the maximum line length, e.g. to 130
In the GUI: Options > Text Editor > Max line length
From the command line: Advanced.MaxLineLength=130
Let Dymola format your whole library one time
Open the text view of the top-level package
Mark everything with Ctrl+A
Auto-format with Ctrl+Shift+L or Right-Click > Auto-Format
Save everything with Ctrl+Shift+S
Now go through the changes. Most will be useful, but sometimes spaces are removed, which you usually like to keep (especially before import and extends statements. They are sometimes moved to the very left)
Commit the changes
From now on try to save individual models only, not packages
(When packages are saved, Dymola sometimes reformats the nested classes)
There are some things you can do to make pretty git commits for Modelica code:
Use a text editor instead of a graphical editor. You have absolute control of what you change.
Use a graphical editor that does not change whitespace. I'm not sure of other alternatives, but OpenModelica/OMEdit will preserve existing indentation as much as possible (it can also be used to minimize diffs from changes in other tools, but it works less and less well the more changes there are).
Use a formatter as a pre-commit hook (indenting all files according to some settings in the formatter; but then you can't manually change whitespace).
Hope someone on stackoverflow has more alternatives than this.

Sublime text multiple cursors?

Sublime Text is so damn advanced and this seems like such a stupid question, but...
I started writing a for loop in PHP (using SFTP), loved that it gave me a choice to auto-generate the loop. However, it enters this weird multi-cursor mode, which
1)I am not really sure how to use/exit without using the mouse;
2) it seems useless, seeing as all 3 type the same thing, even though I need to change, for example, the $i > x or $i = x.
Although Sublime does indeed support the idea of multiple cursors (which is an incredible time saver and useful as all get out, as we're about to see), what you're actually asking about here is a snippet which in this case happens to also include multiple cursors.
The general idea is that for code that you're likely to type many times (e.g. a for loop), you can create a snippet that will generate the bulk of the text for you in one shot, and then allow you to easily customize it as needed. In this case, the snippet in question is part of the default functionality of Sublime and is provided by the shipped PHP package.
To answer point #2 in your question first, this is far from useless. As seen here, I enter the text for and then press Tab to expand the snippet out. The first thing to notice here is that the status line says Field 1 of 4 to tell me that I'm in a snippet and that it contains four fields.
The first field is the name of the control variable for the loop, and all of them are selected so that as I change the name, all of them change at the same time because when there are multiple cursors, the text you type appears at all of them at the same time.
Once I'm done changing the name of the variable, I press Tab again to go to the next field, which allows me to easily change the point at which the loop starts. Another press of Tab takes me to the third field, where I can specify where the loop ends.
One last press of Tab exits the snippet and selects the text in the loop, so I can start writing my code (caveat: I am not a PHP developer).
At this point you can see Sublime offering another snippet for echo, which would expand out to an echo statement complete with quotes, then allow me to edit the text in the echo and skip to the end.
Circling back around to the first point in your question, you can use Esc at any point to jump out of a snippet and go back to regular editing. You can also use Tab or Shift+Tab to move through the fields in the snippet, and pressing Tab at the last field in the snippet exits it as well.
In this particular case, the first field in the snippet sets up multiple cursors, and so exiting the snippet while this field is active leaves multiple cursors in effect. You can jump back to a single cursor by pressing Esc one more time (this is true regardless of how you ended up with multiple cursors).

How to hide folders list in the title bar?

At this moment in title bar of Sublime Text 3, except full path to the file, I'm currently working with, there is list of all folders I have opened in Sublime Text 3.
There are only 4 folders, and such list in parentheses already wasting space.
IMHO, it's useless feature and I'm interested if there is way to hide this list in title bar.
I don't know of any direct way of hiding the folder names, but you can minimize the space taken up in the title bar by making a 1-character project. Click on Project -> Save Project As... and name it something like A.sublime-project or whatever. Now, instead of this:
You get this:
It's not perfect, but it'll help clean things up a bit.

How to notify the editor about document changes

I work on a custom project system and I have an issue with renaming items. The project system implementation is based on MPF and renaming items via the solution explorer worked more or less without any problems, but...
When an item gets renamed, I also update information which are stored in the file itself. In case the document is opened by the code editor, the text in the editor doesn´t get refreshed (only the document window´s caption changes to the new filename). If I save the open document all changes applied by the rename operation are overriden, of course.
How can I force the editor to reload the document, so that the automatic changes will be shown?
Assuming it's a text file versus some custom designer, use the IVsRunningDocumentTable interfaces to get the text buffer for the file that's currently open. The fourth iteration of the interface is the easiest one to use from managed code. You can call IsMonikerValid (where the "moniker" is the file name) to see if the file is open, and if so then call GetDocumentData to get the IVsTextBuffer for the file. That type itself is fairly annoying to work with, so if you're only supporting Visual Studio 2010 or later, then pass that to this function to get the newer editor APIs version of it.
As far as they "why" it's a good idea to do this: if you edit the file on disk and then try to force a reload, there are various problems you might run into. If the file wasn't saved before the rename, you might accidentally lose those unsaved edits. The reload might cause the undo history of the file to be lost, and any other extensions/features that were tracking points in the file with editor tracking spans or markers might lose the points they're tracking. Performance should be a bit better too if the file is a large file.

Disable split window automatically showing input files (Vim)

In Vim, if you input Latex files vie the \input command, Vim opens up a split window displaying the included files.
This is a pretty cool feature, but after a while it gets really irritating b/c if one opens up a horizontal split that means that there are now 3 (or possibly 4) split windows: 2 that you desire and 2 more telling you what files are included for those 2 files.
you can close the window manually, but then upon saving the file it reappears again. How can I disable this for include statements only?
EDIT: I do not want to remove the split entirely. It does sometimes provide useful information. For example, if I type "see figure \ref{foo_bar}" it will warn me that I should instead use "see figure~\ref{foo_bar}". But that will go away after I fix the problem and save it. With \input statements, however, the split window never does.
