Automatically updating data across multiple worksheets - excel

I'm trying to create an excel workbook where updates to a master spreadsheet will be automatically reflected onto worksheets within the same workbook which derive from filtered data from the master spreadsheet.
I tried resolving this issue by creating links between rows from the master spreadsheet to the derivative worksheets. Since they are tables, however, they will constantly be filtered which I have discovered breaks the links. Since the links were row-dependent, I cannot think of a way to be able to link all of them without constant breaks. Is there a way around this issue despite the fact that there are many variables at play?

Consider using PivotTables.
Drag all relevant fields to the row area (turn off all (sub-)totals) and the field you wish to filter for as the page filter.
Select the Options dropdown on the Pivot table Analyze contextual ribbon tab and choose "Show report filter pages".


How to search across multiple excels for values and summarize to one excel workbook

I have 1000 excel workbooks and I have to summarize data in one excel workbook. Each workbook consists of data of one property (id of property, region, market value etc.) In the summary workbook I want to insert in a column the id of property and automatically search across the file of workbooks and insert the value for its region, market value etc.
I am going to first assume that there is some structure to the workbooks you are discussing, for example all market value workbooks are the same but only the data is different. it would also be great if they were in different folders and if they were named in a consistent way.
This is only an example with links to different content that will help solve your problem. Your question is too vague and does not provide me with specific enough information to provide exact solution.
Combining records.
Merge Records.
Pivot Table Slicer for summary reports.
Your best bet would be to use the power query feature to combine data from workbooks inside a folder
From DATA TAB -> Select GET DATA drop down from Get & Transform ribbon -> From File -> From Folder.
You should be able to combine all the workbooks in folder If your problem is simple.
If each workbook has multiple pages of info and the pages differ then you will need to create a custom function in power query to handle this issue.
If workbooks are all in one folder then you will need to run power query multiple times per condition and use a filter with power query assuming that the files have some kind of organized naming convention.
Once you have combined files and cleaned up the data you should be able to combine the records.
You will do this using the power query feature merge feature.
From DATA TAB -> Select GET DATA drop down from Get & Transform ribbon -> Combine Queries -> Merge.
Once records are all merged you should be able to have your final table and use a pivot table to give you the option to select ID with filters or pivot table slicers so that you can have the summary report by ID going across all the workbooks like you wanted.
If anything is unclear please provide more info so i can help you specifically

How can I automatically refresh filtered data?

I have two sheets of data; 'Master' contains information about cargo and it's location, 'X ray' contains all rows matching the same location.
I've created a true/false statement that checks location and pulls all relevant data to 'X ray'. That is working perfectly. However, i have to re apply the filter to see the changes.
I want the filter in 'x ray' to auto refresh when a change is made in the 'master' sheet.
The column i'm filtering is 'IF True' in A1, When the data displays 'True, show row.
I've tried many of the different methods on stack overflow, but with no success. I have low level ability with VBA code.
I think you can have the "auto refresh" only by using Pivot tables. Try to create your second tables as linked pivot table using the data from the first table.

Excel extract all rows from another dynamic workbook with criteria

I have a excel master list (Master.xls) which is updated regularly with tons of rows of data example it has unique column A,B,C,D,E. I need to create a new workbook (Report.xls) with reference to the master list (without editing or adding filter in master list) and extract all the rows that fulfill criteria example, get and display all the rows that column C = 300. In way where by when i update the master list, this report will update after refresh.
I tried online using Index but is not working and trying to minimise the use of macros or vba
What you describe is the perfect scenario for Power Query. Use it from a new workbook, load the master workbook into the query editor, filter and clean the data as you need and save to a sheet.
When the data in the master file changes, all you have to do is refresh the query. All this can be done without writing a single line of code, just clicking icons in the user interface.

Copy Filters from one PowerPivot PivotTable to another

I have 2 PivotTables that were created from PowerPivot connections. I would like the second PivotTable to change based on a selection the user makes on the first PivotTable. I have some VBA background, so you don't need to write the whole code but point me to the right functions/structure.
If you use slicers, you can simply link both tables to the same set of slicers. You can even have multiple copies of each slicer.
It's the same in all versions of Excel since 2010. Here's a link.
Edit: Adding information from my comment below here.
You can use this technique even when you're explicitly using a filter on the pivot table, whether by adding a field to the Filters section, or by putting that field on the row/column labels and then limiting the selection based on that row/column header drop down. You can mix and match these as well, with Pivot1 having the field in question in the Filters section, and Pivot2 having the field in the Rows section.
Just create your two pivot tables as normal, and then connect both to the same slicer. This slicer can be hidden on another sheet that is not displayed to the end users. This solution is much more expedient than the VBA solutions I've seen.

How to select entire excel spreadsheet for pivot table?

I want to be able to select and reference all of the tabs in my excel spreadsheet (to get totals of everything), but the data source only allows one tab to be selected... is there a way to select and use the entire workbook in the pivot table?
Thank you!
You actually just have a data formatting problem. You're using tabs to separate devices by departments instead of simply creating a department field/column and putting everything in one tab. The data was likely delivered to you that way, but don't let the delivery format define the true working format of the data.
Combine everything in one tab, and then you'll be able to use the data in a pivot table just fine.
If you have more data than will fit in a tab, put it in a database such as MS Access, MS SQLServer or mySQL, and then tell excel to use the database as the pivot table source.
I think Jonathan M has the best answer, but here's a way to do it using SQL that I've used successfully.
I don't know any easy way of doing this, but you could write a macro to copy and paste all your existing sheets onto a single new sheet (assuming there's enough room on a single sheet).
In 2007 Multiple Consolidated Ranges isn't in the default pivot table window. You need to create your pivot table, click on it, hit Alt + D, then P. Click back to step one and you'll have the option for multiple consolidated ranges.
Select the data on any of the one sheet and hit Alt D > P. It will show you Step 1 of 3 for PivotTable Wizard. Now select Multiple Consolidation Ranges and hit Next.
Select and add different fields from different tabs and it will create a consolidated range for your PivotTable and then you can run your PivotTable based on data located on different tabs of sheet at the same time.
Hope it helps.
