Sharepoint How To Uncheck Other in MultiChoice - sharepoint

I'm using SharePoint Office 365 Online.
I have a list with multiple choice including an option to write in your own answer. However, every field I create with multiple choice defaults to a auto check on the optional add on. I would rather there not be any checkmarks. How can I remove it?
See screenshots of settings. Also using InfoPath 2013 for design help.
Copy of list settings:

If you would like the check mark to go to a different option for example "Pick and Pack" under the Default value make sure choice is highlight and type in "Pick and Pack"
If you do not want any value to be seen in the Default value click calculated Value and leave empty.
Hope that helps!


Conditional dropdown selection to hide and show item

I'm new to Power Apps, I'm facing this issue.
enter image description here
This is a PA form when I select Projects value in Time entry field the below two fields are enabled Project and Project Role but when I change to other option like this
enter image description here
Project and Project role are hidden for other option selected except Projects option in time entry field. 
Everything is working fine but problem is coming when I edit any existing records of list and try to change the Time Entry field option when I'm changing the option from Projects to other options the below two fields disabled automatically which is fine but when I save this form after making changes the value of Project and Project Role remains in list which was existed for Projects option before editing.
So what I need here when I edit the existing records so value of Project and Project Role also wipe from SharePoint list when I select options other than project in time entry field.
Thanks in advance.
Forms on PowerApps are defined by cards. Cards have two important properties.
Default, which is the value you pass into the fields and show to the user. Usually this is just the value of the source
Update, which is the value you write back to the source. Usually, this is just the value of the field
You can do a lot by modifying default and update, which allow you to do all sorts of checks and logic on how different data should be transformed.
In your case, set the update value for project and project role to this
If(Self.DisplayMode = DisplayMode.Disabled, Blank(), dropdownvaluehere)
Whenever that card is disabled, it will write nulls to the list, regardless of what the dropdown says. Whenever the card is enabled, it will refer to the dropdownvalue.
As an aside, Consider using a dropdown box instead of a combobox if not necessary, as comboboxes have nice features like letting you select more than one value at a time, but tend to be more temperamental and break and forget values.

How do i make a manually added value in a choice column persist

I have a Sharepoint list with a "Choice" with "Can add values manually" checked.
How do i make a manually added value in a choice column persist so that is available when adding and editing other records?
I created new list on my Office365 SharePoint site. When in classic mode, manually entered values are not available while editing/creating new list items regardless the choices are displayed in a dropdown, radio buttons or as multi select checkboxes. When switching from classic to modern SharePoint experience, manually entered values are available while editing/adding list items. Hope this helps.

Allow Fill-in Choices in survey list

I have Creted a survey in sharepoint 2007.To add a comment box at the end of each question,i have selected ALLOW FILL-IN-CHOICES to be yes..So when i check my servey on site,it comes with a default tet"SPecify your own value" Is there any way i can change it and put my own custom text.
when you say "...change it and put my own custom text." I assume you don't want the field to say "Specify your own value" as the description?
In my experience, you can't do it OOTB, you need to edit the edit.aspx form for the list in SharePoint Designer. If you've never done that, I would recommend you read up on how do alter the 3 forms of a list.

Limit Column Options in Advanced Find

In Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 you can create views using advanced find. Inside advanced find, you should define for a specific entity which columns you want to see in the result.
What I want to do is limit or hide specific columns that people can choose for the advanced find.
Any ideas?
Hi Rob,
Out of the box you can disable a column from being 'searched' --
listed in the filtering area of the advanced find.
However, all fields that a user can read are avail for selection in
the advanced find. The only method to change this would be custom
code in a 'plug-in'. Then with a plug-in just about anything is
possible as it is compiled code and you could filter out certain
columns from being available.
Alex Fagundes -
The comments by Alex Fagundes, with all due respect, are wrong. As ckeller suggested, you can limit the columns displayed to the user, and you certainly don't need a plug-in to do this (nor could you even if you wanted to, so far as I know).
In the client, all you have to do is navigate to the entity the advanced find view of which you want to change, click the "Customize" tab, click "System Views", click on the advanced find view, click "Add Columns", select/deselect the columns you do/don't want to see, then publish your changes.
You can also select/deselect columns of any appropriate related entity this way as well.
If you mean search columns (fields they can search by):
To limit the columns they see in an advanced find search, you have a fun job on your hands.
Go to Settings -> Customisations -> and choose the entity you want and list all the fields.
Double click on each field in turn and you will see a drop down menu called 'Searchable'. Set this to 'No' and the field is hidden from Advanced find searches (after you publish your changes).
Repeat this for all fields required.
If you mean fields they see in their results:
Follow the answer by #jamnap
The solution of Peter will only change the default view for advanced find. The user will still be able to add all columns and customize his own view.
Fields cannot be removed from "add column" in advanced find OOTB. This is what Alex Fagundes from PowerObjects has written.

working with dropdown in sharepoint 2007

Currently working with dropdown column in the moss 2007.
my question is
I created dropdown column in a list, it has 3 options. Suppose if option1 is selected then the new field (let say a text box) should pop up, if option2 is selected the another new field (say a dropdown should pop up) and similarly for option3. How to make these things show up when certain option in drop down selected? should I need to code for it? Educate me! Article would be a great help.
P.S->> Our organisation isn't so keen in working with infopath, infopath is out of option. Can I code in sharepoint designer itself???
This isn't possible using only SharePoint out-of-the-box (OOTB). It would require building a custom solution. You would need to create a custom field for each option, that checks the value of the choice field and determines whether to hide itself based on that.
