When upgrading a WSP file using a C# code receive an error - sharepoint

There are several WSPs that I am trying to install, all of which were upgraded properly in SP2013 environment, but when I am trying to upgrade them in SP2016 then it is not working.
I am using a command of Solution.Upgrade to upgrade them.
Here's the error message received:
Type: Core Solution
Contains Web Application Resource: No
Contains Global Assembly: Yes
Contains Code Access Security Policy: No
Deployment Server Type: Front-end Web server
Deployment Status: Error
Deployed To: Globally deployed.
Last Operation Result: Some of the files failed to copy during deployment of the solution.
Last Operation Details: The solution has not been upgraded.
Last Operation Time: 5/17/2017 5:23 AM
Can any one tell me why?

Does it work if you retract the solution and deploy again? Try this if you have not.
How did you migrated your SP2013 sites to SP2016. Was it through powershell backup and restore command? There can be version conflict. So, try to migrate your site using database backup and restore.
Also, use Visual Studio 2015 to rebuild your solution and then deploy it. VS2015 has SP2016 templates. Take target framework 4.5 or above.

I am able to resolve this issue by seeing the logs carefully. While looking in to the logs I have found out that due to some reason Timer Service is stopped before my Upgrade code is run. So put a code to check the timer service status and if it is stopped then I started it again.
If you don't want to check for the stopped service. you can simply stop the service and start it again.
This hack has resolved my issue and now every wsp is deployed successfully.


Cannot deploy Azure app service via GitHub Actions after upgrading from .NET Core 5 to 6

I updated my ASP.NET Core web application from .NET Core 5 to .NET Core 6. This seems to work fine locally.
I then checked my changes into GitHub, whereupon a GitHub action builds and deploy this to my App Service on Azure. This did not work the first time, because my YAML file still referenced .NET 5. I changed that and tried again. However, I then got a different error:
Error: EISDIR: illegal operation on a directory, open '/home/site/wwwroot/wwwroot/Identity/lib/bootstrap/LICENSE'
I found a post describing this very error and attempted to follow the instructions suggested by Trevor Davis (https://stackoverflow.com/a/70136206/98422), which was to delete the contents of the /home/site/wwwroot/ folder in my deployed App Service and re-deploy.
However, having done so, I now get a different error when trying to deploy the website:
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/home/site/wwwroot/Azure.Storage.Blobs.dll'
An error has occurred during web site deployment.
Kudu Sync failed
...and now I've no idea how to fix it. And my website is down :-(
Can anyone please advise?
Well, I hope this helps someone else. I discovered that simply stopping the website while the deploy was in progress was enough to make it work again.
Two days needless downtime... :-(
I removed all references to identity as I wasn't using it, this got the deployment working. Not sure why..
I my situation, the underlying issue seemed to be updating Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.UI from version 5.* to version 6+. What worked for me was just reverting Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.UI to 5.0.17.

HTTP Error 502.5 - Process Failure after Deployed the .Net core to Azure appservice

I have recently upgraded my .Netcore webapi from 2.2 to 3.1 and deployed to azure app services.
Since then I got the below issue. I have reverted the release but still getting the same error.
I found few solutions for IIS but nothing for Azure app services .How to fix this?
Reduce the version of Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions to 3.1.17 or 3.1.16.
Try to find Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions on scm site.
I guess it don't include Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions package when deploy, so try to use below code in .csproj file. But it failed.
I try to find the reason on scm site, and I find it. On azure, .net core 3.1 just support the version of Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions are 3.1.17 and 3.1.16.
[PREVIOUS] The way to find the error logs
Judging from the error message, your webapp did not start. To solve the problem, we can only locate the error by querying the log.
You have the following two solutions to solve the problem. View the log:
Prerequisite: If you have successfully deployed the project before, please log in to the scm site to clean up all the files in the original wwwroot folder.
Plan 1:
Find the web.config file in the wwwroot folder and set stdoutLogEnabled="true".
You can refer to the following posts and github issues.
Azure Web App - Python: can't open file 'manage.py': [Errno 0] No error
How to enable stdoutLogEnabled=true when site is deployed with Run From Package
After add the settings in web.config, we can check the logs.
Plan 2:
Follow below picture, check Application Event Logs.
You also can refer my answer to Collect .NET Profiler Trace (Azure - Unhandled Exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException).
After find the error, you can solve it quickly. If you also have some problem, you can create a new project without any sensitive info for us to reproduce your issues.

