Create B2C Policies via Graph API? - azure-ad-b2c

Can I create/update/delete policies via the graph api?
I've reviewed this sample and I don't see anything about policies.

No not yet, but we recently just started working on this capability. If you are interested in helping us test this functionality when it eventually becomes available in preview, please send mail describing your scenario to (we might have a private preview that we would need to enable on your test tenant specifically, or we might go straight to public preview)

Related Core 3.1 with SendGrid (with or without) Azure?

Can anyone help me clarify the benefit(s) (if any) of creating a SendGrid Account thru the Azure Portal as opposed to creating one thru
In other words, I’ve seen a few articles where they simply add the SendGrid Nuget Package, then create an account on obtain an API Key and use it while creating a new SendGridClient(apiKey);
And then…I see a bunch of articles talking about having to create a SendGrid resource inside the Azure Portal. Once created, click Manage (which redirects you to the website) to obtain an API Key and use it while creating a new SendGridClient(apiKey);
I agree that there are many ways to skin a cat, but I still don’t understand what’s the reason or benefit of creating a SendGrid Account resource in Azure (especially if all I really care about is an API key to be used within my SendGridClient).
What am I missing?
The only thing I can think of right now is if I plan on having a Logic App that will send emails, then I suppose I could use that SendGrid Account created thru Azure for that right?
Anyway...if anyone could help me understand why is there a need to create a SendGrid Account thru Azure that would be great!
The difference is mainly the benefits you get from the Martket Place one. There is a partnership with Microsoft which provides certain benefits to the end users. One of the highlight benefit is that,
As part of the initial sign up, we are including a free package with
25,000 free emails each month.

Close Azure Security Center Alerts via Script/API

Is there a way to close a Azure Security Center Alert via a programmatic method such as PowerShell, Cli, C#, Python... or via API?
will really appreciate your assistance.
Searched online as well stack overflow, couldn't find an answer
As far as I know, the security alert is generated according to the security policy. So if you want to close one of the alert, you need to disable the corresponding policy.
You can disable it by rest api, please refer to this tutorial:
And below is the policy name for your reference:

Disable office365 mailbox using graph api

I need to disable mailbox using logic apps.I have choosen to use graph api. I searched online and ended up using disabledPlans.
But I have a requirement where I have to use logic apps and i cannot hardcode the skuIds and dont know what license is added to the user.I am able to get licenses assinged to user using getUser in beta version of graph api. But there is no relation between license of product and its plans. This is making my job tedious.
Power shell has a command called Disable-Mailbox. But ,I am unable to find such api in graph api. Can any one let me know if disabling plans is right way or is there any other way I can disable mail box using Logic apps or graph api. Thanks in advance.

Is it possible to create agents via the API?

So I've been reviewing the DialogFlow documentation and wondering if it's possible to use the API fully programmatically and create agents via the API as well? A sample use case being the user on my platform being to able to create their own bot. I'm not able to find the functionality listed in their docs and wanted to double check with the community here.
You can now create and update agents with the API. See the REST and RPC documentation.
You can’t create an agent through the API but once it’s been created in the UI it can be edited through the API. Users will need to grant your service account the dialogflow editor IAM role and then tell you their project ID.

How do i grant permission on my application to other microsoft account?

I own a application which I use for my chat BOT.
i want my qa guys to be able to train my application, so that my BOT would be smarter.
how do i grant permissions to other user to train my APP?
Now there is an option to set other users as "Collaborator" and they can then Train and modify the app as needed.
The accounts can be independent and don't need to be from same Azure Active Directory or otherwise linked.
Basic description by Microsoft is here.
This way you add the Collaborator at
And this way the collaborator sees the UI:
I don't think that it's currently possible.
The easiest workaround I can think of is to create a shared account, export your LUIS application from your account and import it into the new shared account. Have in mind that the keys of your LUIS app will likely change and so you will likely need to update your bot too.
Also, you can see if using the Cognitive Services API is suitable for your scenario. If it's, then there are a bunch of operations available there.
You can use the Cognitive Services API for this.
Link -
I haven't actually used it but you can have a look. Hope this helps.
