Remove the Server response header in Yesod/Warp - haskell

How can I remove the Server HTTP response header in Yesod? I found code that's responsible for setting that header, but I don't know what to do next. I know that I can replace the header value with an empty string by using addHeader "Server" "", but I'd prefer to remove it entirely.

I made an issue on GitHub Warp repository and they changed it that when the server name is empty, the "Server" header is not sent. Therefore, the solution is to set the server name to an empty string using setServerName "". In my case I had to add this to the warpSettings function in Application.hs. Note that you have to use the Warp version which contains the fix (as of May 3 '17, it has not been released yet, but you can pull it directly from GitHub).

You must call the methods inside of the function you linked. That function will "The Date and Server header is added if not exist in HTTP response header" so you need to reimplement it if you don't want that behavior.
This is why people always say to keep your code modular and your functions small; this function is too big for your use case, and there is no specific smaller function that does exactly what you want (or else it would have been called by this function!)


i can't see difference between put and patch method

I just want to like a quote or dislike if already i liked the quote. So first i find the quote and then i check if i already liked the quote, if not then i like, otherwise i dislike.
I have a router like below
router.put('/:quoteId', isAuth, quotesController.likeQuote);
And likeQuote method is like below
module.exports.likeQuote = (req, res, next) => {
const quoteId = req.params.quoteId;
const userId = req.userId;
.then((quote) => {
if (quote.likes.indexOf(userId) == -1) {
} else {
.then((updatedQuote) => {
res.status(201).json({ message: 'You liked the post!' });
.catch((err) => {
err.statusCode = 500;
But my question is, i just want to know how PUT and PATCH works? I think we should send all the fields in PUT but not in PATCH methods, but in my case i don't even send any fields and both work just fine.How this happens?
The actual REST API methods (PUT, PATCH, ... ) do not have any limitations. the logic you choose to write is what defines this. Now you're asking about "best practices" and whenever you ask about that you will get many different answers. I'll explain my view.
PUT, so the essence of PUT is to replace the existing object completely, that's why people are telling you to send the entire object because when you use PUT what's expected is a complete swap.
PATCH, the essence of PATCH is to update the existing resource. which is in your case what you're looking for, in this case you just send the required fields you need for the update.
Now is it wrong if you write PUT to be an update and not a complete swap? I would argue it is not. As long as you keep consistent logic throughout your app you can build your own "best practices" that will suit your needs.
Now you did tag this question as Mongo related so I would like to introduce to you the concept of piplined updates (for Mongo v4.2+) where you can execute your logic in 1 single update.
Mongo Playground
i just want to know how PUT and PATCH works?
An important distinction to understand is that we don't have a standard for how PUT and PATCH work; that's a implementation detail, and is deliberately hidden behind the "uniform interface".
What we do have is standardized semantics, an agreement about what PUT and PATCH mean.
(This is further complicated by people not being familiar with the standard, and therefore misinterpretations of the meaning are common.)
If the implementation of the request handler doesn't match the semantics of the request, that's OK... but if something goes expensively wrong as a result, it's the fault of the implementation.
PUT and PATCH are both method-tokens that indicate that we are trying to modify the resource identified by the target-uri. In particular, we use those method-tokens when we are trying to make the server's representation of the resource match the representation on the client.
For example, imagine editing a web page. We GET /home.html, change the TITLE element in our copy, and we want to save our changes to the server. How do we do that in HTTP?
One answer is that we send a copy of home.html (with our changes) back to the server, so that the server can save it. That's PUT.
Another answer is that we diff our copy and the server's copy, and send to the server a patch-document that describes the changes that the server should make to it's copy. That's PATCH.
router.put('/:quoteId', isAuth, quotesController.likeQuote);
What this invocation is doing is configuring the framework, so that requests with the PUT method token and a target-uri that matches "/:quoteId" are delegated to the likeQuote method.
And at this level, the framework assumes that you know what you are doing - there's no attempt to verify that "likeQuote" implements PUT semantics. To ensure that the implementation and the request semantics match, you are going to need to do some work (inspect the code, test, etc).
in my case i don't even send any fields and both work just fine.
Right - because the framework assumes that you know what you are doing, and your current implementation doesn't try to access or interpret the body of the HTTP request.
Note: that's a big hint that the request handler not actually implementing PUT/PATCH semantics (how could the server possibly make its copy of the quote look like the client's if it doesn't look at the information the client provided)?
It is okay to use POST; assuming that your implementation is correct, you should not be using methods with remote authoring semantics, because that's not what you are doing. This same implementation attached to a POST route would be fine.
As is, things are broken - you have a mismatch between the request semantics and the handler implementation. Under controlled conditions, you are likely to get away with it. It's entirely possible that you are only going to be invoking this code under controlled conditions.

