How can I re-assign a variable in a function in Haskell? - haskell

I don't know how to re-assign a variable in a function.
For example,
elephant = 0
function x = elephant = x
Why doesn't this work?

Haskell is a great imperative language, and writing programs that can re-assign state is a really fun advanced topic! This is definitely not the approach you want right now, but come back to it some day 🙂
It takes a bit of effort to define an environment that models global mutable variables. Once you get the hang of it, though, the precision of the types ends up being pretty handy.
We're going to be using the lens and mtl libraries.
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.State
I'll stick with using integers as your question does, but we'll throw in a type alias to remind ourselves that they are being used as the type of the elephant variable.
type Elephant = Integer
You wanted a program whose global mutable state has an elephant. So first let's define what it means to have an elephant. Lens captures this notion nicely.
class HasElephant a
elephant :: Lens' a Elephant
Now we can define function, which assigns a new value to elephant.
function :: (MonadState s m, HasElephant s) => Elephant -> m ()
function x =
elephant .= x
The constraints MonadState s m and HasElephant s are saying our program must be able to hold mutable state of some type s, and the type s must have an elephant.
Let's also define a program that prints the elephant.
printElephant :: (MonadState s m, HasElephant s, MonadIO m) => m ()
printElephant =
use elephant >>= (liftIO . print)
This program does I/O (printing), so we have an additional constraint MonadIO m that says our program type m must be able to do I/O.
The elephant variable is probably only one part of some larger program state. Let's define a data type here to represent the entire state (which we'll name Congo just to be cute because the Congo Basin is one place where elephants live).
data Congo = Congo
{ _congoElephant :: Elephant
makeLenses ''Congo
(See Control.Lens.TH for a little bit about makeLenses does here using Template Haskell.)
We must define the way in which the Congo has an elephant.
instance HasElephant Congo
elephant = congoElephant
Now we can write an example program. Our program will print the value of elephant, then change the value of elephant, then print it again.
main' :: StateT Congo IO ()
main' =
function 2
Then we can run this program.
main :: IO ()
main = Congo 0 & runStateT main' & void
The output is:

im trying to re-assign an existing variable
You can't do that in Haskell. You can do something close by using IORefs, but this is very rarely the proper solution to a problem - certainly not in situations a beginner might encounter.
Instead you should re-design your program logic, so that it does not require mutable variables to function.

Haskell is a leader in the functional programming world and functional programming is often called "programming without assignment." It's almost the entire point of functional programming to not use assignment. As soon as you've used it, you're not really doing it in a "functional" way any more. Of course there are times for it, but FP tries to minimize those times.
So, to answer your question, "Why doesn't this work?" First of all the syntax is not correct. = does not mean assignment in Haskell. It binds a name to an expression. You cannot do that twice (in the same scope). In other words, "variables" are immutable (like in math). Second, mutation is a side-effecting action and Haskell treats those as impure actions which must be done in the IO world.
I could show you how to actually mutate a reference in Haskell, but I don't think that's what you need at this point.

The most primitive way to bind a variable x to a value v is to write a function taking x as argument, and pass v to that function.
This can sometimes be used to "simulate" the effect of a mutable variable.
E.g., the imperative code
// sum 0..100
i = s = 0;
while (i <= 100) {
s = s+i;
return s;
final_s = f 0 0 -- the initial values
f i s | i <=100 = f (i+1) (s+i) // increment i, augment s
| otherwise = s // return s at the end
The above code is not pretty FP code, but at least it is close enough to imperative code to make it possible to spot the connections.
A final digression:
When one first notices this, it is usually lured to fall into the Blub paradox. One could easily think: "What!? Haskell needs all that stuff to simulate a simple assignment? If in language Blub assignment is trivial, and simulating that in Haskell requires so much effort, then clearly Blub is much better than Haskell!". And this would be a perfect case of the Blub paradox: when a Blub programmer moves to another language, they immediately perceive what can not be directly translated from Blub, and do not notice all the other features of the new language which were not present in Blub.
Their mind now thinks in "Blub", and it requires a great effort to adapt to new models.
Almost as paradoxically, learning both FP and imperative programming is useful precisely because it's non trivial to learn the other paradigm when used to only one of those. If the step between them were narrow, it would not be worth the effort to learn two close approaches to the same problem.

