In the last couple of weeks, Create Task API Call for ASANA stopped working.
This code has been working for last 6 months but now it fails.
The error I get is
The remote server returned an error: (434) Client Error (434).
According to the ASANA website
434 means Deprecated
but I am not sure what is Deprecated.
Does anybody have any suggestions I can try to get to the bottom of this?
API Key is deprecated.
Use this page to change it:
I am trying to invoke Azure Batch Rest API to create a pool from ADF.
Below is the Post url I am trying -
testpool above doesn't exist but something that should be created once the RestAPi runs successfully.
However, I am getting the following error code -
Error details
Error code 2108
Troubleshooting guide
Failure type
User configuration issue
{"error":{"code":"InvalidUri","message":"The requested URI does not represent any resource on the server.\nRequestId:b512af12-c1b7-474a-9773-dcf034b07e0e\nTime:2021-07-18T05:57:31.4199546Z","target":"BatchAccount","details":[{"code":"UriPath","message":"/subscriptions/a01c19ca-c50f-4be0-904d-************/resourceGroups/
Source Pipeline poolstart
Any leads will be highly appreciated ?
Thank you Poon. Posting your comment as Answer to help other community members.
Adding the PUT before the URL fixed the issue
I have a Firebase project with 29 functions 2 with python and 27 with nodejs.
Modified 2 of them and now I can't deploy properly. I get an error log that send me to the logviewer and one of the errors is:
ERROR: build step 3
failed: step exited with non-zero status: 46
The functions keep on working, but I can't update/deploy properly. When I try to deploy them individually I get that error for both functions, but when I try to deploy ALL the functions I only get the error with those 2 functions the rest of the functions, that don't have any modification have no problem redeploying.
I checked the source code in the Cloud console and they have a warning icon saying that:
Function is active, but last deployment failed
The source code in the Cloud console is the same as the one I'm trying to deploy but the functions has the same functionality that before when I made the changes, the functions still works but can't update.
These are javascript functions that I deployed using the Firebase Node Sdk.
Any help?
I reverted the changes on one of the functions that's been there for over 2 years and still have the same issue, can't update/deploy, that function triggers on storage.onFinalize().
The other function on firestore.onCreate()
The newest function that I created is not in use, is part of a new feature in my android application, so I duplicated it, gave it different name and deployed without issues. In that case I could delete the original function without any issue as is not being used. But I can't do the same for the other function, the other function is constantly in use.
I'm using jira-python library to gain API access to our company account on Jira.
This is the block of code that should work according to the docs:
from jira.client import JIRA
jira = JIRA(options={'server': ''},
basic_auth=('', 'my_token'))
Taking into account the fact that cookie-based authentication no longer works I generated API tokens and parsed them into code, yet I'm getting error:
WARNING:root:Got recoverable error from GET, will retry [2/3] in 5.527397890949137s. Err: 401
And this just loops and loops until I hit Ctrl+c.
I found this topic here Issue in connecting with JIRA python where somebody asked the very same question but the solution didn't work for me as the missing libraries aren't missing on my system.
What else I could try ?
I'm trying to run example Jira add-on.
I have created credentials.json file and have run npm i and node app.js.
But I have problems with installed event. Here is nodejs log:
Watching atlassian-connect.json for changes
Add-on server running at http://MacBook-Air.local:3000
Initialized sqlite3 storage adapter
Local tunnel established at
Check for tunnel status
Registering add-on...
GET /atlassian-connect.json 200 13.677 ms - 784
Saved tenant details for 608ff294-74b9-3edf-8124-7efae2c16397 to database
{ key: 'my-add-on',
clientKey: '608ff294-74b9-3edf-8124-7efae2c16397',
publicKey: 'MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCtKxrEBipTMXhRHlv9zcSLR2Y9h5YQgNQ5vpJ40tF9RmuIzByjkKTurCLHFwMAWU6aLQM+H+Z8wAlpL9AVlN5NKrEP8+a3mGFUOj/5nSJ7ZWHjgju0sqUruyEkKLvKuhWkKkd9NqBxogN0hxv7ue5msP5ezwei/nTJXmnmA5qOAQIDAQAB',
sharedSecret: 'LfT9elHM7iHkto5pHr+MnpH0SR1ypunIDoCyt6ugVJ1Q4hWHurG8k5DjVzLcvT2C98DDbiJiA89VNB0e3DiUvQ',
serverVersion: '100075',
pluginsVersion: '1.3.407',
baseUrl: '',
productType: 'jira',
description: 'Atlassian JIRA at ',
eventType: 'installed' }
POST /installed?user_key=admin 204 51.021 ms - -
Failed to register with host (200)
The add-on host did not respond when we tried to contact it at "" during installation (the attempt timed out). Please try again later or contact the add-on vendor.
{"type":"INSTALL","pingAfter":300,"status":{"done":true,"statusCode":200,"contentType":"application/vnd.atl.plugins.task.install.err+json","errorMessage":"The add-on host did not respond when we tried to contact it at \"\" during installation (the attempt timed out). Please try again later or contact the add-on vendor.","source":"","name":""},"links":{"self":"/rest/plugins/1.0/pending/80928cb9-f64e-42d0-9a7e-a1fe8ba81055","alternate":"/rest/plugins/1.0/tasks/80928cb9-f64e-42d0-9a7e-a1fe8ba81055"},"timestamp":1513692335651,"userKey":"admin","id":"80928cb9-f64e-42d0-9a7e-a1fe8ba81055"}
Add-on not registered; no compatible hosts detected
I have reviewed tons of information in Google, but didn't found an answer.
More details, that can helps you to answer.
It happens suddenly. It worked OK, but about 1 week ago I start to get this error and cannot fix it. So I didn't change anything, just run add-on again, as I did it every day.
If I try to upload add-on manually I got error in terminal
GET / 302 17.224 ms - 0
GET /atlassian-connect.json 200 2.503 ms - 783
Found existing settings for client 608ff294-74b9-3edf-8124-7efae2c16397. Authenticating reinstall request
Authentication verification error: 401 Could not find authentication data on request
POST /installed?user_key=admin 401 22.636 ms - 45
The most possible reason (that I've found in google) is that I have wrong server time. But the time on my local machine is correct (at least for my timezone).
Anyone has any thoughts about this problem?
I kept randomly having this happen to me. It would be working, then run npm start and I would get the error. Since I'm not using a database right now, I simply removed all references to the juggling-sqlite database. This was in package.json, package-lock.json, config.json, and I just removed store.db. That got it working for me. Pretty frustrating that this happens, not sure a better way around it.
According to documentation when trial is expired and user opens the app, a message would be shown. But my app closes after showing splash screen without any message in this case.
There is the same question on the Microsoft's forum, but I can't write anything there (it returns me unexpected error when I try to submit my question) and there is no answer.
I get the following line in my event log:
App failed with error: No applicable app licenses found. See the Microsoft-Windows-Twin/Operational log for additional information.
Additional information:
< Data Name="ErrorCode" >-1058406399< /Data >
This is Microsoft's bug and they promise to fix it. You can get more details on the msdn-forum.