IBM bluemix - NodeRED - failed to install node-red-contrib-chatbot - node.js

I'm trying to install redbot in Node-RED, on IBM Bluemix. As suggested here, I'm using Manage palette to install it. I can find it in 'install' tab by typing chatbot. I click on install and then a pop up appears saying:
Before installing, please read the node's documentation. Some nodes
have dependencies that cannot be automatically resolved and can
require a restart of Node-RED.
I click on install again, and after loading a little bit, it shows this message:
Failed to install: node-red-contrib-chatbot Error: install failed
Check log for more information
And the debug tab shows this error message:
Error: Command failed: npm install --production
I tried to install dependences listed here following the same procedure described in this post, but some of them can't be found from Manage palette. I also tried restarting Node-red but without success.
Is there any alternative? How should I install this properly?

You can only install Node-RED nodes via the manage palette system, not the underlying npm nodes.
The best way to install Node-RED nodes that won't install cleanly via the manage palette option is to edit the Node-RED package.json The easiest way to do this is to go to the Overview page for the application console page in Bluemix. From here click "Edit Code". From here you want to edit the package.json to include node-red-contrib-chatbot in the dependencies section.
"dependencies": {
"node-red-contrib-chatbot": "0.7.1",
Once you've made the changes you will need to commit and push the changes, this should restart Node-RED and as part of this the node should be installed.

What hardililb says but if the issue is with all nodes - i.e. you cannot add any node, not even a simple one like random, via the Manage Palette, you can fix that. Edit bluemix_settings.js and add:
var fs = require("fs");
Then after the var settings= section (not in it, after it), add:
// Ensure userDir exists
Commit and Push.


CodeMix/Eclipse cannot find 'react/jsx-dev-runtime'

I'm completely new to React, Node, NPM, and CodeMix in Eclipse. I'm a veteran java developer and so want to use eclipse over VSCode for familiarity. I'm following this tutorial:
I get to step 5 and run
react-scripts start
The result:
Module not found: Can't resolve 'react/jsx-dev-runtime' in 'C:\temp\workspace\CCFPortal\src'
I created my project via the new project to create a React project. The wizard added all the standard code. Bringing up the terminal gave me some issues because the terminal doesn't seem to set the path to bring nodejs.exe into scope, so I did it manually in the terminal window. Adjusting the properties in window->preferences terminal+ doesn't seem to ever take effect.
I did the following in npm (in addition to the steps in the tutorial) because there were two 'warnings' in the markers view that suggested it. As near as I can tell, all commands were successful whether from the tutorial or these two (though it does flag some 'vulnerabilities' in npm that I force fixed).
npm install #types/react
npm install #types/react-dom
It is indeed true that there is no react/jsx-dev-runtime under that src folder. There's NOTHING there but the src. But I'm unclear why it wasn't there given that I ran npm install and the other things suggested in the tutorial.
Can someone help explain my pathing issue in the terminal and especially why npm is doing this when I run react-scripts start?

NodeJS missing from Configure System page

I'm using Jenkins 2.190.2, and I have the NodeJS Plugin v. 1.3.4 installed.
I can see the "Provide Node & npm bin/folder to PATH" option, in my individual job configure pages. There's a "NodeJS Installation" dropdown, with one entry - "NodeJS v10.16.0".
But when I go to the Manage Jenkins/Configure System page, I'd expect to see a NodeJS section, where I could specify which NodeJS Installations I wanted available in Jenkins. And there's nothing there.
This is no NodeJS section in /configure.
I've uninstalled and reinstalled the NodeJS Plugin, and it's still not there.
Any ideas?
OK - just plain stupid.
Plugin configuration isn't in /configure, anymore, it's in /configureTools.

Domino10 appDevPack: "Error: Cannot find module '#domino/domino-db'"

Just installed the latest Domino 10.0.1 Server on my linux machine and also installed and configured the latest proton package. As far as I can tell it's all running fine.
Next I plan to try my first Node-RED flow using the new Domino10 nodes. So I installed the 'node-red-contrib-dominodb' palette.
Finally tried my first very simple flow trying to query node-demo.nsf as it's described here. From what I read there I assumed that it's sufficient to install the palette, but that obviously is not the case:
as soon as I hit 'Deploy' I receive this error:
Error: Cannot find module '#domino/domino-db'
So I thought that I maybe still have to do a global install in node.js using
npm install -g <package-path>/domino-domino-db-1.1.0.tgz
This indeed created a local #domino/domino-db module inside my node.js npm\node_modules folder. But obviously my node-red environment doesn't know about it.
Question is: how do I register / install that npm package for my local node-red environment?
IBM's instructions (
Say to go view this guide( for installing the domino-db module.
The link is broken, here's an old copy:
I believe the section you want is called "Import the tarball". The steps before that require you to unpack and then re-pack the module... which is unnecessary. Just use the tgz that was in the AppDev Pack to begin with.

Noflo example : Running inside browser

We are trying to get a simple noflo example running inside a browser as described the [Language for Flow-Based Programming]
We tried to refer to some examples available on GitHub
We tried npm install; grunt build. We get the below error and are not able to proceed beyond this:
Running "noflo_browser:build" (noflo_browser) task install
noflo/noflo#master Warning: dns lookup failed Use --force to
Any idea what are we missing ?
At the time of the question the build setup for the projects mentioned was still based on Component.js which had become unmaintained.
Nowadays we're using NPM for installing dependencies and WebPack for browser builds.
Suggested fix would be to fetch the latest versions of these repos, do npm install and build again. This will bring the build up to spec.
If you're using the old build setup in your own projects, this PR is a handy example on what to change to go from Component.js to WebPack.

broccoli-closure-compiler install error

I am trying to test es-6 promise-polyfill, for the testing one the node packages requried is broccoli-closure-compiler, which is not getting installed, I am behind a proxy server, is that the problem, but i have proxy config for both git and npm, so they are working fine, for more info, please refer to the screenshot of the command prompt,
the text in screenshot
D:\pt>npm install broccoli-closure-compiler
npm WARN package.json jshint#0.9.1 No repository field.
closurecompiler#1.3.2 install D:\pt\node_modules\broccoli-closure-compiler\node_modules\closurecompiler
npm run-script configure
closurecompiler#1.3.2 configure D:\pt\node_modules\broccoli-closure-compiler\node_modules\closurecompiler
node scripts/configure.js
Configuring ClosureCompiler.js 1.3.2 ...
Downloading ...
? Download failed: Error: connect ETIMEDOUT
? Unfortunately, ClosureCompiler.js could not be configured.
See: (create an issue maybe)
what I am suggesting is not a solution, these are mere work-around( aka really bad hacks)
if you are facing this, it is because you are behind a proxy server and one of the scripts trying to install clousurecompiler does not have the proxy settings set.
work around one : well, find a way to connect without proxy server, or install in a machine outside proxy server, copy the node_module files to your system,
work around 2 (the one I used) :
when you look at the screenshot, you would notice that at one point "node scripts/configure.js" is run, this is the crucial point, find a way to pause the processing just before this point,
open the 'configure.js' file, it would be at '.\node_modules\broccoli-closure-compiler\node_modules\closurecompiler\scripts' in node project directory,
comment line 65 in that i.e fail(); to //fail();
continue the installation process,
manually download , put the extracted file at '.\node_modules\broccoli-closure-compiler\node_modules\closurecompiler\compiler' in your project directory
(... told you this is a bad solution )
