GroovyScript Name Generator - groovy

I'm using READYAPI! for testing purposes. I'm currently at a road block.
Is there a way to use a Groovy Script to Generate Random American Names?
I've done some research online and I don't see anyway to do this with Groovy Script.
This is the closes I've come to:


Running Test Cases in Django, just like testcases in leetcode, codesignal and codewar

Does anybody knows, how we can run test cases on a data(function) sent by the user in Django, (as implemented by leetcode, codesignals and codewar)
How my function(solution) is tested against these test, how can I implement this functionality at backend using django, django rest framework (click on this link to see the image)
import subprocess
def test_submission():
compiled_code = "test.out"
test_input = open("path/to/test_input.txt")
submission_output = open("path/to/submission_output.txt")
cmd = [f"./{compiled_code}"], stdin=test_input, stdout=submission_output)
# At this point the output of executed code with test_input is stored in "path/to/submission_output.txt"
The test_program can be any file be it C, C++ or Python.
If you don't need test support, you should be able to run code easily by just using the official container images for the language and the Docker CLI.
and there is a tool too which was used by codewar and qualified,
and you can also see this clone of codewar too for better understanding, I think it's bit simplified and a practical implementation of this codewar CLI too,
and one last thing, if you are in python use can also use eval but the prob with using this, some malicious user can insert rogue script that could be harmful, so I think you should avoid using it,
personally I think, you should use the simple docker option with a bit of sandboxing, because in our case, It's mostly just a thin wrapper around Docker API that takes the submitted code, prepares the environment and executes them. It's so simple that the original PoC was just few lines of shell script and a tiny tool written in Go.

Read Jenkins build console output and set email content

I have certain errors which I set in my code, which should add corresponding error messages to the email content of the final build email.
I was thinking of printing something such as ("EMAIL CONTENT ERROR: _______") to the console, reading through it (in a pre-send groovy script?), and adding corresponding error messages for each error found.
I was thinking of using a pre-send groovy script, setting the mimeMessage object(was reading jenkins email-ext documentation). Would this be viable?
Also, I have never used groovy before, so pointers to how to approach this would be extremely helpful(or a link to where i can find an implementation of something with a similar idea of reading console). Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Can you check attaching "Build Log" This would highlight all the process of build process.
This is a very similar concept to the question here. The technique there was to use the log parser plugin to scan the console output for you, and then use groovy to add all the errors into an email.
This is generally a pretty good idea because it also means that you can view the same set of highlighted errors from jenkins itself, rather than just the email.
There are a couple of ways this is different from your setup, the main points are:
Yes, write errors directly to the console in a known format
Set the log parser up with regular expressions that find your error format
Instead of a pre-send script, in this case you would use a groovy template for your email generation
The template reads the error list from the console parser and adds them to your email. Each one is a link that links back to the jenkins console output.

Can I use Groovy scripts in SoapUI to enable/disable assertions?

I'm using SoapUI Pro and a DataSource/DataSink loop to test a web service.
To make life more fun, I need to pull from four distinct source files, all of which will cause different expected results.
I'd really like to do this in a single test loop, because having scripts with multiple loops tends to crash SoapUI more often than not, but the sticking point is assertions.
How can I enable or disable assertions in a Groovy script in SoapUI? GetData doesn't give me anything to hook onto, and a documentation dive did not reveal the proper syntax. I'd assume something like testCase.assertion, but there's no such property as "assertion" on testCase.
Alternately, can I use a Groovy script to change the assertion's content? In other words, if I want phrase X with file 1, phrase Y with file 2, I'm just as happy using the same assertion, so long as I can change the content it's trying to match.
You could use your Groovy script to set some kind of property testCase.setPropertyValue('expected', 'value'), based on which file you are reading. You could then use property expansion ${testCase#expected#} in the assertion content.

Labelling Neo4j database using Neo4django

This question is related to the github issue of Neo4django. I want to create multiple graphs using Neo4j graph DB from Django web framework. I'm using Django 1.4.5, neo4j 1.9.2 and neo4django 0.1.8.
As of now Neo4django doesn't support labeling but the above is my core purpose and I want to be able to create labels from Neo4django. So I went into the source code and tried to tweak it a little to see if I can make this addition. In my understanding, the file 'db/models/' has class BoundProperty(AttrRouter) which calls gremlin script through function save(instance, node, node_is_new). The script is as follows:
script = '''
results = Neo4Django.updateNodeProperties(node, propMap);
The script calls the update function from library.groovy and all the function looks intuitive and nice. I'm trying to add on this function to support labeling but I have no experience of groovy. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to proceed? Any help would be appreciated. If it works it would be a big addition to neo4django :)
Thank you
A little background:
The Groovy code you've highlighted is executed using the Neo4j Gremlin plugin. First it supports the Gremlin graph DSL (eg node=g.v(nodeId)), which is implemented atop the Groovy language. Groovy itself is a dynamic superset of Java, so most valid Java code will work with scripts sent via connection.gremlin(...). Each script sent should define a results variable that will be returned to neo4django, even if it's just null.
Anyway, accessing Neo4j this way is handy (though will be deprecated I've heard :( ) because you can use the full Neo4j embeddeded Java API. Try something like this to add a label to a node
from neo4django.db import connection
node = g.v(nodeId)
label = DynamicLabel.label('Label_Name')
""", nodeId=node_id)
You might also need to add an import for DynamicLabel- I haven't run this code so I'm not sure. Debugging code written this way is a little tough, so make liberal use of the Gremlin tab in the Neo4j admin.
If you come up with a working solution, I'd love to see it (or an explanatory blog post!)- I'm sure it could be helpful to other users.
NB - Labels will be properly supported shortly after Neo4j 2.0's release- they'll replace the current in-graph type structure.

Linux script input parameters generator - recommendation?

I'm looking for a tool to generate a script for handling input parameters.
I guess it would be best if the script would generate a file that I will later include (source) in my main script. This way, if the parameters requirements are changed, the generator can still be used without erasing the content of the main script.
It would also be nice if the tool would generate a help section with all the input parameters possibilities.
Any knowledge of such a tool?
Looking for a (ba)sh script generatorr, though I don't really care - as long as I can interact with it from a script (sh) file.
