Apache Zeppelin & Spark Streaming: Twitter Example only works local - apache-spark

I just added the example project to my Zeppelin Notebook from http://zeppelin-project.org/docs/tutorial/tutorial.html (section "Tutorial with Streaming Data"). The problem I now have is that the application seems only to work local. If I change the Spark interpreter setting "master" from "local[*]" to "spark://master:7077" the application won't bring any result anymore when I'm doing the same SQL statement. Am I doing anything wrong? I already restarted the Zeppelin interpreter, also the whole Zeppelin daemon and the Spark cluster, nothing solved the issue! Can someone help.
I use the following installation:
Spark 1.5.1 (prebuild for Hadoop 2.6+), Master + 2x Slaves
Zeppelin 0.5.5 (installed on Spark's master node)
Also the following installation won't work for me:
Spark 1.5.0 (prebuild for Hadoop 2.6+), Master + 2x Slaves
Zeppelin 0.5.5 (installed on Spark's master node)
Screenshot: local setting (works!)
Screenshot: cluster setting (won't work!)
The job seems to run correctly in cluster mode:

I got it after 2 days of trying around!
The difference between the local Zeppelin Spark interpreter and the Spark Cluster seems to be, that the local one has included the Twitter Utils which are needed for executing the Twitter Streaming example, and the Spark Cluster doesn't have this library by default.
Therefore you have to add the dependency manually in the Zeppelin Notebook before starting the application with Spark cluster as master. So the first paragraph of the Notebook must be:
If an error occures on running this paragraph, just try to restart the Zeppelin server via ./bin/zeppelin-daemon.sh stop (& start)!


How to setup YARN with Spark in cluster mode

I need to setup spark cluster (1 Master and 2 slaves nodes) on centos7 along with resource manager as YARN. I am new to all this and still exploring. Can somebody share me detailed steps of setting up Spark with Yarn in cluster mode.
Afterwards i have to integrate Livy too(an open source REST interface for using Spark from anywhere).
Inputs are welcome.Thanks
YARN is part of Hadoop. So, a Hadoop installation is necessary to run Spark on YARN.
Check out the page on the Hadoop Cluster Setup.
Then you can utilize the this documentation to learn about Spark on YARN.
Another method to quickly learn about Hadoop, YARN and Spark is to utilize Cloudera Distribution of Hadoop (CDH). Read the CDH 5 Quick Start Guide.
We are currently using the similar setup in aws. AWS EMR is costly hence
we setup our own cluster using ec2 machines with the help of Hadoop Cookbook. The cookbook supports multiple distributions, however we choose HDP.
The setup included following.
Master Setup
Spark (Along with History server)
Yarn Resource Manager
HDFS Name Node
Livy server
Slave Setup
Yarn Node Manager
HDFS Data Node
More information on manually installing can be found in HDP Documentation
You can see the part of that automation in here.

How to get access to HDFS files in Spark standalone cluster mode?

I am trying to get access to HDFS files in Spark. Everything works fine when I run Spark in local mode, i.e.
and get access to HDFS files by
But when I am trying to run Spark in standalone cluster mode, i.e.
Error throws
java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot assign instance of java.lang.invoke.SerializedLambda to field org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaPairRDD$$anonfun$toScalaFunction$1.fun$1 of type org.apache.spark.api.java.function.Function in instance of org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaPairRDD$$anonfun$toScalaFunction$1
So far I have only
in Hadoop and does not really config anything in Spark. Do I need to run Spark using YARN cluster manager instead so that Spark and Hadoop are using the same cluster manager, hence can get access to HDFS files?
I have tried to config yarn-site.xml in Hadoop following tutorialspoint https://www.tutorialspoint.com/hadoop/hadoop_enviornment_setup.htm, and specified HADOOP_CONF_DIR in spark-env.sh, but it does not seem to work and the same error throws. Am I missing some other configurations?
The initial Hadoop version is 2.8.0 and the Spark version is 2.1.1 with Hadoop 2.7. Tried to download hadoop-2.7.4 but the same error still exists.
The question here suggests this as a java syntax issue rather than spark hdfs issue. I will try this approach and see if this solves the error here.
Inspired by the post here, solved the problem by myself.
This map-reduce job depends on a Serializable class, so when running in Spark local mode, this serializable class can be found and the map-reduce job can be executed dependently.
When running in Spark standalone cluster mode, the best is to submit the application through spark-submit, rather than running in an IDE. Packaged everything in jar and spark-submit the jar, works as a charm!

