Limit Column Options in Advanced Find - dynamics-crm-2011

In Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 you can create views using advanced find. Inside advanced find, you should define for a specific entity which columns you want to see in the result.
What I want to do is limit or hide specific columns that people can choose for the advanced find.
Any ideas?
Hi Rob,
Out of the box you can disable a column from being 'searched' --
listed in the filtering area of the advanced find.
However, all fields that a user can read are avail for selection in
the advanced find. The only method to change this would be custom
code in a 'plug-in'. Then with a plug-in just about anything is
possible as it is compiled code and you could filter out certain
columns from being available.
Alex Fagundes -

The comments by Alex Fagundes, with all due respect, are wrong. As ckeller suggested, you can limit the columns displayed to the user, and you certainly don't need a plug-in to do this (nor could you even if you wanted to, so far as I know).
In the client, all you have to do is navigate to the entity the advanced find view of which you want to change, click the "Customize" tab, click "System Views", click on the advanced find view, click "Add Columns", select/deselect the columns you do/don't want to see, then publish your changes.
You can also select/deselect columns of any appropriate related entity this way as well.

If you mean search columns (fields they can search by):
To limit the columns they see in an advanced find search, you have a fun job on your hands.
Go to Settings -> Customisations -> and choose the entity you want and list all the fields.
Double click on each field in turn and you will see a drop down menu called 'Searchable'. Set this to 'No' and the field is hidden from Advanced find searches (after you publish your changes).
Repeat this for all fields required.
If you mean fields they see in their results:
Follow the answer by #jamnap

The solution of Peter will only change the default view for advanced find. The user will still be able to add all columns and customize his own view.
Fields cannot be removed from "add column" in advanced find OOTB. This is what Alex Fagundes from PowerObjects has written.


Sharepoint How To Uncheck Other in MultiChoice

I'm using SharePoint Office 365 Online.
I have a list with multiple choice including an option to write in your own answer. However, every field I create with multiple choice defaults to a auto check on the optional add on. I would rather there not be any checkmarks. How can I remove it?
See screenshots of settings. Also using InfoPath 2013 for design help.
Copy of list settings:
If you would like the check mark to go to a different option for example "Pick and Pack" under the Default value make sure choice is highlight and type in "Pick and Pack"
If you do not want any value to be seen in the Default value click calculated Value and leave empty.
Hope that helps!

Multi-Select as an Available Filter in a Saved Search

I checked SuiteAnswers and here on Stack overflow but don't see an answer. Is there a way to make a Multi-select field in NetSuite as an option for an available filter in a Saved Search. I tried to do this by creating a test MS field on an Employee and creating a saved search. However, when adding it as an available filter it grays out the ability to show in the filter region, which, by all practical purposes, makes it not usable as an available filter.
Has anyone found a way to do this? Or do I have to have multiple searches for variations on the values we want in the multi-select, which is not ideal?
This is very frustrating NetSuite behaviour however I have found a workaround that works some of the time.
Create a saved search
Go to the "Available Filters" subtab
Add the Select/List type field(s) you require
Tick "Show In Filter Region."
At this point the "Show as multi-select" checkbox will be greyed out (disabled.)
Save and run the search.
Click "Edit This Search"
Navigate back to the "Available Filters" subtab and the "Show As
Multi-select" checkbox should now be enabled, tick it.
Save and run your search again.

SharePoint DropDown List Filter

I want to be able to filter a SharePoint list based on the values present (easy by clicking the filter button at the top of the list for each column). However I'd like to give options in a drop down menu and once chosen the list would be refilted based on the options I give. Is this possibile to do in the browser or would it require designer or actual code? Thank you.
This is all SharePoint 2010 Enterprise Server knowledge; I've never used 2007.
What #Ryan is alluding to here is that you can click a down-arrow on most list columns to filter them. One caveat is that if the column is multi-select, it won't display a drop-down. (SharePoint doesn't know how to group, filter, or sort on multi-select columns.) Another caveat could be that if you're displaying the list items in such a way that their headings don't appear (such as in a List View web part, or maybe in some of the styles...) you obviously won't be able to filter.
A solution might be to use a "SharePoint List Filter" web part, which uses a list column as the source for filter values which can then be sent to other web parts -- such as a List View web part. Presumably, you could use the list you're intending to filter as a source for the Filter web part itself. From a UX perspective maybe this might help you display the list with different styling, but still get the drop-down filter directly in the content area.
A caveat with the "SharePoint List Filter" web part is that it's not actually a drop-down per se, but instead shows a little filter icon that pops up a dialog in which users then have to select a value.
Note there's also the "Managed Metadata Navigation" feature that would give users dropdowns (for e.g. choice columns) and metadata filter fields (for managed metadata columns). These show up in the Quick Launch (left-nav area) if configured on the list/library settings. The feature must first be enabled on the site.

Sharepoint re-order item order in the list

In the list, I set-up "ID" column and "Title" column.
I added 10 items in the list, and I'm trying to put the 10th item between 1 and 2.
After my research, many people said I can't manually change ID number...
Is there a way to re-order the item?
deleting every items is the only answer?
Please help!
The ID column is an internal identity-like column. You cannot change the value. If you need a column that you can order by (and change), just create a new column called SortOrder or something. Then sort by that column.
I know this is an old post, but I thought this might help someone who might be looking for an OOB answer.
Go into your links list so that you see your List Tools, Items and List at the top.
Select Items.
There is a Change Item Order Icon in the Ribbon. This will allow you to renumber the Links in your list and change the order.
You can manually change the items order if you create your list based on a link list definition. This kind of list allows you to re-order items as you require through a ribbon button. I use this workaround often.
The ID Column is SharePoint inbuilt and you can not change the value of it.
for your solution either you need to delete all item and insert it again or as #Nigel Whatling say you have to add SortColumn
Column Setting will only change the order in the SharePoint List. To change the view order Use the Modify View Selector to adjust the way the fields are sorted. Modify View is found on the ... next to Find and Item Box or If your in the site setting it is under View on the lower 3rd of the page
I also got stuck with this and couldn't use the previous answers as I couldn't see the buttons they spoke of in the ribbon.
I went to List > List Settings in the ribbon. At the bottom of the list settings page I click on a View to edit it (or create new view). Unser the heading Sort you can change the column you wish to sort by and change from descending to ascending etc.
Actually, if I understand the question, it was just what I was trying to accomplish and spent most of my morning working on.
Select the List.
From toolbar, select List under List Tools.
Click List Settings.
Below the listed columns, see Column Ordering
Modify "Position from Top" number and click OK at bottom.
Updated steps:
Select the List.
From toolbar, select List under List Tools.
Click List Settings.
Above the Column list click on the "Item" link
At the bottom of the page select "Column Ordering"
Modify "Position from Top" number and click OK at bottom.

Tabulating results for quick SharePoint survey

We have a one-question checkbox (multiple selection) survey in SharePoint.
When selecting "Show a graphical summary of responses" in SharePoint, it tabulates the different combinations of responses as distinct answers as opposed to totaling the number of each option selected.
Is there a way to show the total of each option selected in the Graphical Summary view?
Using only out of the box solutions, no. I have had many users reporting "hey, look, I found a bug in your portal survey" and actually complaining about the problem you're describing here.
The only workaround I've found is to use multiple checkbox fields instead of one multi-choice field. However, this does not look that nice.
