Portion of WKWebView that is beyond contentOffset.y = 0 is not clickable - wkwebview

I want to add a header above the web content of a WKWebView, the web contents will be scrolled over the header as the user scrolls up. So I set the WKWebView's contentInset.top = 200. ( height of the header view).
Everything is fine, excepts that when I scroll up, the web contents that are beyond the ContentOffSet( ContentOffSet.y < 0 ) become not clickable.
I tried the same with tradition WebView, there is no such problem. Anyone has any clue?
Thank You!


Selenium , Python and Chrome Webdriver problem

I am learning Python and attempting to build a program that will scrape specific data from a website, store it and then manipulate it.
Currently I run my application, it opens a new chrome browser window and loads the page correctly. The problem is it should begin to start scrolling down and loading the remaining elements on the page.
I know the code works because if I manually click somewhere on the page that doesn't normally illicit a response (white space/empty areas) the browser somehow comes into "focus" and begins to iterate through the loop that scrolls down the page (by sending keys) prints the data I am after. I also noticed if I click another similar "dead space" area that contains the header, it doesn't have the same effect. I am unsure if this is something specific to Chrome, iFrames or something of that nature but I am completely stumped and would greatly appreciate any help.
Any thoughts on why I need to manually click on the new chrome window for it to work would be great.
Update: Still having the same issue, even tried with Safari and the same problem seems to exist.
Fixed this with:
element = driver.find_element_by_css_selector("div[id^='app-container']")
action = ActionChains(driver)
action.click(on_element = element)

Using a Webview in a splitview controller

I'm having trouble displaying content properly in a splitview application. In the detail view I have a webview and I'm loading locally saved html files. However the files don't display properly - they are slightly zoomed in and missing detail on the left and right. Double taping them zooms them out and they display correctly. I have scaletofitpages=YES set.
Any advice?
Well, if i'm understanding you correctly, you can use auto layout.. it will fit your content from left and right.
to set the font size you must edit your html content add "css style" to them...
// Get result into string format
NSString *htmlData = [objSQLiteProtocol getDatabaseResults:fileNameToRead];
// reduce the size of font to set in iPad
htmlData = [htmlData stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"25pt" withString:#"12pt"];
[moreWebView loadHTMLString:htmlData baseURL:nil];
moreWebView.scalesPageToFit = YES;

Automatic Text Scale

On my website lukewattchow.zzl.org/ I have made it so that when the browser window scales down the website also scales down. However the text inside the divs need to scale down with the background, and images at the same time. Can anyone help?
i assume you will require some Javascript to adjust font size of the BODY based on some fraction of the browser's width:
(untested pseudo-code; since i never write anything HTML, CSS, or ECMAScript)
var body = document.getElementById("theBody");
var fontSizeInPixels = (16*1680)/document.documentElement.­clientHeight;
//nominal font size of 12pt (16px) with a 1650px wide browser window
body.style.font-size = fontSizeInPixels+"px";
Microsoft had a good article on handling dpi changes:
Making the Web Bigger: DPI Scaling and Internet Explorer 8
Maybe this answer that I just wrote in other question about the same problem can help you

How to change the default behavior of the ThickBox?

I am using Thickbox in one page,
now as u know, if we click out side the thickbox page [means in the black part],
so i want to remove that behavior, i want to remove that thing....means if the user had click out side of that page in dark part then the page should not be remove-disappear, it should stay in the window..
the only way to close the thickbox page by clicking on that "Close" link,
so is their any way to do this?
thanks in advance,
I know this is an old question but i found another way to do it without changing thickbox source code, after i launch the thickbox window, i do the following:
tb_show('', 'website.php?inlineId=hiddenModalContent&TB_iframe=true');
This removes the click action, so it becomes like a modal window without losing the titlebar.
In the Thickbox.js go to the function tb_show
In this if statement:
if (typeof document.body.style.maxHeight === "undefined") {//if IE 6
$("body","html").css({height: "100%", width: "100%"});
if (document.getElementById("TB_HideSelect") === null) {//iframe to hide select elements in ie6
$("body").append("<iframe id='TB_HideSelect'></iframe><div id='TB_overlay'></div><div id='TB_window'></div>");
$("#TB_overlay").click(tb_remove); //Remove me
}else{//all others
if(document.getElementById("TB_overlay") === null){
$("body").append("<div id='TB_overlay'></div><div id='TB_window'></div>");
$("#TB_overlay").click(tb_remove); //Remove me
You need to comment out both lines that contain $("#TB_overlay").click(tb_remove);. I have added a comment of //Remove Me on the lines you should comment out.
This could help you :-)

Dynamic SharePoint web part width and height

I am trying to dynamically adjust the width and height of a web part in a SharePoint web part page so that it fills up the entire available space. It appears that there is no way to choose a percentage for width and height from the web part property editor window in SharePoint. Also, trying to dynamically set it on the web part instance through code results in SharePoint throwing an exception to the effect that proportional dimensions are not supported.
Is there any way to do this using, for example, Javascript? I've seen similar things done using jQuery, but not exactly what I'm looking for (and I'm not familiar enough with jQuery to come up with something on my own).
There is a web part available that does this here. You can also see a solution on TechNet communities from "potta vijay kumar" (where I found that web part too):
function calcHeight()
//find the height of the internal page
var the_height=
//change the height of the iframe
contentpage is the ID of the iframe.
A jQuery solution is available from EndUserSharePoint.
Here's what I did:
I had an iFrame inside the middle webpart, where I will be loading webpages based on the left web part menu. So I took the <td> element where both the webparts are placed (its a <td> element with class set as ms-bodyareaframe)
var head=$('td.ms-bodyareaframe');
This will perfectly re-size the webpart where the iframe resides.
Note: this may not work in all cases
