How to combine data from two end points that don't need to be called the same amount of times? [nodejs] - node.js

I'm creating an end point that gives the current traffic conditions and the temperature. It combines data from two endpoints:
GET current traffic statistics (at every request)
GET current temperature (every 3 hours)
A simple solution would be to chain two promises together, but I don't need to call 2. at every request. How could I structure my code to hold the data for 2. and refresh it periodically?

create temperature module with current temperature value, setInterval to update this value every 3 hours.
On your endpoint make request for traffic data, and read cached value from temperature module.


How to aggregate data by period in a rrdtool graph

I have a rrd file with average ping times to a server (GAUGE) every minute and when the server is offline (which is very frequent for reasons that doesn't matter now) it stores a NaN/unknown.
I'd like to create a graph with the percentage the server is offline each hour which I think can be achieved by counting every NaN within 60 samples and then dividing by 60.
For now I get to the point where I define a variable that is 1 when the server is offline and 0 otherwise, but I already read the docs and don't know how to aggregate this:
DEF:avg=server.rrd:rtt:AVERAGE CDEF:offline=avg,UN,1,0,IF
Is it possible to do this when creating a graph? Or I will have to store that info in another rrd?
I don't think you can do exactly what you want, but you have a couple of options.
You can define a sliding window average, that shows the percentage of the previous hour that was unknown, and graph that, using TRENDNAN.
This defines avg as the 1-min time series of ping data. Note we use step=60 to ensure we get the best resolution of data even in a smaller graph. Then we define offline as 100 when the server is there, 0 when not. Then, pcavail is a 1-hour sliding window average of this, which will in effect be the percentage of time during the previous hour during which the server was available.
However, there's a problem in that RRDTool will silently summarise the source data before you get your hands on it, if there are many data points to a pixel in the graph (this won't happen if doing a fetch of course). To get around that, you'd need to have the offline CDEF done at store time -- IE, have a COMPUTE type DS that is 100 or 0 depending on if the avg DS is known. Then, any averaging will preserve data (normal averaging omits the unknowns, or the xff setting makes the whole cdp unknown).
rrdtool create ...
rrdtool graph ...
If you are able to modify your RRD, and do not need historical data, then use of a COMPUTE in this way will allow you to display your data in a 1-hour stepped graph as you wanted.

Tracking a counter value in application insights

I'm trying to use application insights to keep track of a counter of number of active streams in my application. I have 2 goals to achieve:
Show the current (or at least recent) number of active streams in a dashboard
Activate a kind of warning if the number exceeds a certain limit.
These streams can be quite long lived, and sometimes brief. So the number can sometimes change say 100 times a second, and sometimes remain unchanged for many hours.
I have been trying to track this active streams count as an application insights metric.
I'm incrementing a counter in my application when a new stream opens, and decrementing when one closes. On each change I use the telemetry client something like this
var myMetric = myTelemetryClient.GetMetric("Metricname");
When I query my metric values with Kusto, I see that because of these clusters of activity within a 10 sec period, my metric values get aggregated. For the purposes of my alarm, I can live with that, as I can look at the max value of the aggregate. But I can't present a dashboard of the number of active streams, as I have no way of knowing the number of active streams between my measurement points. I know the min value, max and average, but I don't know the last value of the aggregate period, and since it can be somewhere between 0 and 1000, its no help.
So the solution I have doesn't serve my needs, I thought of a couple of changes:
Adding a scheduled pump to my counter component, which will send the current counter value, once every say 5 minutes. But I don't like that I then have to add a thread for each of these counters.
Adding a timer to send the current value once, 5 minutes after the last change. Countdown gets reset each time the counter changes. This has the same problem as above, and does an excessive amount of work to reset the counter when it could be changing thousands of times a second.
In the end, I don't think my needs are all that exotic, so I wonder if I'm using app insights incorrectly.
Is there some way I can change the metric's behavior to suit my purposes? I appreciate that it's pre-aggregating before sending data in order to reduce ingest costs, but it's preventing me from solving a simple problem.
Is a metric even the right way to do this? Are there alternative approaches within app insights?
You can use TrackMetric instead of the GetMetric ceremony to track individual values withouth aggregation. From the docs:
Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.TelemetryClient.TrackMetric is not the preferred method for sending metrics. Metrics should always be pre-aggregated across a time period before being sent. Use one of the GetMetric(..) overloads to get a metric object for accessing SDK pre-aggregation capabilities. If you are implementing your own pre-aggregation logic, you can use the TrackMetric() method to send the resulting aggregates.
But you can also use events as described next:
If your application requires sending a separate telemetry item at every occasion without aggregation across time, you likely have a use case for event telemetry; see TelemetryClient.TrackEvent (Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.DataContracts.EventTelemetry).