Unable to add a new service with Cloudera Manager within Cloudera Quickstart VM 5.3.0

I'm using Cloudera Quickstart VM 5.3.0 (running in Virtual Box 4.3 on Windows 7) and I wanted to learn Spark (on YARN).
I started Cloudera Manager. In the sidebar I can see all the services, there is Spark but in standalone mode. So I click on "Add a new service", select "Spark". Then I have to select the set of dependencies for this service, I have no choices I must pick HDFS/YARN/zookeeper.
Next step I have to choose a History Server and a Gateway, I run the VM in local mode so I can only choose localhost.
I click on "Continue" and this error occures (+ 69 traces) :
A server error as occurred. Send the following information to
Path : http://localhost:7180/cmf/clusters/1/add-service/reviewConfig
Version: Cloudera Express 5.3.0 (#155 built by jenkins on
20141216-1458 git: e9aae1d1d1ce2982d812b22bd1c29ff7af355226)
long parameter 'serviceId' is not present at
AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter.java line 738 in
I don't know if an internet connection is needed but I precise that I can't connect to the internet with the VM. (EDIT : Even with an internet connection I get the same error)
I have no ideas how to add this service, I tried with or without gateway, many network options but it never worked. I checked the known issues; nothing...
Someone knows how I can solve this error or how I can work around ? Thanks for any help.
Before I answer your question I'd like to make some general notes about Spark in Cloudera Distribution of Hadoop 5 (CDH5):
Spark runs in three different formats: (1) local, (2) Spark's own stand-alone manager, and (3) other cluster resource managers like Hadoop YARN, Apache Mesos, and Amazon EC2.
Spark works out-of-the-box with CHD 5 for (1) and (2). You can initiate a local
interactive spark session in Scala using the spark-shell command
or pyspark for Python without passing any arguments. I find the interactive Scala and Python
interpreters help learning to program with Resilient Distributed
Datasets (RDDs).
I was able to recreate your error on my CDH 5.3.x distribution. I didn't mean to take credit for the bug you discovered, but I posted to the Cloudera developer community for feedback.
In order to use Spark in the QuickStart pseudo-distributed environment, see if all of the Spark daemons are running using the following command (you can do this inside the Cloudera Manager (CM) UI):
[cloudera#quickstart simplesparkapp]$ sudo service --status-all | grep -i spark
Spark history-server is not running [FAILED]
Spark master is not running [FAILED]
Spark worker is not running [FAILED]
I've manually stopped all of the stand-alone Spark services so we can try to submit the Spark job within Yarn.
In order to run Spark inside a Yarn container on the quick start cluster, we have to do the following:
Set the HADOOP_CONF_DIR to the root of the directory containing the yarn-site.xml configuration file. This is typically /etc/hadoop/conf in CHD5. You can set this variable using the command export HADOOP_CONF_DIR="/etc/hadoop/conf".
Submit the job using spark-submit and specify you are using Hadoop YARN.
spark-submit --class CLASS_PATH --master yarn JAR_DIR ARGS
Check the job status in Hue and compare to the Spark History server. Hue should show the job placed in a generic Yarn container and Spark History should not have a record of the submitted job.
References used:
Learning Spark, Chapter 7
Sandy Ryza's Blog Post on Spark and CDH5
Spark Documentation for Running on Yarn

Does any of Cloudera Hadoop distribution supports Apache Spark SQL

I am new to Apache Spark. I heard that none of the versions of CDH are supposrting Apache Spark SQL as of now, same case with hortonworks distribution as well. Is that true..?
And another one is I have CDH 5.0.0 installed in my PC, which version of Apache Spark my CDH supports..?
Also could someone please provide me the steps to execute my Spark program in my CDH distribution. I have written some basic programs using Apache Spark 1.2 version and I am not able to run those programs in CDH environment, i am facing very basic problem when I am running Spark program using spark-submit command
spark-submit: Command not found
Do i need to configure anything prior to run my Spark program..?
Thanks in advance
All of the distributions of CDH include the whole Spark distribution, including Spark SQL.
EDIT: It is supported as of CDH 5.5.x.
CDH 5.0.x includes Spark 0.9.x. CDH 5.3.x includes Spark 1.2.x and 5.4.x should ship 1.3.x since it is about to be released upstream.
spark-submit is already part of your path if you are using CDH. If you're running from somewhere else, you have to put this file on your path or give the full path to it. This is the same as any program. So, this is something wrong with what you set up.

How do I start spark shell or submit a spark job from a machine that is not part of the cluster?

I have a cluster of 4 DSE 4.6 nodes with Cassandra/Spark in standalone mode, submitting a job to spark or opening a spark shell from one of the cluster nodes works fine.
What I want to do now is to be able to open a spark shell from a machine that is not part of the cluster, so I installed DSE on a new machine but when I try to run
$ SPARK_MASTER=spark://MASTER_NODE dse spark
I get a bunch of connection errors that look like the spark shell is trying to connect to localhost.
Is there an inherent limitation in Spark that limits running the shell or submitting the jobs only from a node that is a member of the cluster?
Which version of Spark are you on?
Try changing SPARK_MASTER to just MASTER
I usually run
MASTER=spark://servername:7077 ./bin/spark-shell
And everything connects fine.
Ok I've found my issue (two actually):
I had a different JDK installed on the "client" machine
the correct way of specifying a master is dse spark --master spark://MASTER_ADDRESS:7077
Now everything works fine.
