active admin global sidebar , like wordpress - activeadmin

As per AcitveAdmin Docs , it is possible to add a sidebar per resource.
but what I would like to achieve is having something like wordpress sidebar that shows everything at the sidebar , just like the navbar links (which show the selected resource) but as a sidebar.
is it possible to achieve this ?

Sure, override ActiveAdmin::Views::Pages::Base#build_sidebar. It might be easier, however, to register the same sidebar in every resource definition.


How to set up a global CSS for an entire page in Liferay DXP?

I am new to Liferay, and I still don't know the difference between the various 'kind' of Liferays.
This Liferay is what I am talking about.
I understand that you have to create a page first, and then add components (fragments) in it.
I also understand that you can go to fragments, and create a custom fragment with a custom CSS, and then import it into your page.
However, what I want to do is have a global CSS that I can use for all fragments inside a page, rather than having to add CSS for each fragment.
Is that possible, and if so, how?
I know I can use the 'style-books' which apply to an entire page, however, I don't know how to customize them, and it doesn't seem that that's even possible.
To avoid coding, you can use the css additional textbox provide by theme settings.
It's a whole page css addon for every pages in the site

Auto add wiki pages to sidebar menu in tikiwiki

I'm running a Tikiwiki (16.2) now and here are my problem:
Every time a wiki is created, I always has to add that page to the sidebar menu manually.
Is there anyway for the new wiki pages will be automatically added the the sidebar? Just like the sidebar of the MindTouch.
I tried Structure but look like It's not the way.
By looking deeper into the documentations, I can archived what I want:
Create a structure (let call it A)
Create a module that pull information from structure A
Assign the menu to the sidebar location (left).
Create a first page and assign it to structure A.
Child pages will be added to the structure automatically
You can also do the same with Catogories.

Orchard CMS - Custom Theme, Creating sections, one with second Navigation

I have a custom theme, the footer, header & home page are all working.
I have a main navigation that links to 5 pages.
I now need to set the style for these 5 pages - and the other pages that link from them (it's different to the home page) - one section of which needs an additional navigation menu on the left (main nav is top).
Would I do this in Visual Studio - or can it be done through the admin web interface?
What is the best approach?
You can add an additional navigation widget on a layer that is not the homepage. As for styling differently on different pages, you could do that many ways.
For example, you could check if the page you are loading is the homepage and load some styles to overwrite the default ones. That would be the easy way I suppose.
If you need a whole new layout for the homepage, you could check out this module on the gallery which lets you select a different layout to use for each content item. Never used it myself, but looks like it could be cool :)

MODX: I added a resource page and now all my links are broken

A client wanted me to add a page to his Modx website. I am only a Joomla/Wordpress guy but I figured I would take a stab at it.
Here were my steps:
I clicked "new document", gave the page a template, a name, a parent, then pasted in some dummy text and hit save.
Now, all of my links look like this:
edit: Actually that is how they are supposed to look according to google. They just simply are not linking to the page any longer.
My blog link still looks like this: (and it is the only link on the page that works)
I cannot delete the resource that I created under any circumstances. Modx just crosses it out in red and there is no option to permanently delete it, that I can find.
edit: Got that part solved... :)
Thanks for your help, I am trying to fix this before the client realizes it is broken.
You specified base tag in head? Like this: <base href="" >.
And to fully remove the resource you need to press the trash icon on top resource panel tree.
Getting rid of the resource group assignments sorted out the issue, and the site is now fully accessible again.

URL based breadcrumbs display

Is it possible to show breadcrumbs based on the URL. For example if the user hits it means home->test1->test and if user hits it means home->test2->test. Is it possible to control the breadcrumbs visibility. Any one guide me how to do this.
A very nice implementation of A very customizable breadcrumb can be found in the Zen theme. If you already use a sub-theme of Zen then you're in luck. You;ll only probably have to configure it and you're good to go.
Options for the breadcrumb: each theme has it's own settings. So you'll need to add the options you'll want for youre breadcrumb (On/Off, separator, home link On/Off etc.) in a themes/your_theme_name/theme-settings.php file. Here you'll find a starting point. For inspiration check out the theme-settings.php (for defining the options) and file (for providing the default values for the options).
Theme the breadcrumb: then you'll have to implement your_theme_name_breadcrumb function in template.php. Again look in the file with the same name in the Zen theme for an example.
Showing the breadcrumb: last step is to make sure that your breadcrumb is visible and you do this by printing the $breadcrumb variable. Look in the page.tpl.php file template for the default implementation and customize it as you like.
Some other points of interests:
Custom breadcrumbs haven't tried it personally but sounds promising if you're looking for customizable breadcrumb trails for node types.
An article on the above mentioned Drupal module
for those who like to get their hands dirty here you can find some nice info:
And don't forget to clear the theme cache at the end :)