In general this doesn't work because you usually make immutable declarations, rather than specifying a sequence of operations. You can do:
elephant = 3
main = print elephant
But you can also do:
main = print elephant
elephant = 3
Because the code doesn't specify an order of execution, there is no way to interpret multiple assignments as anything other than an error.
If you want to specify a sequence of operations, use do notation:
main = do
let elephant = 0
print elephant
let elephant = 1
print elephant
let elephant = 2
print elephant
The code in a do block is executed in order, so you can effectively reassign variables the way you can in most programming languages.
Note that this code really just creates a new binding for elephant. The old value still exists:
main = do
let elephant = 1
print elephant
let printElephant = print elephant
let elephant = 2
print elephant
Because the printElephant function I define is still using the old value of elephant, this prints:


How to define all musical note names .. Cbb Cb C Cs Css .. as constructors in Haskell

I was playing with musical note names having the goal to not confuse enharmonic equals, i.e. I wanted to get the accidentals (sharps and flats) right. The note a perfect fifth above the note B needs to be Fs and not Gb, even though Fs and Gb are the same key on a piano keyboard.
Also I wanted the convenience of writing e.e. Fs in a haskell program, without spaces, quotes or an extra function.
I ended up defining 35 constructors, ranging from Cbb to Bss. While this worked and did get the accidentals right, I was unhappy about the limitation to at most two accidentals. Internally, the accidentals we represented asInts anyways.
Is there a way to define an infinite number of constructors as indicated in the title, so notes with any number of accidentals (like Cbbbb) could be used? Template haskell maybe?
Or alternatively, can I get the convenience of writing Cbbbb in a haskell program (without quotes, spaces or an extra function) without making Cbbbb a constructor?
I agree with Carsten that actually having lots of disperate constructors like that is a bad idea. It's much more sensible to use data like
data BaseNote = C | D | E | F | G | A | B
data PitchClass = PitchClass
{ baseNote :: BaseNote
, accidentals :: Int }
data Note = Note
{ pitchClass :: PitchClass
, octave :: Int }
As for
Also I wanted the convenience of writing e.e. Fs in a haskell program, without spaces, quotes or an extra function.
you have multiple options.
You could use -XPatternSynonyms. This lets you procure matchable constructors for already-defined data types.
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
pattern Cn = PitchClass C 0
pattern Cs = PitchClass C 1
pattern Cb = PitchClass C (-1)
These can be provided by a TemplateHaskell macro to avoid code duplication.
You could provide a function that makes it look as compact as single constructor names, but actually isn't.
(♮), (♯), (♭) :: BaseNote -> Int -> Note
bnâ™®octv = Note (PitchClass bn 0) octv
bn♯octv = Note (PitchClass bn 1) octv
bnâ™­octv = Note (PitchClass bn (-1)) octv
Now you can write things like
[A♮2, A♮2, C♯3, C♯3, D♮3, D♮3, C♯3]
TBH I don't think either of these is really good though. IMO it makes more sense to specify musical material not in absolute pitches at all, but rather as a sequence of either scale degrees or interval steps.

Haskell what does the ' symbol do?