Getting Multiple Last Price Quotes from Interactive Brokers's API

I have a question regarding the Python API of Interactive Brokers.
Can multiple asset and stock contracts be passed into reqMktData() function and obtain the last prices? (I can set the snapshots = TRUE in reqMktData to get the last price. You can assume that I have subscribed to the appropriate data services.)
To put things in perspective, this is what I am trying to do:
1) Call reqMktData, get last prices for multiple assets.
2) Feed the data into my prediction engine, and do something
3) Go to step 1.
When I contacted Interactive Brokers, they said:
"Only one contract can be passed to reqMktData() at one time, so there is no bulk request feature in requesting real time data."
Obviously one way to get around this is to do a loop but this is too slow. Another way to do this is through multithreading but this is a lot of work plus I can't afford the extra expense of a new computer. I am not interested in either one.
Any suggestions?
You can only specify 1 contract in each reqMktData call. There is no choice but to use a loop of some type. The speed shouldn't be an issue as you can make up to 50 requests per second, maybe even more for snapshots.
The speed issue could be that you want too much data (> 50/s) or you're using an old version of the IB python api, check in for lock.acquire, I've deleted all of them. Also, if there has been no trade for >10 seconds, IB will wait for a trade before sending a snapshot. Test with active symbols.
However, what you should do is request live streaming data by setting snapshot to false and just keep track of the last price in the stream. You can stream up to 100 tickers with the default minimums. You keep them separate by using unique ticker ids.

Azure Data Factory Data-Set Slicing

I have some trouble understanding slicing (Dataset Availability) in Azure Data Factory. Let's say I have a source dataset which never changes. Then I for some reason set up hourly slicing for my source data set. Will each slice then be identical? What is the point of using slices at all in such case (i.e. why is it Required)?
Or another case, let's say my source dataset is appended with new data continuously (for example an event log). And each morning I want to do some analysis on all history of that log. Should I then set up daily slicing? Will each slice include the full history or just the last day?
The slices are the intervals in which the pipeline is executed within the period defined in the start and end properties of the pipeline.
If you have a fix source and you execute an activity more than once, it will always use the same source (because it does not change). Lets say you set the start time and end time to be a day, and set the frequency to be 1 hour - the activity will be executed 24 times. You will have 24 slices, all using the same data source.
For your second scenario, if the data keeps changing, you can set the frequency to once a day. What will be processed depends on the activity you define in the pipeline - lets say that the pipeline deletes the old source once it finish processing, or there's logic in the activity the takes only the new data.

How to deal with a large amount of logs and redis?

Say I have about 150 requests coming in every second to an api (node.js) which are then logged in Redis. At that rate, the moderately priced RedisToGo instance will fill up every hour or so.
The logs are only necessary to generate daily\monthly\annual statistics: which was the top requested keyword, which was the top requested url, total number of requests daily, etc. No super heavy calculations, but a somewhat time-consuming run through arrays to see which is the most frequent element in each.
If I analyze and then dump this data (with a setInterval function in node maybe?), say, every 30 minutes, it doesn't seem like such a big deal. But what if all of sudden I have to deal with, say, 2500 requests per second?
All of a sudden I'm dealing with 4.5 ~Gb of data per hour. About 2.25Gb every 30 minutes. Even with how fast redis\node are, it'd still take a minute to calculate the most frequent requests.
What will happen to the redis instance while 2.25 gb worth of dada is being processed? (from a list, I imagine)
Is there a better way to deal with potentially large amounts of log data than moving it to redis and then flushing it out periodically?
IMO, you should not use Redis as a buffer to store your log lines and process them in batch afterwards. It does not really make sense to consume memory for this. You will better served by collecting your logs in a single server and write them on a filesystem.
Now what you can do with Redis is trying to calculate your statistics in real-time. This is where Redis really shines. Instead of keeping the raw data in Redis (to be processed in batch later), you can directly store and aggregate the statistics you need to calculate.
For instance, for each log line, you could pipeline the following commands to Redis:
zincrby day:top:keyword 1 my_keyword
zincrby day:top:url 1 my_url
incr day:nb_req
This will calculate the top keywords, top urls and number of requests for the current day. At the end of the day:
# Save data and reset counters (atomically)
rename day:top:keyword tmp:top:keyword
rename day:top:url tmp:top:url
rename day:nb_req tmp:nb_req
# Keep only the 100 top keyword and url of the day
zremrangebyrank tmp:top:keyword 0 -101
zremrangebyrank tmp:top:url 0 -101
# Aggregate monthly statistics for keyword
rename month:top:keyword tmp
zunionstore month:top:keyword 2 tmp tmp:top:keyword
del tmp tmp:top:keyword
# Aggregate monthly statistics for url
rename month:top:url tmp
zunionstore month:top:url 2 tmp tmp:top:url
del tmp tmp:top:url
# Aggregate number of requests of the month
get tmp:nb_req
incr month:nb_req <result of the previous command>
del tmp:nb_req
At the end of the month, the process is completely similar (using zunionstore or get/incr on monthly data to aggregate the yearly data).
The main benefit of this approach is the number of operations done for each log line is limited while the monthly and yearly aggregation can easily be calculated.
how about using flume or chukwa (or perhaps even scribe) to move log data to a different server (if available) - you could store log data using hadoop/hbase or any other disk based store.
