Apache Calcite - ReflectiveSchema StackoverflowError - groovy

I'm trying to create a simple schema using ReflectiveSchema and then trying to project an Employee "table" using Groovy as my programming language. Code below.
class CalciteDemo {
String doDemo() {
RelNode node = new CalciteAlgebraBuilder().build()
return RelOptUtil.toString(node)
class DummySchema {
public final Employee[] emp = [new Employee(1, "Ting"), new Employee(2, "Tong")]
String toString() {
return "DummySchema"
class Employee {
Employee(int id, String name) {
this.id = id
this.name = name
public final int id
public final String name
class CalciteAlgebraBuilder {
FrameworkConfig config
CalciteAlgebraBuilder() {
SchemaPlus rootSchema = Frameworks.createRootSchema(true)
Schema schema = new ReflectiveSchema(new DummySchema())
SchemaPlus rootPlusDummy = rootSchema.add("dummySchema", schema)
this.config = Frameworks.newConfigBuilder().parserConfig(SqlParser.Config.DEFAULT).defaultSchema(rootPlusDummy).traitDefs((List<RelTraitDef>)null).build()
RelNode build() {
I seem to be correctly passing in the "schema" object to the constructor of the ReflectiveSchema class, but I think its failing while trying to get the fields of the Employee class.
Here's the error
at java.lang.Class.copyFields(Class.java:3115)
at java.lang.Class.getFields(Class.java:1557)
at org.apache.calcite.jdbc.JavaTypeFactoryImpl.createStructType(JavaTypeFactoryImpl.java:76)
at org.apache.calcite.jdbc.JavaTypeFactoryImpl.createType(JavaTypeFactoryImpl.java:160)
at org.apache.calcite.jdbc.JavaTypeFactoryImpl.createType(JavaTypeFactoryImpl.java:151)
at org.apache.calcite.jdbc.JavaTypeFactoryImpl.createStructType(JavaTypeFactoryImpl.java:84)
at org.apache.calcite.jdbc.JavaTypeFactoryImpl.createType(JavaTypeFactoryImpl.java:160)
at org.apache.calcite.jdbc.JavaTypeFactoryImpl.createStructType(JavaTypeFactoryImpl.java:84)
What is wrong with this example?

Seems that by just moving the Employee class a level above, ie. making it a sibling of the DummySchema class, makes the problem go away.
I think the way the org.apache.calcite.jdbc.JavaTypeFactoryImpl of Calcite is written doesn't handle Groovy's internal fields well.


Dapper Extensions custom ClassMapper isn't called on Insert()

I'm using Dapper Extensions and have defined my own custom mapper to deal with entities with composite keys.
public class MyClassMapper<T> : ClassMapper<T> where T : class
public MyClassMapper()
// Manage unmappable attributes
IList<PropertyInfo> toIgnore = typeof(T).GetProperties().Where(x => !x.CanWrite).ToList();
foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in toIgnore.ToList())
// Manage keys
IList<PropertyInfo> propsWithId = typeof(T).GetProperties().Where(x => x.Name.EndsWith("Id") || x.Name.EndsWith("ID")).ToList();
PropertyInfo primaryKey = propsWithId.FirstOrDefault(x => string.Equals(x.Name, $"{nameof(T)}Id", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase));
if (primaryKey != null && primaryKey.PropertyType == typeof(int))
else if (propsWithId.Any())
foreach (PropertyInfo prop in propsWithId)
I also have this test case to test my mapper:
public void TestMyAutoMapper()
DapperExtensions.DapperExtensions.DefaultMapper = typeof(MyClassMapper<>);
MySubscribtionEntityWithCompositeKey entity = new MySubscribtionEntityWithCompositeKey
SubscriptionID = 145,
CustomerPackageID = 32
using (var connection = new SqlConnection(CONNECTION_STRING))
var result = connection.Insert(entity);
var key1 = result.SubscriptionID;
var key2 = result.CustomerPackageID;
Note that I set the default mapper in the test case.
The insert fails and I notive that my customer mapper is never called. I have no documentation on the github page on the topic, so I'm not sure if there's anything else I need to do to make dapper extensions use my mapper.
Thanks in advance!
Looking at your question, you are attempting to write your own defalut class mapper derived from the existing one. I never used this approach; so I do not know why it is not working or whether it should work.
I explicitly map the classes as below:
public class Customer
public int CustomerID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public sealed class CustomerMapper : ClassMapper<Customer>
public CustomerMapper()
Map(x => x.CustomerID).Key(KeyType.Identity);
The AutoMap() will map rest of the properties based on conventions. Please refer to these two resources for more information about mapping.
Then I call SetMappingAssemblies at the startup of the project as below:
DapperExtensions.DapperExtensions.SetMappingAssemblies(new[] { Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly() });
The GetExecutingAssembly() is used in above code because mapping classes (CustomerMapper and other) are in same assembly which is executing. If those classes are placed in other assembly, provide that assembly instead.
And that's it, it works.
To set the dialect, I call following line just below the SetMappingAssemblies:
DapperExtensions.DapperExtensions.SqlDialect = new DapperExtensions.Sql.SqlServerDialect();
Use your preferred dialect instead of SqlServerDialect.
Apparently, the solution mentioned here may help you achieve what you are actually trying to. But, I cannot be sure, as I said above, I never used it.

