Object is identified only if it is visible with eye on browser window - UFT - web

We are automating a web application using UFT/QTP. The issue is that UFT works only on those web objects which are seen in browser window part. If any object/element is at the bottom of the page and require scroll down in window to be seen. UFT is not able to work on those objects. We have written code to page down to work on those objects. It works fine. But sometimes when page is very lengthy and we don't know at what position that object will be like in middle of the page, or far bottom of the page etc. In that case, only page down does not work. Is there any way that we can make the object visible on the basis of object properties? That means we can bring object in front of the window.

If your scrolling pageup or pagedown code is already working, why don't you use a loop...
Set obj = Browser(..).page(..).Link(..) ' use your object
While obj.getROProperty("visible") = False
'Scroll code

UFT doesn't depend on whether the object is in view or not. If an object is scrolled out of view UFT will automatically scroll it into view before performing any action upon it (e.g. Click).
The behaviour you're describing may be caused by the fact that the web site dynamically adds objects to the DOM when the page is scrolled. If this is the case then UFT has no way to know what will cause the object to be added to the DOM and you have to scroll for it they you've been doing.
Sorry I couldn't bring better news :(

I had once faced a similar issue. For me, changing the Replaytype setting to mouse events worked.
Try changing the ReplayType to Mouse events just before performing any operation(say clicking the object) as shown below:
Settings.WebPackage("ReplayType") = 2 'Changes to mouse/device events mode
'Perform the Click Operation here
Settings.WebPackage("ReplayType") = 1 'Change back to Browser events mode
Additional information on ReplayType:
This setting allows us to change the way mouse operations should
happen on AUT. It can be either browser events or mouse event.
Browser event is similar to DOM events using the Browser methods,
wheras Mouse event simulate the actual user action either from
keyboard or mouse. For example if you click on a button when
ReplayType is Mouse, you will notice that mouse pointer moves to the
location of button and fires the event, but in case of browser event it
Values of replaytype can be:
1 – Event
2 – Mouse
By default it is set to Event i.e 1


Xcode 10 - how to pin UI element library window?

I'm laying out UI on a storyboard using the new, controversial library button which has been moved up.
This is driving me crazy - I want to be able to "PIN" this window to a secondary monitor so I can always see available components as opposing to having to click that button every single time I need an element. Currently it disappears, even on secondary monitor once I shift focus to the view controller on screen.
How do I pin the UI Elements library to be able to always see it ?
You can press the option button in keyboard and click in the library window, it's will hold
Picture of library windown

WinRT XAML - how to fix higlight issues?

When I'm testing my app on a mouse-driven device, I'm seeing a couple of odd highlight issues that I would like to try and resolve.
The first occurs when I call up the app bar, hover the mouse over a button (at which point the button goes grey) and then press Escape to dismiss the app bar. If I then call up the app bar again, the button has stayed grey, even if the mouse isn't over it, and remains in that state until I move the mouse over it and then away again.
I can't immediately see a property of the button that I can reset to clear that state when the app bar gets dismissed.
The other oddity I'm seeing is that sometimes the first item in the list on the page will get a box drawn around it:
This seems to happen when the app bar is being dismissed. I'm guessing that this is because the item is in a particular state that causes the box to appear but I'm not sure what state or how to clear it. The box does not appear during normal use of my app.
Thanks for any clarification or solutions you can provide.
I found a simple way to workaround this issue. In the code for Clicked/Tapped set Visibility of the button:
CreateNewDatabase.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
CreateNewDatabase.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
It will reset button state to Normal.
Hope this helps!
So, the issue is that the VisualState for the Button is being set to PointedOver, and then not being unset (because your mouse isn't leaving the bounds of the control and therefore triggering a PointerExited event). What this means is that you'll have to manually set the VisualState of the Button if you want it to change in this manner. You could do it on AppBar's Closed event. Basically, do a recursive check of all Children of the Content property of the AppBar using the VisualTreeHelper. Check to see if the Child is a Button. If it is, set its VisualState using VisualStateManager.GoToState().
I've also figured out what was causing the black box around the button - it is to indicate that the button has Focus.
The rather strange thing is that I'm not really sure why that specific button is getting focus or how a user is supposed to give focus to a button without it just randomly happening so, until I figure that out, I've decided to comment out the Focus state support from the Visual Manager XAML used in the default GridView item style.

