Google Voice is not working on Android Emulator - android-studio

I am building an app that recognizes the voice and words and responds accordingly.I am running Android Emulator-Nexus_5X_API_25:5554
But when I start the Emulator and touch the speak button It just says Try Again and Try Again.By the way there is no error in the code as the problem is also with the google app,as when I push the sound button on Google App the same error appears.


Android Studio and Capacitor cannot finde console.log() output

I have a Angular Application that i converted via Capacitor to a Android App. If i start my app in Android Studio i cannot access my Nodejs. Therefor i want to use the console.log() to see where my problem is.
But i cant find an output of my log, even though its there in the web console.
You can see Capacitor logs in two different places.
Chrome remote inspector, just type this in your Desktop Chrome chrome://inspect/#devices and your device should appear there and a list of webs and apps that can be debugged, choose your app and you'll see all the console.logs there.
Logcat. Inside Android Studio on the bottom on the screen there should be a Logcat section, if you click it it should show console.log messages and also native messages.

Android Emulator - Tiktok crashing

Am using Android Studio 4.2.1 (most current), and observed this behavior in both devices I tried:
Pixel C (API 30)
13.5 Freeform (API 30)
Followed these instructions to get the Play Store on my android emulators, then downloaded Tiktok, and every time I tried to open it, the app loaded very little and crashed after a couple seconds. I even clicked on a Tiktok video from Google search results, which opened up the app, nothing loaded, then it crashed.
TL;DR: When I try to open the Tiktok app in my Android emulator, the app (not the emulator) crashes.
Anyone know a fix for this (Or should I just report the bug to Google?)?

Messenger Bot generic template buttons and subtitle not showing in android app

I am in middle of building a messenger chat-bot which was working fine but now the buttons and subtitle are not showing in my android phone (I have Xiaomi Poco F1). I have not tested it with any ios device. But it seems to work just fine in browser. I am not able to figure out if this an issue from my side or some bug in messenger app.
Chrome Messenger Image
Android Messenger App Image
The issue was with the App. I re-installed it after clearing cache and data. Now everything is working fine.

Flutter - Emulator is not starting when attempting to run Flutter app

When developing an android app, I was able to configure a 'deployment target' to be a particular emulator.
I was able to do the same yesterday, but I don't know what happened because now there is 'no devices'
I've tried starting up a compatible emulator first instead, but the emulator seems to freeze up and I get the error message, 'No device connected...' when I try to then run the Flutter app.
I thought I didn't have to start an emulator yesterday.
Is there something missing in the 'Edit Configuration' screen above?
I could just select the device from the dropdown.
Regardless, the emulator isn't working at all now. What's this message, 'Guest isn't online after 7 seconds'
Would that have something to do with this?
UPDATE Selected 'Wipe Data' and the emulators don't freeze up in 'black screen'
Googled til I find this approach.

How to finish android apps

As I finish coding at android studio and ready to post it, how can I finish it?
I had already go to build and click make project, but nothing was happened. At event log wrote:"Gradle build finished in 11s 40ms"
If you want to try it on your app, connect it to your pc, enable USB debugging in the phone, download your phone drivers and then click the green triangle. If you want to publish it on google play, look that up.