How to mock a object construction that is created using reflection i.e newInstance() method

I have a piece of code below where Employee class creates object of AppraisalCalculator using reflection. I want to mock this AppraisalCalculator object using PowerMockito.
class AppraisalCalculator {
public int appraisal() {
return 300;
class Employee {
public int updateSalary() {
// line 1
AppraisalCalculator ac =
return ac.appraisal();
class TestRunner {
public void test() {
AppraisalCalulator acMock=PowerMockito.mock(AppraisalCalculator.class);
Employee emp = new Employee();
int actualValue = emp.updateSalary();
int expectedValue=600;
Here, even though I have mocked the Appraisal calculator object, it still calls the real appraisal() method from AppraisalCalculator. If the actual AppraisalCalculator at line 1 is created using new Operator instead of newInstance() then this mocking works.
Can anyone explain why this is not working if the actual object is created using reflection? What can I do to mock this Object in such scenario?
Let me first start by rephrasing your question will fully working code.
public class TestRunner {
public void test() throws Exception {
AppraisalCalculator acMock = PowerMockito.mock(AppraisalCalculator.class);
Employee emp = new Employee();
int actualValue = emp.updateSalary();
int expectedValue = 600;
assertEquals(expectedValue, actualValue);
Then, the way PowerMock works is that the PowerMockRunner will look at each class that needs to be prepared (here Employee), then look for a call to the constructor we want to replace and do it. This is done at class loading. The real class bytecode calling the constructor is replaced by the one returning the mock.
The thing is that if you are using reflection, PowerMock can't know by reading the bytecode that this constructor will be called. It will only be known dynamically afterwards. So no mocking done.
If you really do need to create the class to be mocked by reflection, I would actually refactor the code a bit.
In Employee I would add something like
protected AppraisalCalculator getCalculator() {
try {
return AppraisalCalculator.class.newInstance();
} catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
while is a method dedicated to isolate the calculator construction.
The, just create a child class
public void testWithChildClass() {
// Note that you don't need PowerMock anymore
AppraisalCalculator acMock = Mockito.mock(AppraisalCalculator.class);
Employee emp = new Employee() {
protected AppraisalCalculator getCalculator() {
return acMock;
int actualValue = emp.updateSalary();
int expectedValue = 600;
assertEquals(expectedValue, actualValue);
or a partial mock (spy)
public void test2() {
// No PowerMock either here
AppraisalCalculator acMock = Mockito.mock(AppraisalCalculator.class);
Employee emp = spy(new Employee());
int actualValue = emp.updateSalary();
int expectedValue = 600;
assertEquals(expectedValue, actualValue);