Post a text request in Casablanca (C++ REST SDK)

I am writing a client side code in Visual C++ 2012 using C++ Rest SDK (codename "Casablanca").
I have a client created and wish to POST a text string to the server. However, when I send the following code, it is compiling but not sending sending the request.
When I remove everything after "methods::POST" and send a blank post request, then it is sent and received by the server.
Can you please guide me where the problem is. The documentation related to this function is available on Casablanca Documentation.
pplx::task<http_response>resp = client.request(methods::POST,L"",L"This is the random text that I wish to send", L"text/plain");
I think the usage you give here looks correct.
Is your Casablanca the latest version ? Please check that out from here :
If you are sure your measurement is accurate, you may want to create a minimal repro and file a bug here :
I was having a similar problem, all my POSTs was arriving in blank on server , after a few hours work above it, i found a possible solution.
I changed the default content type to application/x-www-form-urlencoded and I started to pass the values like this Example data=text1&data2=text2
client.request(methods::POST,L"",L"data=text1&data2=text2", L"application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
The body parameter must be a json::value.
I cannot comment yet so I have to put my thoughts in an answer. I solved this problem like this: There is an overload of the request method that takes as a parameter the content type so that you do not have to change the code.
m_client->request(methods::POST, L"/statuses/update.json?" + url_encode(data),L"",L"application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
Obviously you would have to implement the url_encode method but that is not difficult. There is a pretty good implementation in "Cassablanca". A search on this site will alos turn up some good examples.

pyramid: constructe route_url without request object

I use yapps to generate a parser for a LaTex-ish language (for example to translate stuff like \begin{itemize} to the corresponding <ul>-Tags) within pyramid. One command (i.e. \ref{SOMEID}) should construct a route via a call of route_url (or route_path) and pass the id to it. Since this call happens deep in the code that was generated by yapps and the grammar that I defined, I don't see any possibility to pass a request object to it.
Is there some sort of global request object? Or, since I foresee that I shouldn't use it, is there a possibility to construct a route (that depends on a parameter) without a request object?
route_url requires both a request and a registry (request.registry). It generates urls relative to the request, and it accesses the list of all routes and other settings from the registry. Thus, you must generate a dummy request with parameters you care about. For example:
from pyramid.request import Request
request = Request.blank('/', base_url='')
request.registry = config.registry
Now you can store this request anywhere, it's good to go representing everything about your site: the hostname/port (, the prefix your app is mounted at (/prefix), the uri scheme (https).
If you need to get this deep down into your code you may have to make it a global or attach it to some context/registry that you have available, but what I've shown is how to make the request that you require.

How to post data using node-curl?

I'm very new to LINUX working with node.js. Its just my 2nd day. I use node-curl for curl request. In the link below I have found example with Get request. Can anybody provide me a Post request example using node-curl.
You need to use setopt in order to specify POST options for a cURL request. The options you should start looking at first are CURLOPT_POST and CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS. From the libcurl documentation linked from node-curl:
A parameter set to 1 tells the library to do a regular HTTP post. This will also make the library use a "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" header. (This is by far the most commonly used POST method).
Use one of CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS or CURLOPT_COPYPOSTFIELDS options to specify what data to post and CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE or CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE_LARGE to set the data size.
Optionally, you can provide data to POST using the CURLOPT_READFUNCTION and CURLOPT_READDATA options but then you must make sure to not set CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS to anything but NULL. When providing data with a callback, you must transmit it using chunked transfer-encoding or you must set the size of the data with the CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE or CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE_LARGE option. To enable chunked encoding, you simply pass in the appropriate Transfer-Encoding header, see the post-callback.c example.
... [this] should be the full data to post in a HTTP POST operation. You must make sure that the data is formatted the way you want the server to receive it. libcurl will not convert or encode it for you. Most web servers will assume this data to be url-encoded.
This POST is a normal application/x-www-form-urlencoded kind (and libcurl will set that Content-Type by default when this option is used), which is the most commonly used one by HTML forms. See also the CURLOPT_POST. Using CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS implies CURLOPT_POST.
If you want to do a zero-byte POST, you need to set CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE explicitly to zero, as simply setting CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS to NULL or "" just effectively disables the sending of the specified string. libcurl will instead assume that you'll send the POST data using the read callback!
With that information, you should be able add the following options to the low-level example to have it make a POST request:
var fieldsStr = '{}';
curl.setopt('CURLOPT_POST', 1); // true?
curl.setopt('CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS', fieldsStr);
You will need to tweak the contents of fieldsStr to match the format the server is expecting. Per the documentation you may also need to url-encode the data - which should be as simple as using encodeURIComponent according to this post.

how to get request body in varnish

I am currently working on a project based on varnish..
we write vcl and vmod. But the project needs to check the request body.
How can I get the post request body in VCL or vmod with a C function?
You can do almost everything you want with VCL/VMOD.
You should try to call a VMOD subroutine in vcl_recv, and then in C code, write something like below :
Use VRT_GetHdr(rec->s, HDR_REQ, "\017Content-Length:"); to read the body length
Use HTC_Read(rec->s->htc, body, bodylen);
And enjoy !
You should take a look at existing vmods, and be free to look into the varnish API sources.
I'm not sure you can.
Varnish generally only deals with Req/Resp headers.
The bodies are passed along without (much) modification.
I you do find a solution please let me know as I'm interested in this as well.
