Adding Pivot Table Slicers in one box - excel

Currently I am using a pivot table to display information to users, they can edit the slicers to filter the table with what they want to see. As requirements grow, i find myself adding more and more slicers which take up too much space on the excel sheet.
Is there a way to put the slicers on one single form so that it looks intuitive and is easily navigated?


Extracting data dynamically from master table to tables on dashboard

I have spent the last 3-4 days trying out all kind of tips and tricks found on YouTube and rest of the internet. But I don’t manage to create what I want. Now I have to swallow my pride and ask for help.
I have a big master table, or database, with all kind of information. I want to create a dashboard with a few smaller tables with just some of the information from the database.
I attached picture of a very simplified version of what I want to archive. Picture of simplified Daschboard/MDatabase:
I want to show some of the cars in column C (in the database) in separate tables on the dashboard with just some of the columns from the master table. When a row is added, deleted or information is changed in the database I want the dashboard table to update. It would be neat if it updated automatically, but a refresh button would do.
I use Outlook 2010 but can’t use MS Query or PowerQuery.
Pivot Tables will do exactly what you want.
Select your data source Sheet2!B3:F13 and click Insert > Pivot Table. Choose the range where you want to put the picot table, and click OK.
The Pivot Table field list will appear - drag Owner, Colour and Condition to ROWS, drag Car to FILTERS. In the Pivot Table > Design ribbon, switch off Subtotals and Grand Totals, and change Report Layout to Tabular Form.
Select a car filter as required, and format to suit.
You can create multiple pivot tables in the same manner. When data in the source table is modified, you can simply refresh the pivot tables to update them.
Thanks a lot Olly!
I totally overlooked the possibility to use pivot tables. I was obsessed with using some clever code to solve it. But the use of pivot seems to be the most convenient solution.
By the way. Thanks all you excel gurus (nerds...) out there who share your knowledge in forums like this. Two weeks ago I had no knowledge about VBA, formulas etc. Now I have managed to build a user friendly database with a dynamic dashboard and interactive user forms. Only by reading forums posts and watching You Tube tutorials.

Can I use Pivot Tables/Slicers to generate a table list with details from a large excel sheet?

I was given an excel list from my boss to set us a Dashboard using Pivot Tables, Pivot Charts and Slicers. This part was easy and no problem with it.
What I would like to do is when an option is selected on the Slicers a list on the same page is automatically generated with details from the main excel sheet.
Example: Salesperson A has 5 deals, this is selected on the Slicers, the Salesperson deals would be automatically generated below.
Any ideas on how this can be done?
General Ideas will be fine I can look it up myself.
if you include those fields in the pivot table when you setup the slicers then all of that information should show up.

Copy Filters from one PowerPivot PivotTable to another

I have 2 PivotTables that were created from PowerPivot connections. I would like the second PivotTable to change based on a selection the user makes on the first PivotTable. I have some VBA background, so you don't need to write the whole code but point me to the right functions/structure.
If you use slicers, you can simply link both tables to the same set of slicers. You can even have multiple copies of each slicer.
It's the same in all versions of Excel since 2010. Here's a link.
Edit: Adding information from my comment below here.
You can use this technique even when you're explicitly using a filter on the pivot table, whether by adding a field to the Filters section, or by putting that field on the row/column labels and then limiting the selection based on that row/column header drop down. You can mix and match these as well, with Pivot1 having the field in question in the Filters section, and Pivot2 having the field in the Rows section.
Just create your two pivot tables as normal, and then connect both to the same slicer. This slicer can be hidden on another sheet that is not displayed to the end users. This solution is much more expedient than the VBA solutions I've seen.

Master PivotTable Filter

I have 6 pivot-charts on many worksheets (each worksheet corresponding to different individuals), all pivot-tables have a Month filter. Instead of clicking on each individual filter to update the pivot-table (and corresponding pivot-chart). Is there a way of creating a 'master' filter button so that all filters are updated?
Let me know if you require further information.
You can accomplish this by using a slicer. Slicers are similar to filters, but look a little different and can be associated with multiple pivot tables. This means you might want to make a "front page" or similar area with the slicer on it so it is obvious that the one slicer controls the month filter for all pivot tables.
You just insert the slicer on the page, then click on Report Connections and connect it to each pivot table.

Splitting a pivotchart from power pivot into multiple charts

I have a pivot chart that tracks resource allocations based on a few filters. I would like to split the chart into multiple charts. In the picture, I want one chart for each line. I can do this manually (one chart for each resource) but that's not ideal because I only want to see certain charts based on the filters, and the data will change frequently.
Thanks in advance for help.
reference -
Blake, unfortunately, this is not possible. Chart based on (power)pivot table is always linked and if you update the pivot table, you will see the change instantly happen to the chart as well.
What I would suggest is to create four (or more) different pivots and then four (or more) linked pivot-based charts.
If there is any filter that needs to be used in all of the pivot tables, you can then use slicers which can be linked to more than 1 pivot table.
Hope this helps :)
