Parsing two formats of log messages in LogStash - logstash-grok

In a single log file, there are two formats of log messages. First as so:
Apr 22, 2017 2:00:14 AM org.activebpel.rt.util.AeLoggerFactory info
ActiveVOS 9.* version Full license.
Licensed for All application server(s), for 8 cpus,
License expiration date: Never.
and second:
Apr 22, 2017 2:00:14 AM org.activebpel.rt.AeException logWarning
WARNING: The product license does not include Socrates.
First line is same, but on the other lines, there can be (written in pseudo) :loglevel: <msg>, or loglevel:<newline><many of =><newline><multiple line msg><newline><many of =>
I have the following configuration:
%{TIMESTAMP_MW_ERR:timestamp} %{DATA:logger} %{GREEDYDATA:info}%{SPACE}%{LOGLEVEL:level}:(%{SPACE}%{GREEDYDATA:msg}|%{SPACE}=+(%{GREEDYDATA:msg}%{SPACE})*=+)
Grok patterns:
AMPM (am|AM|pm|PM|Am|Pm)
Multiline filter:
The problem is that all messages are always identified with %{SPACE}%{GREEDYDATA:msg}, and so in second case return <many of => as msg, and never with %{SPACE}=+(%{GREEDYDATA:msg}%{SPACE})*=+, probably as first msg pattern contains the second.
How can I parse these two patterns of msg ?

I fixed it by following:
%{TIMESTAMP_MW_ERR:timestamp} %{DATA:logger} %{DATA:info}\s%{LOGLEVEL:level}:\s((=+\s%{GDS:msg}\s=+)|%{GDS:msg})
AMPM (am|AM|pm|PM|Am|Pm)
GDS (.|\s)*
Multiline pattern:
Logs are correctly parsed.


How I can use grok instead of if/else conditions?

I have following log-lines for example:
Fri Jul 24 01:48:47.572 2020 Failed to fetch database name
Fri Jul 24 01:48:47.572 2020 Failed to fetch database name
Fri Jul 24 01:48:47.572 2020 Unable to connect with database
Now I want to differentiate if it is "Failed to fetch database" or "Unable to connect with database". In the first case I want to add the field "Severity = high" an in the other case "Severity = low". But I dont´t want to do it with multiple if/else conditions, because the performance won´t be good (I have many other cases - not only this two). So I wanted to do it with multiple groks like:
grok {
tag_on_failure => []
match => {"errormessage" => "^%{DATA}Failed to fetch database name%{DATA}" }
But this pattern isn´t working. Can anyone help me????

A complicated logstash pattern in Grok

I have following 3 lines in a log that need to be grok'd for ElasticSearch through logstash.
2020-01-27 13:30:43,536 INFO com.test.bestmatch.streamer.function.BestMatchProcessor - Best match for ID: COi0620200110450BAD5CB723457A9B4747F1727 Total Batch Processing time: 3942
2020-01-27 13:30:43,581 INFO HTTPConnection - COi0620200110450BAD5CB723457A9B4747F1727 | People: 51 | Addresses: 5935 | HTTP Query Time: 24
2020-01-27 13:30:43,698 INFO bestRoute - COi0620200110450BAD5CB723457A9B4747F1727 | Touch Points: 117 | Best Match Time 3943
I tried various grok patterns but couldn't get to any concrete one.
Edited as per request
I need the following in ES in the context of the specific log entry
1st line
ID: COi0620200110450BAD5CB723457A9B4747F1727
Total Batch Processing time: 3942
2nd Line
ID: COi0620200110450BAD5CB723457A9B4747F1727
People: 51
Addresses: 5935
HTTP Query Time: 24
3rd Line
Touch Points 117
Best Match Time: 3943.
The output is from a Flink log. If there are flink patterns out there then please let me know.
1st line:
^%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:time}\s*%{LOGLEVEL:loglevel}.*ID: (?<ID>[\w\d]*).*time: (?<total_time>[\d]*)$
2nd line:
^%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:time}\s*%{LOGLEVEL:loglevel}.* - (?<ID>[\w]*).*People: (?<people>[\w]*).*Addresses: (?<addresses>[\d]*).*HTTP Query Time: (?<query_time>[\d]*)$
3rd line:
^%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:time}\s*%{LOGLEVEL:loglevel}.* - (?<ID>[\w]*).*Touch Points: (?<touch_points>[\d]*).*Best Match Time (?<best_match_time>[\d]*)$
There are many ways to parse this, this is only one approach. I would reccomend to adjust the field names I used to the new ECS.

