Integrating PAYMILL: How to set the amount delimiter symbol? - payment

I'm implementing the Credit Card Payment form of PAYMILL according to the Payment Form docu. So I copied the JS from the Bridge docu page and the form from the Payment Form docu page.
The problem is: curretly I can use only the dot as amount delimiter symbol. But in the region the shop is being developed for comma is used as separator in amount.
What and how should be configured, in order to give users the ability to use comma as delimiter symbol for amounts?
Here is an example from the PAYMILL website ( -- just click on "Demo Payment Form"). It works with comma:

You should not use any delimiter for the amount. The field is deprecated. Use "amount_int", which is the amount in cents. E.g. for 1,50€ you should have "amount": 150.


Custom Paypal credit card payment form required fields for payment api

I'm integrating a custom paypal credit card payment form in my project (Angular2 + Node.js).
My question is do we really need to add "first_name" and "last_name" field in the form. Instead I just want to add one field for the name of card holder.
Please sugggest the best solution for my case.
Well actually you can do that. The name field are not compulsory.
You could add a single field for Cardholder Name and then split it in your code so that you can populate first name and last separately.

Logo Tab ?? needed for embedded signing application

I have a standard credit check authorization for borrowers will need to sign for the 100+ banks that will use our solution. I push Bank Name, Borrower name, SSN, etc into the document using the different tabs.
What I would also like to do is put in the bank's logo on the upper left corner of the document.
Is that possible?
You could use the Branding capability to change the entire look and feel of the app, including the bank's logo, colors, etc.
You could also use a different template document for each bank. The document would include the bank's logo.

Using DocuSign REST API to set Data Validation

I can populate a text field with a date (ex. 12/31/2016) using the REST API. I want to set it so that if a user makes any changes to the text field they must use the same date format.
I've read about setting a validationPattern and validationMessage, but when I put <validationPattern>mm/dd/yyyy</validationPattern> it was more of a literal validation where the field had to be "mm/dd/yyyy".
Is there documentation on how to set the validationPattern with the REST API?
Also, I originally had it so that I set the mask value = date for the text field, but when I tried to populate the field using the REST API it was empty. And I believe I was submitting the correct format (1/1/2016).
As the manual states,
Javascript RegEx object is used for regular expression validation.
So you need to enter a regular expression. The mm/dd/yyy should be presented to your users as instructions, it isn't the regexp.
If you want mm/dd/yyyy try this one from StackOverflow:
^((0?[1-9]|1[012])[- \/.](0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[- \/.](19|20)?[0-9]{2})*$
Try it online
Note: I escaped the literal / by using \/ I don't know offhand if you should escape the regex when entering it via the API or via the browser. I suggest that you test by using the web browser access to DocuSign, then switch to the API.

\d1\ Alternative to print a date on documents rather than have the user enter manually?

I am sending \s1\ perfectly fine to Docusign however \d1\ requests the signer to enter a date manually. This is obviously open to abuse on legal contracts.
Is there another tag i can use that prints the date of signing so the signer does not have to enter a date?
THank you
Are you using the Anchor Tagging feature since I see you referencing strings like \s1\ and \d1\? Or are you are using the DfS (DocuSign for Salesforce) integration and setting those strings through there?
The bottom line is that yes, it is definitely possible (and easy) to add a date tag that automatically populates based on the date your recipients are signing the document, so that they can not set whatever date they want. You just need to make sure you are using the Date Signed DocuSign tab instead of a regular date tab.
This is what it looks like in the DocuSign tagger:
If you do not have access to the tagging screen then you'll need to ask your DocuSign Admin.

Do not want a barcode on the expanded view, but would like the card number to be displayed as large as possible, for manual keying by a store clerk

From what I can see in the Google Wallet Objects API documentation, there are two loyalty templates from which to choose. One has the barcode section, and the other has an image instead. Is there any way to configure or otherwise create a third option, where a text string could be displayed in place of either a barcode or image?
We currently provide two templates, loyalty1 and loyalty2.
You can use loyalty1 template that provides a barcode. For the barcode type, select textOnly. For more information on the types of barcode provided please look at the API Reference