Keep taskbar icon, replace MFC dialog

I have a MFC dialog based application. User can change the language of the dialog, and I made this by closing existing dialog, and opening another with changed language. The problem is that the effect in the taskbar is that one icon is removed, and another identical is created in its place. If my application's icon is not the last icon in the task bar it will be perceived as it was moved to the end of taskbar icon set.
I want to retain icon's position in the taskbar, and rather to prevent icon flicker at all from happening. How do I do that?
The application must support OS'es from Windows XP to Windows 7.
EDIT: alternative question for which I would accept an answer is how to create an invisible window that is nevertheless shown in the taskbar, and how to forward relevant window messages from that window to my main window?
Make the dialog a child of another outer parent window. The parent can be a dialog or any other kind of window; all it will be providing is the title bar. If the user tries to resize it it will have to forward resizing commands to the dialog, but otherwise you shouldn't need to do much in the parent window.
Why not replace the dialog with a CFormView instead? That way there's a frame window that wraps around the dialog (which is embedded in a form view) and it's the frame window that owns the taskbar icon.
Create an SDI application that displays a CFormView. Display the dialog in the default language (or whatever langauge the user previously chose) on initialization. When the user chooses the 'change language' option, simply change the form view that's being displayed with a new one.
Bonus feature: with this design, the framework will take care of things like language-specific accelerators and menus for you with no effort on your part.
For more on how to do this, check out http://www.codeguru.com/cpp/w-d/doc_view/viewmanagement/article.php/c3341/Multiple-Views-Using-SDI.htm

Problems with refreshing a draggable MFC window

I have to make a draggable MFC dialog window, which has a background - used that: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/graphics/picturewindow.aspx - and has several picturebox controls. I have tried two approaches, and while they do work, they have some problems.
First approach is "Manual" - on the LBUTTONDOWN message I check if it;s on a clean area of my window, and set a flag variable. On MOUSEMOVE, the flag is checked and if it's set, a MoveWindow function is called, and then, Invalidate(1). On LBUTTONUP, flag is unset.
This approach works correctly and redraws as needed, but is somehow very slow - if I'm moving the cursor too fast, the window falls behing and isn't dragged, as cursor's not over the window anymore.
The second approach is "Automatic" - I just call
DefWindowProc(WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_MOVE+2,MAKELPARAM(point.x,point.y));
on LBUTTONDOWN, and it handles the rest, it's quick and never fall behind, but when I drag it over screen's edge ( so that some part of the window gets invisible), when I drag it back, all the controls get invisible and are not refreshed, background is okay. I suppose that's because Invalidate() isn't called during movement that way, as I actually call it after calling DefWindowProc() and so, everything is refreshed properly when I depress the button.
What should I do to improve either of those solutions? I need it both fast and correct. I may have not provided some required information, I'll add it is need arise.
Thanks in advance.
Solved the problem, by modifying the second way. I added a total redraw to the OnPaint(), and to get rid of flicker, I only redraw durng dragging, by using a flag variable.

Altering the YUI menu's mousing behavior

I'm using Yui to build a "popup" menu that works a bit differently with the mouse than usual. This is not a ContextMenu, because I want it to respond to left clicks, and the ContextMenu seems bent on responding to right clicks.
Following the examples, if I do this, the menu comes up and everything is close to how I want it:
YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(myClickTarget, 'click', myThingGotClicked);
In my myThingGotClicked function, I manually set the menu's position and show() it.
My problem is that I want to "bind" the menu visibility to the state of the mouse button. That is, on a mouseDown, I want the menu to come up, and on a mouseUp, I want the menu to disappear (selecting the active item, if any). So, listening to the 'click' event doesn't do the right thing, because a "click" is only sent after mouseUp.
The "obvious" solution is to do this:
YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(myClickTarget, 'mousedown', myThingGotClicked);
But this doesn't work. Stepping through in a debugger, you can see that it does actually bring up the menu on a mousedown, but then something immediately hides the menu. At full speed, it looks like nothing happens at all.
Any thoughts?
The problem is that the MenuManager class listens for the mousedown event at the document level and hides all visible Menu instances. So, since you are building a unique sort of Menu implementation, you'll need to stop the propagation of the mousedown event inside your handler so that the MenuManager doesn't handle the event. Here is some pseudo code for you:
var myThingGotClicked = function (event) {
// Do other stuff
YAHOO.util.Event.on(myClickTarget, 'mousedown', myThingGotClicked);
That's a bit closer, as the menu does pop up, but if you try to make a selection in the menu, the text selection of the page underneath goes sort of nuts. I also need to add a mouseup handler, I think, as the menu doesn't go down on mouse release.
What I really want here are menus that work like menus on every version of the Mac OS (until more recently when OS X added the "click to make the menu 'sticky' to the default behavior).
