Custom Paypal credit card payment form required fields for payment api - node.js

I'm integrating a custom paypal credit card payment form in my project (Angular2 + Node.js).
My question is do we really need to add "first_name" and "last_name" field in the form. Instead I just want to add one field for the name of card holder.
Please sugggest the best solution for my case.

Well actually you can do that. The name field are not compulsory.

You could add a single field for Cardholder Name and then split it in your code so that you can populate first name and last separately.


How to pass the billing name in stripe payment card mount?

I am trying to pass the billing name on my stripe payment (like below)
var cardCvcElement = elements.create('billingName', {
style: style,
placeholder: 'Name on card',
but it is giving me the following error A valid Element name must be provided. Valid Elements are: card, cardNumber, cardExpiry, cardCvc, postalCode, paymentRequestButton, iban, idealBank, p24Bank, auBankAccount, fpxBank, affirmMessage, afterpayClearpayMessage; you passed: billingName.
I am not sure how to send the billing name as part of the payment.
When you create an Element, you can create either a Payment Element (new component) or Card Element (old component).
It looks like you have created a Card Element, hence it's expecting a "valid" element name of card, cardNumber, cardExpiry, cardCvc, postalCode, paymentRequestButton, iban, idealBank, p24Bank, auBankAccount, fpxBank, affirmMessage, afterpayClearpayMessage. See Stripe JS Reference.
I suggest taking a step back and fixing the correct syntax for this call first, before thinking of how to send the billing name. Pretty much you would want Payment Element instead, and as other answer pointed out, you will need to pass the billing Details in the defaultValues under options.
If you are creating a payment element, you need to pass the billing details in the defaultValues object under the options object.

CC_PROCESSOR_NOT_FOUND error while creating customer deposit record in netsuite

Error is as below when tried to create customer deposit record using sales order id.
{"type":"error.SuiteScriptError","name":"CC_PROCESSOR_NOT_FOUND","message":"A suitable credit card processing profile was not found for this transaction.","stack":["<anonymous>(N/record/recordService.js)","<anonymous>(adhoc$-1$debugger.user:36)"],"cause":{"type":"internal error","code":"CC_PROCESSOR_NOT_FOUND","details":"A suitable credit card processing profile was not found for this transaction.","userEvent":null,"stackTrace":["<anonymous>(N/record/recordService.js)","<anonymous>(adhoc$-1$debugger.user:36)"],"notifyOff":false},"id":"","notifyOff":false,"userFacing":false}
What is the value to be set to the fieldId 'creditcardprocessor' to avoid this error.Explained with an example is a great help.
You didn't supply a valid creditcardprocessingprofile record id to that field.
This is what this fields means:
Select the credit card processor you want to use for this transaction.
You can set up credit card processors at > > Set Up Credit Card Processing.
You are missing a payment provider like CyberSource. This is a user-provided option not a list of pre-set options. Ask your accounting dept to set one up

Netsuite Add Custom Fied to Transaction Column Field

On "Reconcile Credit Card Statement" screen of Netsuite UI, at "Payment and Credit" section (the list), I want to add one more column into it. And this column is referred to the custom field of the Payment.
Can we do that?
Any help is appreciate!
Thank you.
This is a standard scripted screen, and as such cannot be customised.
You'll notice the lack of both "Customise" on the sublist view, and also at the top right of the screen.
You could always contact NetSuite Support and get them to raise it as an enhancement request to be able to customise the sublist view itself...?

Integrating PAYMILL: How to set the amount delimiter symbol?

I'm implementing the Credit Card Payment form of PAYMILL according to the Payment Form docu. So I copied the JS from the Bridge docu page and the form from the Payment Form docu page.
The problem is: curretly I can use only the dot as amount delimiter symbol. But in the region the shop is being developed for comma is used as separator in amount.
What and how should be configured, in order to give users the ability to use comma as delimiter symbol for amounts?
Here is an example from the PAYMILL website ( -- just click on "Demo Payment Form"). It works with comma:
You should not use any delimiter for the amount. The field is deprecated. Use "amount_int", which is the amount in cents. E.g. for 1,50€ you should have "amount": 150.

Custom fields vs DataFields in Docusign

Does anyone know the difference between using the Data Field in Standard set of fields versus defining a Custom field ?
If you are talking about envelope custom fields - those are invisible during signing and should be used for meta-data only.
Here is a good reason to use envelope custom fields:
A loan origination system might have a loan ID and would put the loan ID as a meta data on all the DocuSign envelopes that pertain to that loan. This makes searching and cross linking easy.
Here is a good use case for regular "Secure Fields" or "Form Fields" or "Data Fields":
A system has address for a particular signer and wants to pre-populate that data for signing, but maybe give the signer an option to correct it. You put the data field on and then the user can fill it out or update it.
Hope this helps.
