multiple lines made into 1 line of data - excel

I have attached a picture of what im trying to do.
I run these reports on my techs once a week. on the left side of the picture it shows the service order number multiple times and then the the booked date and closed date the techs id number actual hours work and then sold hours. the problem is it has many lines with the same service order. i need to make it look like the line to the right. 1 usable line of data so that i can process the reports the way i need to.

Copy A1:E32 all your Data without column F and paste it in I1 it will be I1:M32 for example, select I1:M32 the new Data under Data Tab click on Remove Duplicates you will have one row for each different entry
If the Number in Ro-no (column I) is unique for each entry, use the following in N2:
and drag it down
It will sum the Sold Hours in column F for each RO-NO
Change the references to include all your rows and keep $

Power query
One of solutions is to use MS power query addin. In Office 2016 and alike the PQ is built-in feature, located on the Data tab, Get and Transform group.
Let's say we have data like this:
We can use the Power query to Group By, like so:
The query will remember the steps you 'teach' it.


Extracting text in excel

I have some text which I receive daily that I need to seperate. I have hundreds of lines similar to the extract below:
I need to extract individual snippets from this text, so for each in a seperate cell, I the result needs to be the date, month, company, size, and price. In the case, the result would be:
The issue I'm struggling with is uniformity. For example one line might have FEB50-FEB40, another FEB5-FEB40, or FEB50-FEB4. Another example giving me difficult is that some rows might have 'COMPANY A' and the other 'COMPANYA' (one word instead of two).
Any ideas? I've been trying combinations of the below but I'm not able to have uniform results.
=TRIM(MID(SUBSTITUTE($D7," ",REPT(" ",LEN($D7))), (5)*LEN($D7)+1,LEN($D7)))
Sometimes I get
FEB40-50(' OR 'FEB40-FEB5'
when it should be
Thank you to who is able to help.
You might get to the limits of formulas with this scenario, but with Power Query you can still work.
As I see it, you want to apply the following logic to extract text from this string:
text after the first : and before the first (
text between the brackets
text after the word OFFERS and before AT
text after 'AT`
These can be easily translated into several "Split" scenarios inside Power Query.
split by custom delimiter : - that's colon and space - for each ocurrence
remove first column
Split new first column by ( - that's space and bracket - for leftmost
Replace ) with nothing in second column
Split third column by delimiter OFFERS
split new fourth column by delimiter AT
The screenshot shows the input data and the result in the Power Query editor after renaming the columns and before loading the query into the worksheet.
Once you have loaded the query, you can add / remove data in the input table and simply refresh the query to get your results. No formulas, just clicking ribbon commands.
You can take this further by removing the "KB" from the column, convert it to a number, divide it by 100. Your business processing logic will drive what you want to do. Just take it one step at a time.

Count the number of times the ID appears, and create a new table with the number of impressions without duplication

I volunteer as part of my job, and I was asked to arrange an Excel file. In the Excel file I have a long table - containing IDs - I have to count the number of times each ID appears - and then copy each ID along with the number of times it appears.
For example:
I tried to count how many each ID appears, using the "countif" command. But when I delete the IDs, the countif changes accordingly.
My use of the "countif" command looks like this, I took the entire identity card, and checked for each certificate how many times it appears. The code I wrote is
C9 to C3074 - this is my IDs row, C9 - Is a certain ID. I did the operation for "C9" and for each ID separately.
I need to know how many IDs appear, and take each ID once, and together they also took its data from the table.
for example:
The easiest IMO to re-arange this table is actually without any formulas. The proces is done through PowerQuery.
Select your range A1:C7 (including headers)
Data tab > From Table/Range
You have headers, so choose accordingly
PowerQuery should now start, and within the opened tab:
Within this new pane, select all three columns again
Got to Transform and click Group By
Change 'Header' to your liking and click 'OK'
There should be a new fourth column, exactly how you imagined it.
Exit PowerQuery and Save edit.

Pivot table group by year

I need to create a new calculated column on my pivot table: year.
I know it's possible to put the date into the lines field and manually group from there and it will show up, however my data is too big and I get a run-time error, so I would like to try creating this column using the option of “Calculated Field” but how can I get a year if it only allows me to do simple math (such as multiplication).
PS. my excel is in Portuguese as the image shows, but what I need is for a new field YEAR to show up.
So my endgame looks something like this, I need to create the column Years, I can't do the way I'm used to because of how many lines there are.

In Excel VBA, how do I select rows containing specific values in a column and hide them?

I'm trying for the life of me to figure out Excel VBA but I've been getting nowhere.
Here's what I'm needing to do:
Have a list of thousands of entries - each one corresponding to a ticket for a customer. Columns include information like client name (Column B), # of minutes worked on per ticket (Column I), etc.
We're trying to make a macro that totals the # minutes of worked on for all tickets of a specific client in a new row directly below, then hide all of those rows.
The end result should be only seeing a row containing "Total -client name here-" in the name column, then the total number of minutes in the # of minutes column.
The previous macros I've done aren't dynamic and were done via recordings within excel (which obviously don't work the way I wanted to, apparently).
Programming isn't my forte, and all this has been doing is making me want to pull my hair out. Any help?
It sounds like you'd be better off using a database like Access. You can enter all your information into a table and then write a query to find what you need. If you don't want to use Access, we'll need a better idea of what you're trying to do.

Excel Lookup with multiple queries

I have a question that I a may not be thinking correctly about. But I have an a long excel file that I pull from somewhere else with the following columns:
Project_Name1, Employee_Name1, Date_Worked1, Hours_Worked1
In another sheet I have these columns
Project_Name2, Employee_Name2, Begin_Date2, End_Date2, Hours_Worked2
This second sheet is filled with data, and works just fine.
However, it turns out that I have some employee names that I do not know that are also working on the same project. I need to figure out the names of the employees and then sum the number of hours they worked for a given period.
So I need a lookup with three criteria:
Project_Name1 = Project_Name2
Employee_Name1 <> {Array of Employee_Name2}
Begin_Date2 <= Date_Worked1 > End_Date2
Returning Employee name.
Once I have the employee name, I can do a sumifs=() and get the total hours they worked no problem.
I have tried a number of combinations of Index Match functions, using ctrl-shift-enter... and have not been able to figure out it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
What you're talking about doing is extremely complicated and a little bit past what Excel was designed to do by default. However, there are a few workarounds that you can use to attempt to get the information that you're looking for.
It's possible to do multiple-criteria VLOOKUPs and SUMIFs by concatenating fields to make a multi-part identifier (Ex: Insert a new column and have a forumla in it like =A1&B1)
Open a new workbook and use Microsoft Query (I'm not sure if you can select from more than one sheet, but if you can select from multiple sheets like tables you should be able to write a semi-complex query to pull the dataset you want.
Use the embedded macro feature and use visual basic script to write out your business logic. (Hotkey is ALT+F11)
One way to do this would be to first create an additional column to the right of entries on the sheet you're trying to pull employee_name from: =ROW()
You could then use an array formula like you were trying to implement to pull the corresponding 'match' row:
You could then use this returned match_column entry within the index as you described to retrieve the appropriate entries.