As the title states, I see pieces of code online where the variables/functions have ' next to it, what does this do/mean?
function :: [a] -> [a]
function ...
function' :: ....
The notation comes from mathematics. It is read x prime. In pretty much any math manual you can find something like let x be a number and x' be the projection of ... (math stuff).
Why not using another convention? well, in mathematics It makes a lot of sense because It can be very pedagogical... In programming we aren't used to this convention so I don't see the point of using it, but I am not against it neither.
Just to give you an example of its use in mathematics so you can understand why It is used in Haskell. Below, the same triangle concept but one using prime convention and other not using it. It is pretty clear in the first picture that pairs (A, A'), (B, B'), ... are related by one being the vertex and the prime version being the midpoint of the oposite edge. Whereas in the second example, you just have to remember that A is the midpoint of the oposite edge of vertex P. First is easier and more pedagogical:
As the other answers said, function' is just another variable name. So,
don'tUse :: Int -> IO ()
don'tUse won'tBe''used'' = return ()
is just like
dontUse :: Int -> IO ()
dontUse wontBeUsed = return ()
with slightly different names. The only requirement is that the name starts with a lowercase-letter or underscore, after that you can have as many single-quote characters as you want.
Prelude> let _' = 1
Prelude> let _'' = 2
Prelude> let _''''''''' = 9
Prelude> _' + _'' * _'''''''''
...Of course it's not necessarily a good idea to name variables like that; normally such prime-names are used when making a slightly different version of an already named thing. For example, foldl and foldl' are functions with the same signature that do essentially the same thing, only with different strictness (which often affects performance memory usage and whether infinite inputs are allowed, but not the actual results).
That said, to the question
Haskell what does the ' symbol do?
– the ' symbol does in fact do various other things as well, but only when it appears not as a non-leading character in a name.
'a' is a character literal.
'Foo is a constructor used on the type level. See DataKinds.
'bar and ''Baz are quoted names. See TemplateHaskell.

Growing a list in haskell

I'm learning Haskell by writing an OSC musical sequencer to use it with SuperCollider. But because I'd like to make fairly complex stuff with it, it will work like a programming language where you can declare variables and define functions so you can write music in an algorithmic way. The grammar is unusual in that we're coding sequences and sometimes a bar will reference the last bar (something like "play that last chord again but a fifth above").
I don't feel satisfied with my own explanation, but that's the best I can without getting too technical.
Anyway, what I'm coding now is the parser for that language, stateless so far, but now I need some way to implement a growing list of the declared variables and alikes using a dictionary in the [("key","value")] fashion, so I can add new values as I go parsing bar by bar.
I know this involves monads, which I don't really understand yet, but I need something meaningful enough to start toying with them or else I find the raw theory a bit too raw.
So what would be a clean and simple way to start?
Thanks and sorry if the question was too long.
Edit on how the thing works:
we input a string to the main parsing function, say
"afunction(3) ; anotherone(1) + [3,2,1]"
we identify closures first, then kinds of chars (letters, nums, etc) and group them together, so we get a list like:
[("word","afunction"),("parenth","(3)"),("space"," "),("semicolon",";"),("space"," "),("word","anotherone"),("parenth","(1)"),("space"," "),("opadd","+"),("space"," "),("bracket","[3,2,1]")]
then we use a function that tags all those tuples with the indices of the original string they occupy, like:
[("word","afunction",(0,8)),("parenth","(3)",(9,11)),("space"," ",(12,13)) ...]
then cut it in a list of bars, which in my language are separated using a semicolon, and then in notes, using commas.
And now I'm at the stage where those functions should be executed sequentially, but because some of them are reading or modifying previously declared values, I need to keep track of that change. For example, let's say the function f(x) moves the pitch of the last note by x semitones, so
f(9), -- from an original base value of 0 (say that's an A440) we go to 9
f(-2), -- 9-2 = 7, so a fifth from A
f(-3); -- 9-2-3, a minor third down from the last value.
But sometimes it can get a bit more complicated than that, don't make me explain how cause I could bore you to death.
Adding an item to a list
You can make a new list that contains one more item than an existing list with the : constructor.
("key", "value") : existing
Where existing is a list you've already made
Keeping track of changing state
You can keep track of changing state between functions by passing the state from each function to the next. This is all the State monad is doing. State s a is a value of type a that depends on (and changes) a state s.
{- ┌---- type of the state
v v-- type of the value -}
data State s a = State { runState :: s -> (a, s) }
{- ^ ^ ^ ^
a function ---|--┘ | |
that takes a state ---┘ | |
and returns | |
a value that depends on the state ---┘ |
and a new state ------┘ -}
The bind operation >>= for State takes a value that depends on (and changes) the state and a function to compute another value that depends on (and changes) the state and combines them to make a new value that depends on (and changes) the state.
m >>= k = State $ \s ->
let ~(a, s') = runState m s
in runState (k a) s'