How to Generate Grok Patterns automatically using LogMine

I am trying to generate GROK patterns automatically using LogMine
Log sample:
Error IGXL error [Slot 2, Chan 16, Site 0] HSDMPI:0217 : TSC3 Fifo Edge EG0-7 Underflow. Please check the timing programming. Edge events should be fired in the sequence and the time between two edges should be more than 2 MOSC ticks.
Error IGXL error [Slot 2, Chan 18, Site 0] HSDMPI:0217 : TSC3 Fifo Edge EG0-7 Underflow. Please check the timing programming. Edge events should be fired in the sequence and the time between two edges should be more than 2 MOSC ticks.
For the above logs, I am getting the following pattern:
But I expect a Grok Pattern(Logstash) that looks like this:
%{LOGLEVEL:level} *%{DATA:Instrument} %{LOGLEVEL:State} \[%{DATA:slot} %{DATA:slot} %{DATA:channel} %{DATA:channel} %{DATA:Site}] %{DATA:Tester} : %{DATA:Content}
Code: LogMine is imported from the following link:
import sys
import os
import LogMine
input_dir ='E:\LogMine\LogMine' # The input directory of log file
output_dir ='E:\LogMine\LogMine/output/' # The output directory of parsing results
log_file ='E:\LogMine\LogMine/log_teradyne.txt' # The input log file name
log_format ='<Event> <Tester> <State> <Slot> <Instrument><content> <contents> <context> <desc> <junk> ' # HDFS log format
levels =1 # The levels of hierarchy of patterns
max_dist =0.001 # The maximum distance between any log message in a cluster and the cluster representative
k =1 # The message distance weight (default: 1)
regex =[] # Regular expression list for optional preprocessing (default: [])
parser = LogMine.LogParser(input_dir, output_dir, log_format, rex=regex, levels=levels, max_dist=max_dist, k=k)
This code returns only the parsed CSV file, I am looking to generate the GROK Patterns and use it later in a Logstash application to parse the logs.

Search multiline error log for error code and then some of it's parameters on Linux

What command would give me the output I need for each instance of an error code in a very large log file? The file has records marked by a begin and end with number of characters. Such as:
SR 120
1414760452 0 1 Fri Oct 31 13:00:52 2014 2218714 4
../SrxParamIF.m 284
New Exam Started
EN 120
The 5th field is the error code, 2218714 in previous example.
I thought of just grep'ing for the error code and outputting -A lines afterwards; then picking what I needed from that rather than parsing the entire file. That seems easy but my grep/awk/sed usage isn't to that level.
ONLY when error 2274021 is encountered as in the following example I'd like some output as shown.
Show me output such as: egrep ‘Coil:|Connector:|Channels faulted:| First channel:’ ERRORLOG|less
Part of input file of interest:
Mon Nov 24 13:43:37 2014 2274021 1
SCP:RfHubCanHWO::RfBias 4101
^MException Class: Unknown Severity: Unknown
Function: RF: RF Bias
PSD: VIBRANT Coil: Breast SMI Scan: 1106/14
Coil Fault - Short Circuit
A multicoil bias fault was detected.
Connector: Port 1 (P1)
Channels faulted: 0x200
First channel: 10 of 32, counting from 1
Fault value: -2499 mV, Channel: 10->
Coil: Breast SMI
Connector: Port 1 (P1)
Channels faulted: 0x200
First channel: 10 of 32, counting from 1
Thanks in advance for any pointers!
Try the following (with the convenient adaptations)
use strict;
$/="\nEN "; # register separated by "\nEN "
my $error=2274021; # the error!
while(<>){ # for all registers
next unless /\b$error\b/; # ignore unless error
for my $line ( split(/\n/,$_)){
print "$line\n" if ($line =~ /Coil:|Connector:|Channels faulted:|First channel:/);
print "====\n"
Is this what you need?

vim search for epoch time strings, pipe to date -d and return the date into the file

I have a file with a lot of data in it, one being a last-modified="1231231231"
where 1231231231 is epoch time in milliseconds
target="[ phase="1" language="de_DE" ]"
Note the: last_modified="1325669156960"
I can run this:
to find all these occurrences and replace them with a "seconds" string:
I can then pattern match on those 10 digits, and what I'd like to do is pipe them to the unix data -d command to return a formatted data stamp:
In this example, instead of replacing with the same value as I found (I.e, the &),
I'd like to somehow pipe that value to what would be essentially:
date -d &
and return that as a formatted time stamp in the
last_modified="Wed Jan 4 07:13:32 MST 2012"
Any ideas on how to do this? I have to do this about every other week on various files.
You can use strftime() in vim. Find one proper format string to meet your needs.
I'm using %c here:
:%s/last_modified="\zs\(\d\{10}\)\d\{3}/\=strftime('%c', str2nr(submatch(1)))/g
last_modified="2012-1-4 17:25:56"
target="[ phase="1" language="de_DE" ]"
