Send my message only to subscribed server and not to my other servers - node.js

How do I send my message that is published to a Redis channel only to subscribed server (which is connected to the subscriber) and not to my other servers (where the required subscriber isn't connected).
I'm using Socket.IO and Redis server.

Have you read the documentation?
not programmed to send their messages to specific receivers (subscribers). Rather, published messages are characterized into channels, without knowledge of what (if any) subscribers there may be
I other words, you cannot target a specific subscriber.
Depending on what you are trying to achieve, you can consider using multiple channels, with each consumer using its own.


Need recommendation regarding rabbitmq

I am creating an chat application where I have a rest API and a server, What I want to do is the user will send messages to rest API, The api will persist those messages in database and then send these messages to the rabbimq queue then rabbitmq will send these messages to if the receiving user is online, Else the message will be stored in the queue and when the user will come online the user will retrieve these messages from the queue however I want to implement this in a way like whatsapp, The messages will be for a particular user and the user will only receive those messages which are meant for them i.e I don't want to broadcast messages I want only particular user to receive those messages
Chat should be a near-real-time application, there are multiple ways of modeling such a thing. First of all, you can use HTTP pooling, HTTP long pooling but some time ago there where introduced the new application-level protocol - web socket. It would be good for you, along with Stomp messages. Here you can check a brief example. And sending messages to specific users is also supported out-of-the-box example
To send messages to specific sockets you can use rooms: Every socket is a part of a room with the same name as the socket id.
I wouldn't wait for the message to be written to the database before sending it out through, your API can do both at once. When a user connects they can retrieve their messages from the database then listen for new ones on their socket.

Multiple websockets onto multiple servers: how do they communicate?

I have a node server accepting websocket connections from the clients. Each client can broadcast a message to all of the other clients.
UPDATE: I am using as my library of choice.
At the moment, the server has an array with all of the connections. Each connection has a tabId. When one of the client emits a message, I go through all of the connections and check: if the connection's tabId doesn't match, I send the message to the client.
For loading issues, I am facing the problem of having to have more than one server. So, there will be say two servers, each one with a number of clients.
How do I make sure that a message gets broadcast to all of the websocket clients, and not only the ones connected to the same server?
One possible solution I thought is to have the connections stored on a database, where each record has the tabId and the serverId. However, even a simple broadcast gets tricky as messages to "local" sockets are easy to broadcast (the socket is local and available) whereas messages to "remote" sockets are tricky, and would imply intra-server communication.
Is there a good pattern to solve this? Surely, this is something that people face every day.
You could use a messagequeue like RabbitMQ.
When a client logs in to your server, create a consumer which listens to a queue which will receive messages directed to that particular client. And when the clients are sending messages, just use a publisher to publish them to the recipients queue.
This way it doesn't matter and you don't need to know on which nodes the clients are on, or if they jump from a node to another.

Chat / System Communication App (Nodejs + RabbitMQ)

So i currently have a chat system running NodeJS that passes messages via rabbit and each connected user has their own unique queue that subscribed and only listening to messages (for only them). The backend can also use this chat pipeline to communicate other system messages like notifications/friend requests and other user event driven information.
Currently the backend would have to loop and publish each message 1 by 1 per user even if the payload of the message is the same for let's say 1000 users. I would like to get away from that and be able to send the same message to multiple different users but not EVERY user who's connected.
(example : notifying certain users their friend has come online).
I considered implementing a rabbit queue system where all messages are pooled into the same queue and instead of rabbit sending all user queues node takes these messages and emit's the message to the appropriate user via socket connections (to whoever is online).
Proposed - infrastructure
This way the backend does not need to loop for 100s and 1000s of users and can send a single payload containing all users this message should go to. I do plan to cluster the nodejs servers together.
I was also wondering since ive never done this in a production environment, will i need to track each socketID.
Potential pitfalls i've identified so far:
slower since 1000s of messages can pile up in a single queue.
manually storing socket IDs to manually trasmit to users.
offloading routing to NodeJS instead of RabbitMQ
Has anyone done anything like this before? If so, what are your recommendations. Is it better to scale with user unique queues, or pool all grouped messages for all users into smaller (but larger pools) of queues.
as a general rule, queue-per-user is an anti-pattern. there are some valid uses of this, but i've never seen it be a good idea for a chat app (in spite of all the demos that use this example)
RabbitMQ can be a great tool for facilitating the delivery of messages between systems, but it shouldn't be used to push messages to users.
I considered implementing a rabbit queue system where all messages are pooled into the same queue and instead of rabbit sending all user queues node takes these messages and emit's the message to the appropriate user via socket connections (to whoever is online).
this is heading down the right direction, but you have to remember that RabbitMQ is not a database (see previous link, again).
you can't randomly seek specific messages that are sitting in the queue and then leave them there. they are first in, first out.
in a chat app, i would have rabbitmq handling the message delivery between your systems, but not involved in delivery to the user.
your thoughts on using web sockets are going to be the direction you want to head for this. either that, or Server Sent Events.
if you need persistence of messages (history, search, last-viewed location, etc) then use a database for that. keep a timestamp or other marker of where the user left off, and push messages to them starting at that spot.
you're concerns about tracking sockets for the users are definitely something to think about.
if you have multiple instances of your node server running sockets with different users connected, you'll need a way to know which users are connected to which node server.
this may be a good use case for rabbitmq - but not in a queue-per-user manner. rather, in a binding-per-user. you could have each node server create a queue to receive messages from the exchange where messages are published. the node server would then create a binding between the exchange and queue based on the user id that is logged in to that particular node server
this could lead to an overwhelming number of bindings in rmq, though.
you may need a more intelligent method of tracking which server has which users connected, or just ignore that entirely and broadcast every message to every node server. in that case, each server would publish an event through the websocket based on the who the message should be delivered to.
if you're using a smart enough websocket library, it will only send the message to the people that need it. did this, i know, and i'm sure other websocket libraries are smart like this, as well.
I probably haven't given you a concrete answer to your situation, and I'm sure you have a lot more context to consider. hopefully this will get you down the right path, though.

