WGET and Google Save Browsing API v4 - - linux

I'm configuring Mod_Security on my server. The problem that im strugling with pulling Google Save Browsing Database into my server as SecGsbLookupDb.dat file. They recommend to use WGET, but i cannot find example command, im not fluent with wget command as well. Cpanel doesn't have sample command in documentation, so im stucked.
Here is the commands that im use:
wget ttps://safebrowsing.google.com/safebrowsing/threatMatches:find?key=mykey
wget ttps://safebrowsing.google.com/safebrowsing/list?key=mykey
Its showing me 400 errors, 404 errors, don't know what im doing wrong. Maybe my wget command is wrong.

cPanel forum mentioned
You will need to consult with Google if you have obtained an API key and there's no valid download location. The feature was deprecated in Mod_Security after Google began forcing the use of an API key to download the file.


Azure Service Editor config changes are not applicated

I have a problem with my QnA Bot App. I made some changes to basic responses (No answer found, Hello and Goodbye) in Azure Service Editor. I have also changed a default HTML webpage. Changes made in a HTML website were made instantly, but the config files with new welcome responses were not.
I am sure that I once watched a tutorial that provided information that after you change some stuff in configs files you need to commit them using Kudo Console. I tried restarting the app but it did not work.
I am beginner. Does anyone remember what is the command?
I tried searching through my whole browser history but I still cannot find it.
I used command deploy and it worked.

How to fix 'ffmpeg server returned 403 forbidden (access denied)?

I'm writing a website to convert youtube videos using NodeJS. I am using a package to convert them (horizon-youtube-mp3). The package works, however, I'm having problems converting. Whenever I try to convert a youtube link, it will return 'server returned 403 forbidden access'.
This error happens in 95% of the links. Some links actually work and convert correctly, but only a few.
I tried running the script on 3 different computers running 3 different OS's. My VPS, my laptop and my home PC. I looked on the web but couldn't find anything useful.
So yeah, I completely suck since I really don't understand why one video would convert, and the other won't. Even if the region of the video is the same.
Any help would be highly appreciated!

Python 3 SharePoint CSV Retrieval

I'm relatively new to Python and have been left scratching my head now for a few days whilst trying to resolve what I feel should be a relatively straightforward task.
The aim is to connect to a corporate SharePoint site (i.e. xxxxx.sharepoint.com) and download a CSV file that's stored there to somewhere on the network (or even local system).
The file can be found in the following location. If I copy and paste it in to a the web address field it downloads the file perfectly:
However, try as I might, I cannot seem to download it via a Python script. I believe we are behind a proxy server (no credentials required):
I've tried using requests, requests_ntlm, sharepoint, urllib3 etc etc but constantly get a "403: Forbidden" error. I have tried passing it my own credentials (and given the file was created by myself on SharePoint I can't see that it would be down to me genuinely not having access).
Is anyone able to post a script that will achieve my aims, based on the proxy and url I've posted above?
Sounds like your python isn't picking up the assumed Windows proxy environment (presumably you are behind something like a corporate firewall).
The solution is to use cntlm which will allow you to tunnel your existing connections through a local proxy.
See this Q&A for more info on setting CNTLM up

Azure Chef Automate Starter Kit

I have a Chef Automate server in Azure that I am just starting to configure according to the Chef Docs (https://docs.chef.io/azure_portal.html). I successfully setup my credentials and logged into the Chef server, however, I was not prompted to download the starter_kit.zip file. Is there a way to manually download this file, and if so, how/where can I do that?
I also run the following command on the Chef Automate server and get a 404 Not Found error.
curl -X GET https://MY-AUTOMATE-SERVER.azure.com/biscotti/setup/starter-kit -k
I don't think the Starter Kit was carried over from the Manage product to Automate. You would normally just make your own knife config file these days.

Issue with php code on azure

I am trying to run the PHP code shown on this page - https://developers.hubspot.com/docs/methods/forms/submit_form (scroll down a bit).
This worked fine on my rackspace cloudsite but now that I have moved to azure it doesn't run at all. I saw some things about curl not being support on azure but it appears to be running and I saw a post in March 2013 it is now supported on azure.
Any idea why that code would not run in Azure Websites?
You should first enable PHP Error Output, to get a detailed information about the error. I found this article on google: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/silverlining/archive/2012/10/16/getting-error-info-for-php-sites-in-windows-azure-web-sites.aspx
If missing curl is the problem, you can install the curl extention this way: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/silverlining/archive/2012/09/17/using-custom-php-extensions-in-windows-azure-web-sites.aspx
I had a similar issue, which was resolved with information in this article: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/azureossds/archive/2015/06/12/verify-peer-certificate-from-php-curl-for-azure-apps.aspx