Haskell: Need Enlightenment with Calculator program

I have an assignment which is to create a calculator program in Haskell. For example, users will be able to use the calculator by command lines like:
>var cola =5; //define a random variable
(print 11)
>var pepsi = 10
>coca > pepsi;
(print false)
>def coke(x,y) = x+y; //define a random function
(print 15)
//and actually it's more complicated than above
I have no clue how to program this in Haskell. All I can think of right now is to read the command line as a String, parse it into an array of tokens. Maybe go through the array, detect keywords such "var", "def" then call functions var, def which store variables/functions in a List or something like that. But then how do I store data so that I can use them later in my computation?
Also am I on the right track because I am actually very confused what to do next? :(
*In addition, I am not allowed to use Parsec!*
It looks like you have two distinct kinds of input: declarations (creating new variables and functions) and expressions (calculating things).
You should first define some data structures so you can work out what sort of things you are going to be dealing with. Something like:
data Command = Define Definition | Calculate Expression | Quit
type Name = String
data Definition = DefVar Name Expression | DefFunc Name [Name] Expression
-- ^ alternatively, implement variables as zero-argument functions
-- and merge these cases
data Expression = Var Name | Add Expression Expression | -- ... other stuff
type Environment = [Definition]
To start off with, just parse (tokenise and then parse the tokens, perhaps) the stuff into a Command, and then decide what to do with it.
Expressions are comparatively easy. You assume you already have all the definitions you need (an Environment) and then just look up any variables or do additions or whatever.
Definitions are a bit trickier. Once you've decided what new definition to make, you need to add it to the environment. How exactly you do this depends on how exactly you iterate through the lines, but you'll need to pass the new environment back from the interpreter to the thing which fetches the next line and runs the interpreter on it. Something like:
main :: IO ()
main = mainLoop emptyEnv
emptyEnv = []
mainLoop :: Environment -> IO ()
mainLoop env = do
str <- getLine
case parseCommnad str of
Nothing -> do
putStrLn "parse failed!"
mainLoop env
Just Quit -> do
return ()
Just (Define d) -> do
mainLoop (d : env)
Just (Calculate e) -> do
putStrLn (calc env e)
mainLoop env
-- the real meat:
parseCommand :: String -> Maybe Command
calc :: Environment -> Expression -> String -- or Integer or some other appropriate type
calc will need to look stuff up in the environment you create as you go along, so you'll probably also need a function for finding which Definition corresponds to a given Name (or complaining that there isn't one).
Some other decisions you should make:
What do I do when someone tries to redefine a variable?
What if I used one of those variables in the definition of a function? Do I evaluate a function definition when it is created or when it is used?
These questions may affect the design of the above program, but I'll leave it up to you to work out how.
First, you can learn a lot from this tutorial for haskell programming
You need to write your function in another doc with .hs
And you can load the file from you compiler and use all the function you create
For example
plus :: Int -> Int -- that mean the function just work with a number of type int and return Int
plus x y = x + y -- they receive x and y and do the operation

