Error retreiving database name wordpress - linux

I was trying the below code to retrieve database name from wordpress configuration file. But somehow a single inverted comma at the beginning is causing trouble.
db=`grep DB_NAME /var/www/vhosts/ | tr -d "(',);" | cut -d" " -f2`;
echo $db;
mysqldump -uadmin -p$(cat > /etc/psa.psa.shadow) $db > $db.sql
As given below it shows the output without any special characters but the below error shows an issue.
'" when selecting the databasencorrect database name 'laysalaysa_laysalaysa'

carriage return (\r) caused the issue. Truncated it and script worked. But could not identify what cause the same.


wp wc product_cat get - Remove leading whitespace?

I am using the WP-CLI for updating WooCommerce product_cat terms. When using wp wc product_cat get to retrieve individual fields, a line feed character (a0) seems to get inserted as leading character. Example:
$ echo "»"$(wp wc product_cat --user=4 get 44277 --field="description")"«"
» All widgets for A.-C.«
Another example - Note that the leading character is before the opening "
$ i1=$(wp wc product_cat --user=4 get 18869 --field="name" --format="json")
$ echo "format=json: »"$i1"«"
format=json: » "AEG"«
Additional information:
This happens for all fields
I verified that the added character is a0 by updating the field and checking in the database
Using --format didn't make a difference
Using --context didn't make a difference
I'm working on Linux Mint with Bash version 5.0.17(1).
Did I make a mistake somehwere in my syntaxis that inadvertently inserted this leading character? Or am I missing something in how WP-CLI or Bash works? Thanks in advance! Jeroen

Base64 encoding from a website and terminal give two different results

I used following command on terminal
`echo admin:admin | base64`
It gives me following output
But when I used for the same string admin:admin it gives me following
Any reason for this?
The reason this behaviour is the new line added by the echo command. Normally the echo command add a new line at the end which leads to a different encoding. Therefore if you use it with echo -n admin:admin | base64 the difference won't occur.

How to remove white space using echo

I am writing my code for creating cloud formation cluster with elastic search and kibana installed. i want to remove space using echo command and the IP-address should not be hard-coded.
SPARK_MASTER_IP=$(hostname -I)
"echo \"elasticsearch.url: \"http://$SPARK_MASTER_IP:9200\"\" | sudo tee -a /etc/kibana/kibana.yml\n",
The output of this command is as below, i see that there is space after the
ip-address and before colon(.254space:9200) please help me how can i remove this space?
elasticsearch: { url: ' :9200' } },
Use ${SPARK_MASTER_IP%% *}:9200 instead of $SPARK_MASTER_IP, which removes from the right the longest match of " *" (blank followed by anything).
Your shell manual has all the details how to remove various parts matching certain globs from the start and end of strings.
BTW, the " before echo and the comma at the end look broken. This is certainly not a valid shell command. What are you hiding from us?

funky file name output from shell/bash?

So, im making a small script to do an entire task for me. The task is to get the output of the dmidecode -Fn into a text file and then take a part of the dmidecode output, in my example, the Address (0xE0000) as the file name of the txt.
My script goes as follows and does work, i have tested it. The only little issue that i have, is that the file name of the txt appears as "? 0xE0000.txt"
My question is, why am i getting a question mark followed by a space in the name?
name=$(dmidecode|grep -i Address|sed 's/Address://')
inxi -Fn > $directory/"$name".txt
The quotes in the "$name".txt is to avoid an "ambiguous redirect" error i got when running the script.
Update #Just Somebody
root#server:/home/user/Desktop# dmidecode | sed -n 's/Address://p'
The use of |sed -n 's/^.*Address:.*0x/0x/p' got rid of the "? " in 0xE0000.txt
A big thanks to everyone!
You've got a nonprinting char in there. Try:
dmidecode |grep -i Address|sed 's/Address://'| od -c
to see exactly what you're getting.
UPDATE: comments indicate there's a tab char in there that needs to be cleaned out.
UPDATE 2: the leading tab is before the word Address. Try:
name=$(dmidecode |grep -i Address|sed 's/^.*Address:.*0x/0x/')
or as #just_somebody points out:
name=$(dmidecode|sed -n 's/^.*Address:.*0x/0x/p')
This changes the substitution regex to replace
^ (start of line) followed by .* (any characters (including tab!)) followed by Address: followed by .* (any characters (including space!)) followed by 0x (which are always at the beginning of the address since it's in hex)
0x (because you want that as part of the result)
If you want to learn more, read about sed regular expressions and substitutions.

Parsing oracle SQLPLUS error message in shell script for emailing

I'm trying to extract a substring from an Oracle error message so I can email it off to an administrator using awk, this part of the code is trying to find where the important bit I want to extract.
starts here's what I have....
(The table name is incorrect to generate the error)
b="ERROR at line"
awk -v a="$a" -v b="$b" 'BEGIN{print index(a,b)}'
Strange thing is no matter how big that $DB_RETURN_VALUE is the return value from awk is always 28. Im assuming that somewhere in this error message there's something linux either thinks is a implcit delimiter of somesort and its messing with the count or something stranger. This works fine with regular strings as opposed to what oracle gives me.
Could anybody shine a light on this?
Many thanks
28 seems to be the right answer for the query you have (slightly amended to avoid an ORA-00936, and with tabs in the script). The message you're echoing includes a file expansion; the raw message is:
ERROR at line 2:
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
The * is expanded when you echo $DB_RETURN_VALUE, so the directory you're executing this from seem to have logs mail_files scripts in it, and they are being shown through expansion of the *. If you run it from different directories the echoed message length will vary, but the length of the actual message from Oracle stays the same - the length is changing (through the expansion) after the SQL*Plus call and after awk has done its thing. You can avoid that expansion with echo "$DB_RETURN_VALUE" instead, though I don't suppose you actually want to see that full message anyway in the end.
The substring from character 28 gives you what you want though:
# To see the original message; note the double-quotes
b="ERROR at line"
p=`awk -v a="$a" -v b="$b" 'BEGIN{print index(a,b)}'`
if [ ${p} -gt 0 ]; then
awk -v a="$a" -v p="$p" 'BEGIN{print substr(a,p)}'
... displays just:
ERROR at line 2:
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
I'm sure that can be simplified, maybe into a single awk call, but I'm not that familiar with it.
