Helpp for install cstore_fdw - linux

I'm actually trying to install sctore_fdw but I just have a little question for the installation.
I follow a tutorial and it is asking to do this :
you need to include the pg_config directory path in your make command
This is my pg_config path:
I have some difficulty with Linux and specifically with the make command, so what i'm supposed to do?

Have you tried this like the instructions specify (ref:
PATH=/usr/bin/:$PATH make
sudo PATH=/usr/bin/:$PATH make install


How to use cassandra-loader on ubuntu

I want to use cassandra-loader on ubuntu 14.04.
I have cassandra installed on my machine along with other prerequisites require for loader.
I am following this link for the same;
I downloaded the cassandra-loader tool but when trying to run any cassandra-loader command it prompts cassandra-loader command not found.
Kindly guide if I am missing anything or need to install other prerequisite as well.
in the README it says:
To run cassandra-loader, simply run the cassandra-loader executable (e.g., located at build/cassandra-loader)
so everywhere where you see the cassandra-loader alone, or just copy build/cassandra-loader somewhere in your PATH and use it.
Done. Just needed to run chmod command on utility to work properly.

Plowshare with disabled JS interpreter

I try to use plowshare to download files with command line but on ubuntu I got this error: "Use of Javascript interpreter is disabled in debian for security."
I've found that I should add environmental variable: "PLOWSHARE_DEBIAN_JS=yes"
I added it to ".bashrc" in home directory, with source after that but it doesn't work, i can't find anything what can help, anyone know how can i enable JS?
Not sure if you found a resolve. But I fixed this issue by command export PLOWSHARE_DEBIAN_JS=yes then you might encounter another issue like "Javascript interpreter not found. Please install one" just install nodejs sudo apt-get install nodejs

Shopify's 'slate' package not running after installation

I just installed Shopify's 'Slate' package using npm.
Terminal shows that the package was added to '/.npm-packages/lib'.
However, when I attempt to build a new shopify theme using the command 'slate theme newthemename', the command isn't found...
...even though slate clearly was installed.
Curious to figure out what I'm doing wrong, so any help/advice is much appreciated!
Please execute the below command from your terminal.
npm link #shopify/slate
Basically this command creates a symlink to your package folder, it will check for the global (npm) modules first, and will check for the local modules if there is no match.
Hope this helps!
Your installation of slate is successful. However, the slate program (slate/lib/index.js) is not added to environment variable PATH, that's why error command not found is reported.
To fix this issue, a simple method is add slate/lib/index.js to PATH manually. For example, create a symbolic link in /usr/local/bin/ and make it point to slate/lib/index.js:
sudo ln -s /<absolute_path>/#shopify/slate/lib/index.js /usr/local/bin/slate
Please note the first parameter of ln -s must be absolute path. If relative path is used, Mac OS X (I'm on 10.12.6) won't help to translate it.

How to provide Qt installation path to configure?

I got a source code from github. It writen by Qt, and I have installed the Qt from the Qt official website. But when I run ./configure. It said error: cannot find QtGui. What can I do? I don't want to install duplicated through the apt-get. I set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH in .zshrc. It's not work.
The usual way is to install dependencies through apt-get. If you install them manually, you need to resolve path issues by your own.
Since you've chosen the dark path, now you need to manually inform configure where your QT include files and libraries are located:
export CPPFLAGS='-I/qt/path/include'
export LDFLAGS='-L/qt/path/lib/'
env CPPFLAGS='-I/qt/path/include' LDFLAGS='-L/qt/path/lib/' ./configure
More info is here.

Troubles when installing Hep-math

I'm using Moba-Xterm terminal on windows. I'm trying to install hep math-1.4 using the PDF manual. I need to use prefix to send it to the right location but i don't know where to that right location is.
After downloading the package and extracting it on desktop i have to do the following;
./configure --prefix= something
make install
So when I do prefix=Desktop I got an error?
Help to find a good prefix?
i'm new on linux
You don't need to use a custom prefix if you run the last command as root:
sudo make install
Update: The next page of the manual says
If you want to generate Python extension modules with HEPMath you may want to use
a prefix that your Python interpreter searches for Python packages. On my system this
is $HOME/.local.
