Linux script input parameters generator - recommendation? - linux

I'm looking for a tool to generate a script for handling input parameters.
I guess it would be best if the script would generate a file that I will later include (source) in my main script. This way, if the parameters requirements are changed, the generator can still be used without erasing the content of the main script.
It would also be nice if the tool would generate a help section with all the input parameters possibilities.
Any knowledge of such a tool?
Looking for a (ba)sh script generatorr, though I don't really care - as long as I can interact with it from a script (sh) file.


Passing in responses to input() prompts in python through system arguments

I'm using a python library that has a configuration step which involves calling a function and providing the API key in the prompt response. It uses input(). This function creates the file necessary with all the configurations.
This is fine for humans to use the API, but I'm adding CI to my code and wish to unit tests calls to this API. As such, I need to complete the same step.
I simply want to do something like python -c '<PYTHON CODE>'.
Aside from altering the code to allow for an optional input of the API key (to skip the prompt), I wonder if there is an easier way to do this with sys.argv.
I did some googling and could not find a working example involving input() and argument inputs.
Thoughts appreciated.

GroovyScript Name Generator

I'm using READYAPI! for testing purposes. I'm currently at a road block.
Is there a way to use a Groovy Script to Generate Random American Names?
I've done some research online and I don't see anyway to do this with Groovy Script.
This is the closes I've come to:

Can I use Groovy scripts in SoapUI to enable/disable assertions?

I'm using SoapUI Pro and a DataSource/DataSink loop to test a web service.
To make life more fun, I need to pull from four distinct source files, all of which will cause different expected results.
I'd really like to do this in a single test loop, because having scripts with multiple loops tends to crash SoapUI more often than not, but the sticking point is assertions.
How can I enable or disable assertions in a Groovy script in SoapUI? GetData doesn't give me anything to hook onto, and a documentation dive did not reveal the proper syntax. I'd assume something like testCase.assertion, but there's no such property as "assertion" on testCase.
Alternately, can I use a Groovy script to change the assertion's content? In other words, if I want phrase X with file 1, phrase Y with file 2, I'm just as happy using the same assertion, so long as I can change the content it's trying to match.
You could use your Groovy script to set some kind of property testCase.setPropertyValue('expected', 'value'), based on which file you are reading. You could then use property expansion ${testCase#expected#} in the assertion content.

Can I alter Python source code while executing?

What I mean by this is:
I have a program. The end user is currently using it. I submit a new piece of source code and expect it to run as if it were always there?
I can't find an answer that specifically answers the point.
I'd like to be able to say, "extend" or add new features (rather than fix something that's already there on the fly) to the program without requiring a termination of the program (eg. Restart or exit).
Yes, you can definitely do that in python.
Although, it opens a security hole, so be very careful.
You can easily do this by setting up a "loader" class that can collect the source code you want it to use and then call the exec builtin function, just pass some python source code in and it will be evaluated.
Check the package . It allows to overcome certain raw edges of plain exec. Also it may be worth to check Dynamically reload a class definition in Python

executing script file from azure blob and write its results to file

I'll explain the task requested from me:
I have two containers in Azure, one called "data" and one called "script". In the "data" container there's a txt file with data, and in the "script" container there's a script file.
Now, I need programatically (with WorkerRole) to execute the script file, with the content of the data file as parameters (Example: a script file that accepts a string 's' and returns to the screen "Hello, 's'", when 's' in the string given, and in the data file there's a string), and save the result of the run into another file which needs to be saved in another container called "result".
How do I do all these? I've already uploaded the files and created the blobs programatically, but I can't seem to understand how to execute the file of how to save its result to another file?
Can I please have some help?
Thanks in advance
Here are the steps in pseudo code:
Retrieve the script from the blob(using DownloadToStream())
Compile the script(I will leave this to you as I have no idea what
format your script is)
Load parameters from blob(same as step 1)
Execute script with those parameters.
If your script's can be written as lambda expressions then this becomes a lot easier as you can turn them into Action's
Edit based on your questiions:
DownloadText() is no longer included in Azure Storage 2.0, you only have access to DownloadToStream(). Even if you are using an older version(say 1.7) I would recommend using DownloadToStream() in the event you ever upgrade in the future. This will prevent having to refactor your code.
In terms of executing your script, depending on what type of script it is(if it is c# code you can use this example: Is it possible to dynamically compile and execute C# code fragments?. If you need to execute a different type of script you would need to run it using Process.Start and you can look at this example:
I do not have much experience with point number 2 but those are the processes I have heard and seen used.
