Gmail API: filter, edit and then forward an email - gmail

Is it possible to create a filter for a certain email, to automate an edit of the email's content and then forward to a list of addresses?

Explore this documentation to help you started.
The Gmail API is a RESTful API that can be used to access Gmail
mailboxes and send mail. For most web applications (including mobile
apps), the Gmail API is the best choice for authorized access to a
user's Gmail data.
The Gmail API gives you flexible, RESTful access to the user's inbox,
with a natural interface to Threads, Messages, Labels, Drafts,
History, and. Settings. From the modern language of your choice, your
app can use the API to add Gmail features like:
Read messages from Gmail
Send email messages
Modify the labels applied to messages and threads
Search for specific messages and threads
Create filters to automatically label, forward, or archive messages


Is it possible to add custom application data to an email via the Gmail API?

I am currently sending email via the Gmail API using the Google Node SDK. I am successful in doing so, but my application requires that I be able to attach specific identifiers to emails that I send in order to be able to track and process certain events correctly.
I have heard of custom metadata being added to emails sent through other services such as Mailchimp, Postmark, etc so it seems like some sort of standard to be able to do this in email. I however, have not been able to find how to do this via the Gmail API specifically. Is this even possible?
No, you cannot add custom application data to messages sent via Gmail API.
The corresponding Message resource doesn't include any property for custom metadata.
And the related methods send and insert don't allow this either.
Issue Tracker:
A related feature request was reported in Issue Tracker, I'd suggest you to star it:
Add Custom Metadata to Email Messages via Gmail Api
I'd suggest you to use labels to identify messages.

How to send information from an app to another e-mail without using e-mail?

I am programming a quiz-app where the player should have the possibility to sent his own questions to a customer feedback email address with his own question suggestions. The question I have now, is it possible to sent the data that the user types in the EditText fields to an E-mail address without using the address of the player?
I presume you will have a server and REST API for authentication, serve quiz questions, verify answer etc.
Add one more REST API to above list to accept feedback. Your Android App should capture data from text field, and call REST API just like it would have called any other API. REST API can derive user information from an auth token. REST API on server can use third party email service eg. Sendgrid or AWS SES to eventually send an email to target email address.
If you are not performing user authentication, Android application can optionally send some additional information about user to the REST API.
If you are not using server itself, then you will have to consider using a server and maintain your own REST API, or opt for server-less architecture e.g. AWS Lambda.
In any case, you shall consider using one of the third party email service rather than setting your own email setup.

Can gmail ( post incoming mails to my application instead of my applications pulls the mail?

I am using to send mails.
I want to read/parse mails in my application.
I know how to pull the mails, there are API libraries to handle that. It is bit over do for my application.
Instead, is there any way gmail can post mails to my application like sendgrid does ?
If you want to get emails from a gmail account, and want a webhook to do such, you could use's Webhook Feature.
However, at the maximum volume you'll be able to send out with Gmail, I'd recommend looking toward an email service provider's free plan. If you're familiar with SendGrid already SendGrid's Free Plan will give you access to both low volume sending, and the Parse webhook. Other email service providers will give you the same functionality on their free plans, as well (e.g. Mailgun).
Disclaimer: I am a SendGrid employee.

how can i send a json+ld email to myself in gmail

gmail recently announced support for in-app and one-click actions. They note that one can immediately test out the schema by sending an email from oneself to oneself i.e. from to (1)
My question is how do i send an email with the json+ld markup - I can only send text and/or html and if i try to send using mailgun / sendgrid etc. than the email won't be from
So, how do i test this??
Many options, three that come into my mind right now are:
use the Apps Script Gmail service, as shown in our Apps Script quickstart guide
use App Engine as in the end-to-end example in the documentation
connect to Gmail via SMTP to send emails from there

Mass Emails Getting Rejected by Google

I need help automating mass emails I'm sending daily.
I'm trying to send out automated mass emails through a Gmail account (My Business uses Google Apps). I built a Java program that allows me to enter my credentials (gmail username & password), Subject Line, Email List, and enter is a body template. The program then sends out emails one at a time to each of the contacts which are in a comma delimited list. This isn't spam as I'm getting the users to submit their email address.
I got this Mail Delivery Message today: "Technical details of permanent failure: Message rejected." I read that Google will only allow a maximum of 100 recipients to any message through its smtp gateway - and there's a maximum of 500 messages in any 24 hr period.
I need a new strategy. How do I build a program to automate sending of ~100-200 emails a day? Do I need to be buying IP's, SMTP Servers, write a new PHP application? I need a place to start because this is out of my scope.
Gmail is not designed for email marketing as you have seen. In the past I have used a Google App Engine account for sending tens to hundreds of thousands of emails (because that was where the domain was managed), but that can be a pain to manage.
You could consider using a service that specializes in email marketing. I have heard good things about Campaign Monitor and MailChimp. Plus MailChimp can integrate into Google Apps.
We use but I was looking at switching to Google when we switch to Google Apps in the near future. I'll have to drill in a bit more. IN the meantime, give authsmtp a try.
Google specifically rejects this type of behavior/use of their system.
I would suggest trying a system that is built for this type of activity such as MailChimp or Aweber.