Node.js, and RabbitMQ to handle concurrent connections

I am building a push notification system using Node.js, and RabbitMQ.
The flow of my system is as follows:
RabbitMQ is published through a PHP script with fan-out exchange type.
Node.js server is subscribed to a queue connected through the same exhange as created in step 1.
When a client connects to node.js server, it sends a unique id through an event.
The unique id sent in step 3 is then compared with the message that is received from the queue subscribed in step 2.
If the condition in step 4 returns true, the entire message from the queue is then emitted to a client with that unique id. So only the specific client receives the desired message and not to all the clients connected.
So is it feasible to loop through all the unique ids of all the connected clients? So in this case every message consumed from the queue will be compared with all the connected clients.
I am expecting 50 to 60 thousand connections, so is it actually feasible to loop these many connections?
Or will it be feasible to create 50 to 60 thousand Queues binded to one exchange?
Or Should I simply broadcast the message to all the clients and comparison will be handled at client side?
Are these the only solutions or there could be some different implementation to handle this.

How does send messages across multiple servers?

The API has the ability to send messages to all clients.
With one server and all sockets in memory, I understand how that server one can send a message to all its clients, that's pretty obvious. But what about with multiple servers using Redis to store the sockets?
If I have client a connected to server y and client b connected to server z (and a Redis box for the store) and I do socket.broadcast.emit on one server, the client on the other server will receive this message. How?
How do the clients that are actually connected to the other server get that message?
Is one server telling the other server to send a message to its connected client?
Is the server establishing its own connection to the client to send that message? uses MemoryStore by default, so all the connected clients will be stored in memory making it impossible (well, not quiet but more on that later) to send and receive events from clients connected to a different server.
One way to make all the servers receive all the events is that all servers use redis's pub-sub. So, instead using socket.emit one can publish to redis.
redis_client = require('redis').createClient();
redis_client.publish('channelName', data);
And all the socket servers subscribe to that channel through redis and upon receiving a message emit it to clients connected to them.
redis_sub = require('redis').createClient();
redis_sub.subscribe('channelName', 'moreChannels');
redis_sub.on("message", function (channel, message) {
socket.emit(channel, message);
Complicated Stuff !! But wait, turns out you dont actually need this sort of code to achieve the goal. has RedisStore which essentially does what the code above is supposed to do in a nicer way so that you can write code as you would write for a single server and will still get propagated over to other server through redis.
To summarise sends messages across multiple servers by using redis as the channel instead of memory.
There are a few ways you can do this. More info in this question. A good explanation of how pub/sub in Redis works is here, in Redis' docs. An explanation of how the paradigm works in general is here, on Wikipedia.
Quoting the Redis docs:
SUBSCRIBE, UNSUBSCRIBE and PUBLISH implement the Publish/Subscribe
messaging paradigm where (citing Wikipedia) senders (publishers) are
not programmed to send their messages to specific receivers
(subscribers). Rather, published messages are characterized into
channels, without knowledge of what (if any) subscribers there may be.
Subscribers express interest in one or more channels, and only receive
messages that are of interest, without knowledge of what (if any)
publishers there are. This decoupling of publishers and subscribers
can allow for greater scalability and a more dynamic network topology.