Data value dependencies, updates and memoisation

I'm sorry this problem description is so abstract: its for my job, and for commercial confidentiality reasons I can't give the real-world problem, just an abstraction.
I've got an application that receives messages containing key-value pairs. The keys are from a defined set of keywords, and each keyword has a fixed data type. So if "Foo" is an Integer and "Bar" is a date you might get a message like:
Foo: 234
Bar: 24 September 2011
A message may have any subset of keys in it. The number of keys is fairly large (several dozen). But lets stick with Foo and Bar for now.
Obviously there is a record like this corresponding to the messages:
data MyRecord {
foo :: Maybe Integer
bar :: Maybe UTCTime
-- ... and so on for several dozen fields.
The record uses "Maybe" types because that field may not have been received yet.
I also have many derived values that I need to compute from the current values (if they exist). For instance I want to have
baz :: MyRecord -> Maybe String
baz r = do -- Maybe monad
f <- foo r
b <- bar r
return $ show f ++ " " ++ show b
Some of these functions are slow, so I don't want to repeat them unnecessarily. I could recompute baz for each new message and memo it in the original structure, but if a message leaves the foo and bar fields unchanged then that is wasted CPU time. Conversely I could recompute baz every time I want it, but again that would waste CPU time if the underlying arguments have not changed since last time.
What I want is some kind of smart memoisation or push-based recomputation that only recomputes baz when the arguments change. I could detect this manually by noting that baz depends only on foo and bar, and so only recomputing it on messages that change those values, but for complicated functions that is error-prone.
An added wrinkle is that some of these functions may have multiple strategies. For instance you might have a value that can be computed from either Foo or Bar using 'mplus'.
Does anyone know of an existing solution to this? If not, how should I go about it?
I'll assume that you have one "state" record and these message all involve updating it as well as setting it. So if Foo is 12, it may later be 23, and therefore the output of baz would change. If any of this is not the case, then the answer becomes pretty trivial.
Let's start with the "core" of baz -- a function not on a record, but the values you want.
baz :: Int -> Int -> String
Now let's transform it:
data Cached a b = Cached (Maybe (a,b)) (a -> b)
getCached :: Eq a => Cached a b -> a -> (b,Cached a b)
getCached c#(Cached (Just (arg,res)) f) x | x == arg = (res,c)
getCached (Cached _ f) x = let ans = f x in (ans,Cached (Just (x,ans) f)
bazC :: Cached (Int,Int) String
bazC = Cached Nothing (uncurry baz)
Now whenever you would use a normal function, you use a cache-transformed function instead, substituting the resulting cache-transformed function back into your record. This is essentially a manual memotable of size one.
For the basic case you describe, this should be fine.
A fancier and more generalized solution involving a dynamic graph of dependencies goes under the name "incremental computation" but I've seen research papers for it more than serious production implementations. You can take a look at these for starters, and follow the reference trail forward:
Incremental computation is actually also very related to functional reactive programming, so you can take a look at conal's papers on that, or play with Heinrich Apfelmus' reactive-banana library:
In imperative languages, take a look at trellis in python: or Cells in lisp:
You can build a stateful graph that corresponds to computations you need to do. When new values appear you push these into the graph and recompute, updating the graph until you reach the outputs. (Or you can store the value at the input and recompute on demand.) This is a very stateful solution but it works.
Are you perhaps creating market data, like yield curves, from live inputs of rates etc.?
What I want is some kind of smart memoisation or push-based recomputation that only recomputes baz when the arguments change.
It sounds to me like you want a variable that is sort of immutable, but allows a one-time mutation from "nothing computed yet" to "computed". Well, you're in luck: this is exactly what lazy evaluation gives you! So my proposed solution is quite simple: just extend your record with fields for each of the things you want to compute. Here's an example of such a thing, where the CPU-intensive task we're doing is breaking some encryption scheme:
data Foo = Foo
{ ciphertext :: String
, plaintext :: String
-- a smart constructor for Foo's
foo c = Foo { ciphertext = c, plaintext = crack c }
The point here is that calls to foo have expenses like this:
If you never ask for the plaintext of the result, it's cheap.
On the first call to plaintext, the CPU churns a long time.
On subsequent calls to plaintext, the previously computed answer is returned immediately.
