Condense many tables with overlapping information into one table - excel

I have an excel workbook with 15 worksheets. Each worksheet contains one table with a list of species. There is quite a bit of overlap of species among the worksheets. So I'm trying to reduce that overlap by merging everything into a table.
I need to condense all 15 worksheets into one table that lists all of the species one time, and then shows if each species was present in worksheet X. So basically the first column would be all of the species, the column names would be each worksheet, and the body of the table would be check marks indicating if the species appeared in worksheet X. Here is an example:
Worksheet 1 Worksheet 2
Species Species Code Species Species Code
Casurina equisitifolia caeq Odocoilius virginianus odvi
Columbrina asiatica coas Gavia immer gaim
Gavia immer gaim
The table I want to create
Species Worksheet 1 Worksheet 2
Casurina equisitifolia Y N
Columbrina asiatica Y N
Gavia immer Y Y
Odocoilius virginianus N Y``

There are different ways to achieve this. Below is one approach:
First create a new worksheet (referenced as Sheet1 for this example) in your workbook. Add the names in column "A". Now add your sheet name as a header in respective columns. Then add the below formula in cell "B2":
Where Sheet1!A2 holds the name you are looking for. Sheet2!$A:$A is your first sheet that holds the names (in column "A" of Sheet2 for this example). This will give you "Y" if the name exist or "N" if it doesn't exist. Now drag the formula cell down the length of names and it will give you what you need for sheet 2. Repeat this process for each of the sheets you have and you should have what you need. Hope this helps


Excel need to find exact matches in two columns compared to two other columns in a different sheet

I have two worksheets with data from two different years. I have data in columns A and B in sheet 1 with names of groups (column A) and individuals (column B). I need to find all of the data in sheet 2 that matches sheet 1. For example, say in sheet 1 Row A contains company X and Row B contains individual Y. I need to find if in sheet 2 there are any instances of the exact combination of company X and individual Y.
Let me know if I need to elaborate, having trouble explaining this one


I am completely new to VBA and an amateur to Excel. I am currently trying to learn VBA and so decided to set myself an achievable goal for my own progression. This project is the creation of a tool for documenting and presenting feedback.
Sheet 1, Cell B2 will be my cell range that'll be used for the VLOOKUP to refer to, this is a unique identifier.
B2:B25 is information that's brought from a table in sheet 2 via a standard VLOOKUP formula and contains all relevant information on the person the unique ID is associated with.
I am trying to add a button in C6 which looks up the unique ID in sheet 2 and adds one to the value within a specific cell.
For example: Sheet 1:
Column A Column B Column C
Problem 1 Count Button to +1
(VLOOKUP used) (Macro Button)
Sheet 2: Table Ranges from A:W
A: Employee Number (Unique Identifier)
B: Name of employee
C: Training Status
D:W: Problems 1 - 20 (With count to how many of these problems the employee has encountered / made).
I have so far discovered that:
Sheets("Sheet2").Range("D2") = Sheets("Sheet2").Range("D2").Value + 1
Works for adding +1 to the value declared in Sheet 2, D2.
What I'm struggling with is introducing a VLOOKUP function so that the button first finds the employee number declared in Sheet 1:B2 then +1 to the value.
Sheet 2

Excel: Linking the data of one Table's column to Table in another Workbook

Thank you for reading my question.
I am looking to replicate certain columns (e.g columns A,D,F) from a table (e.g TableX) DYNAMICALLY to a set of columns (e.g columns H, J, K) in a second table (Table Y) in a second workbook (Workbook 2).
I want to make sure the link is live between the two, and that if I delete or add rows to Table 1, Table 2 automatically expands/retracts to represent the same number of entries.
I have tried linking the tables, but I end up with !REF errors. I have tried Linking Named Ranges, but I seem to lose expansibility. I have tried linking Table 1 to an Access database, then Linking that Access database with Table 2, but have not been able to get it to work.
Any thoughts?
Cheers for any help.
If the Row Number of Table 1 in Excel Workbook 1 and Table 2 in the Excel Workbook 2 are the same, (Example, both tables begin at row number 5), then use the following formula
=IFERROR(IF(ISBLANK('Excel Workbook 1.xlsx'!Table1[[#This Row],[Col_A]]),"",'Excel Workbook 1.xlsx'!Table1[[#This Row],[Col_A]]),"")
If the row numbers of Table 1 and Table 2 are different, (Example Table 1 begin at row 8 and Table 2 begins at Row 25) then use the below formula.
=IF(ISBLANK(OFFSET('Excel Workbook 1.xlsx'!Table1[#Data],ROW()-ROW(D$4)-1,0,1,1)),"",OFFSET('Excel Workbook 1.xlsx'!Table1[#Data],ROW()-ROW(D$4)-1,0,1,1))
In the 2nd formula, the D4 is the location of the title of the column of Table 2.
In the 2nd Formula, I am assuming that there is no data below Table 1. All rows below the title of Table 1 should only contain data which is a part of Table 1.
Change the Cell References, Workbook Names, Sheet Names and Table Names as required.
I hope this solves your problem.
Vijaykumar Shetye,
Spreadsheet Excellence,
Panaji, Goa, India

need to copy data from one sheet to another depending on a value of the first sheet

i have never used excel except for in college and well that was a while ago, what i have is 3 sheets sheet 1 contains all user information sheet 2 is company information and sheet 3 is company member information,
now what i need to do is this,
i need to loop through sheet 1 column K and search for what is not "Individual" then i need the value of sheet 1 column A and put that in sheet 3 column C
i also need the index of the same row that does not equal "Individual" and use that to grab the value of sheet 2 column A and put that in sheet 3 column B
hopefully that makes sense and is actually possible and any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

Excel: Find unique values in a column with criteria between sheets

I've read many answers to similar questions but none I've seen satisfy my task, or I'm implementing it incorrectly.
I have two worksheets.
Worksheet 1:
Column A - a list of URLs
Column B - a list of anchor texts
Worksheet 2:
Column A - a list of URLs
In Worksheet 2, column B: I want to count the # of times there is a unique value in Worksheet 1, column B that corresponds to the URL in Worksheet 2, column A.
Is this possible?
Many thanks in advance.
I think you can achieve this by using a pivot table where first you select rows = urls and then rows = text_excerpts. After that, in values you should use 'count values of text'.
Then you'll have a pivot table that looks like this one:
Note that the url3, that contains 2 times the text1 and 1 time text3. In other hand, the url7 contains 1x text1 and 2x text5.