Release Failure from TFS CI

I am trying to deploy an application to the Azure Service Fabric using the release definition task. When it gets to the task to deploy the server is returning the following error:
The type initializer for 'Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Powershell.Constants' threw an exception
I checked the Endpoint configuration and it appears to be set up as it is supposed to be:
No Authentication (this is an internal text box)
Cluster endpoint: tcp://[service fabric server]:19000
It downloads the artifacts without a problem, but in deploy it searches for the paths for publish profile and application package and finds them. After it finds them it throws the error. I have tried replacing TCP in the endpoint with http, added and removed the :19000 as well and all I get is this error. I have been searching online with little success. Any help to this end is much appreciated.
After lots of researching trying every suggestion I could find, we decided try and connect to the machine via Powershell on the box and it too was returning this error. So we uninstalled the SDK and re-installed it and the connection could be made and the builds started to work. I don't know exactly why it failed, but apparently a re-install did the trick. It may have been a bad install, or it could have been a versioning problem. Either way, try a re-install first.

Your role instances have recycled a number of times during an update or upgrade operation

I am trying to deploy a Cloud Service with 1 Web Role to Azure.
When I do so, I get this message:
Your role instances have recycled a number of times during an update or upgrade operation. This indicates that the new version of your service or the configuration settings you provided when configuring the service prevent the role instances from running. Verify your code does not throw unhandled exceptions and that your configuration settings are correct and then start another update or upgrade operation.
The project runs just fine locally, and I'm having a hard time figuring out how to start debugging this issue. Are there any common problems that cause this message or steps to figure out what is causing it?
See https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/archive/blogs/kwill/windows-azure-paas-compute-diagnostics-data. This will walk through all of the diagnostic data available as well as how to troubleshoot the most common issues.
We also had this annoying problem and in our case:
We use local storage, but it wasn't defined in service definition (or Worker Role's properties)
Our worker role project has reference to a service project which has reference to data layer project. But, the worker role project doesn't have reference to the data layer project. As soon as we added reference to data layer project in worker role project, it deploys successfully.
Problem #1 can be easily noticed if you first run the project in your local machine. Exception will be thrown.
Problem #2, however, is more difficult, mainly because it runs just fine in local machine. After 5 days of trouble shooting, we finally found the problem. So, check all references and try to add sub-reference projects, those that are referenced by other references.
We had similar problem, and it was due to some DDLs failed to load. (due to different version from the one MS have deployed to the VM)
Try to set CopyLocal to "true" for all the References in the project, and re-deploy.
I would either remote desktop to the cloud instance and review the Windows Event Logs for exceptions or redeploy with IntelliTrace Enabled. If you choose the later, you can download the IntelliTrace logs from Visual Studio and debug
One way to find out the actual error is to click on the " 1 instance" at the top of Dashboard after trying to deploy your web role. It will tell you the status of the role instance. The status should include more information about the type of error which blocks your deployment.
It depends on what your case is. For me, the status claimed that I had an unhandled Security exception. After some investigation, it turned out that under my role's OnStart(), I tried to create a event source. However, Azure service doesn't have the permission to create an event source.
For more possible issues, check http://blogs.msdn.com/b/kwill/archive/2013/09/06/troubleshooting-scenario-3-role-stuck-in-busy.aspx
For me, the issue was with my SQL Azure DB firewall rules. My Azure SQL Database servers are not set to "Allow Access to Azure services", so I have to explicitly list IPs that are allowed.
I discovered this after wrapping my code in a try/catch that swallowed all exceptions, refactoring my OnStart() and RunAsync() methods, and setting all my references to Copy Local = True. None of that worked, then I saw that I had this line in my RunAsync() method:
I am using the AdoNetAdapter for log4net and connecting to an Azure SQL DB for logging, so that led me to check the firewall rules.
For me, I had some differing version of nuget packages in my various projects. Once I consolidated everything to the same version(s), it worked fine.
With the release of Windows Azure SDK version 2.2 for Visual Studio 2012 and 2013, Now you can Remote Debug Cloud Resources within Visual Studio.
Once your cloud service is published and running live in the cloud, you can simply set a breakpoint in your local source code. This may help you in digging out what's going wrong!

Error Deploying New Relic Instrumented Site to Azure from Github & VS.NET

I am getting the following error:
Error: The process cannot access the file 'C:\DWASFiles\Sites\mywebsitename\VirtualDirectory0\site\wwwroot\newrelic\NewRelic.Agent.Core.dll' because it is being used by another process.
In the Running deployment command... log file when attempting to deploy an Azure website from Github.
Would appreciate any pointers as to what could be causing this.
UPDATE: Turns out this is also failing when publishing directly from VS.NET with the following:
1>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v11.0\Web\Microsoft.Web.Publishing.targets(4196,5): Warning : An error was encountered when processing operation 'Create File' on 'NewRelic.Agent.Core.dll'.
1>Retrying operation 'Update' on object filePath (mywebsitename\newrelic\NewRelic.Agent.Core.dll). Attempt 1 of 2.
1>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v11.0\Web\Microsoft.Web.Publishing.targets(4196,5): Error : Web deployment task failed. ((06/07/2013 23:54:58) An error occurred when the request was processed on the remote computer.)
This was working before and I am not sure why it would have stopped.
NewRelic recommend stopping the website to unload the file and allow the deployment to go through.
As an alternative, you can set COR_ENABLE_PROFILING to 0 in your app settings on the configure tab to temporarily disable the profiling, which should then allow you to continue with the deployment while leaving the website operational throughout.
Instead of stopping the website you can temporarily turn off New Relic monitoring via the Configure tab on manage.windowsazure.com:
Configure > developer analytics > select "OFF" > Save
Configure > developer analytics > select "ADD-ON" > Choose Add-on from dropdown > Save
Worked for me, both with a regular deployment from VS and an automatic build from VSO.
This is a known issue with the New Relic .NET agent for Azure Websites when performing an upgrade of the agent. The workaround is to stop the website to release the dll, finish the deployment and then restart the instance.
Not really a solution but more of a work-around, in the publish dialog view a preview of the changes and uncheck the NewRelic.Agent.Core.dll file so that it doesn't get published.
None of these answers work for me anymore. I have an Azure Basic tier website plan, which hosts multiple actual websites.
If I don't stop the website, I get the error mentioned above (newrelic.agent.core.dll is in use)...
If I do stop the website (or all of them), I get an error saying that the publishing endpoint isn't available.
If I go to the configure tab and disable the AddOn, we still get the error mentioned above (newrelic.agent.core.dll is in use)...
Pretty much we just republish over and over again with different permutations of the above until if works. It took me hours the other day, took me 10 minutes today.
If you are using webdeploy, then you can configure your webdeploy settings so that it ignores the file. However, if you do that, you will manually have to deploy any updates to the new relic agent.
I had a similar issue with the new relic log file being locked, and solved it by:
Moving the new relic log file to a subdirectory of the web root (e.g. \newreliclogs)
Adding 2 lines to my powershell script that configured the skip directive to ignore that whole directory. e.g. (where destBaseOptions is of type Microsoft.Web.Deployment.DeploymentBaseOptions
$skipDirective = new-object Microsoft.Web.Deployment.DeploymentSkipDirective("NewRelicLog","objectName=dirPath,absolutePath=.*\newreliclogs$")
Depending on how you are using webdeploy, the configuration is achieved slightly differently, I used the following links to help me piece it together:
And I used the powershell script from the Octopus Deploy Library at https://library.octopusdeploy.com/#!/step-template/actiontemplate-web-deploy-publish-website-(msdeploy).