Conflicts in AutoMapper and AutoFixture

I have 2 classes, Class1 should be mapped to Class2. I do mapping with AutoMapper. I'd like to test my configuration of the mapper and for this purposes I'm using AutoFixture. Source class Class1 has property of type IList<>, destination class Class2 has a similar property but of type IEnumerable<>. To simplify test preparation I'm using AutoFixture (with AutoMoqCustomization) to initialize both source and destination objects. But after initializing property of type IEnumerable<> with AutoFixture, AutoMapper can't map the property.
Error text:
Error mapping types.
Mapping types: Class1 -> Class2 ConsoleApplication1.Class1 ->
Type Map configuration: Class1 -> Class2 ConsoleApplication1.Class1 ->
Property: Items
Could anybody help me to configure either AutoMapper or AutoFixture to make the mapping work? As a workaround I can assign null to the destination property, but I do not want to do this in the each test.
Simplified example of code:
public class AutoMapperTests
public static void TestCollectionsProperty()
Mapper.Initialize(cfg =>
cfg.CreateMap<ItemClass1, ItemClass2>();
cfg.CreateMap<Class1, Class2>();
var src = new Class1();
src.Items = new List<ItemClass1>()
new ItemClass1() { Text = "111" },
new ItemClass1() { Text = "222" }
var fixture = new Fixture();
var dst = fixture.Create<Class2>();
Mapper.Map(src, dst); //Error at this line of code
public class Class1
public IList<ItemClass1> Items { get; set; }
public class Class2
public IEnumerable<ItemClass2> Items { get; set; }
public class ItemClass1
public string Text { get; set; }
public class ItemClass2
public string Text { get; set; }
It's not really an AutoFixture issue per se. You can reproduce it without AutoFixture by instead creating dst like this:
var dst = new Class2();
dst.Items = Enumerable.Range(0, 1).Select(_ => new ItemClass2());
This will produce a similar error message:
Unable to cast object of type 'WhereSelectEnumerableIterator2[System.Int32,Ploeh.StackOverflow.Q45437098.ItemClass2]' to type 'System.Collections.Generic.IList1[Ploeh.StackOverflow.Q45437098.ItemClass2]'
That ought to be fairly self-explanatory: WhereSelectEnumerableIterator<int, ItemClass2> doesn't implement IList<ItemClass2>. AutoMapper attempts to make that cast, and fails.
The simplest fix is probably to avoid populating dst:
var dst = new Class2();
If you must use AutoFixture for this, you can do it like this:
var dst = fixture.Build<Class2>().OmitAutoProperties().Create();
Unless the Class2 constructor does something complex, however, I don't see the point of using AutoFixture in that scenario.
If, on the other hand, you do need dst to be populated, you just need to ensure that dst.Items is convertible to IList<ItemClass2>. One way to do that would be like this:
var dst = fixture.Create<Class2>();
dst.Items = dst.Items.ToList();
You could create a Customization to make sure that this happens automatically, but if you need help with that, please ask a new question (if you don't find one that already answers that question).
Here is a working example for your problem. As #Mark Seemann already told, Mapper.CreateMap has been deprecated, so this example is using the new structure.
Mapper.Initialize(cfg =>
cfg.CreateMap<ItemClass1, ItemClass2>();
cfg.CreateMap<Class1, Class2>();
var src = new Class1();
src.Items = new List<ItemClass1>()
new ItemClass1() { Text = "111" },
new ItemClass1() { Text = "222" }
var dest = Mapper.Map<Class1, Class2>(src);
AM requires IList because you're mapping to an existing list and that works by calling IList.Add.

Return derived type when return type is base type c#

I have a Base abstract Class and a Derived Class
Base abstract class
public abstract class BaseData: IListingData
private int? _photos;
public string DataKey { get; set; }
public abstract List<Images> Photos { get; set; }
Derived Class
public class DerivedData1 : BaseData
public override List<Images> Photos
{ return new List<Images>(); } set {}
public class DerivedData2 : BaseData
public override List<Images> Photos
{ return new List<Images>(); } set {}
I have a Service function:
public List<ListingData> FilterListings(PredicateHandler predicates)
//Retrieved from database and based on certain predicates, it will create List of DerivedData1 or DerivedData2
Return new List<DerivedData1>(); //This is where the ERROR is.
I am unable to return Derived Type. I tried casting and I get the following same compile error. Cannot convert expression type 'System.Collections.Generic.List< DerivedData1>' to return type 'System.Collections.Generic.List< ListingData>'
I also tried changing the return type of the service function FilterListings() to the Interface IListingData, but I still encounter the a casting error.
I searched on other Stackoverflow posts. Which answers the questions of returning a derived Type from within a Base class. But I think this is a different scenario.
Bottom line, My service-class function has a return type Animal() and from inside the function I want to return Dog()
What am I missing?
In your example code, you cannot return new List of DerivedData1 where the function return type is List of ListingData.
The reason is there is no hierarchical relations between the two list types.
What you can do is:
public List<ListingData> FilterListings(PredicateHandler predicates)
var list = new List<BaseData>();
var list.Add(new DerivedData1());
var list.Add(new DerivedData2());
return list;
I'd use List<object> if I were in your place, and cast object to whatever is needed when iterating (for example). Your issue is that List<Base> and List<DerivedFromBase> are treated as unrelated (which is the intended behaviour, even if uncomfortable).

Get job title using System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement

I've successfully used the AccountManagement code to retrieve basic AD information but it's only returning a very limited set of information about the returned object. How can I get extended information from AD using the AccountManagement functionality. Specifically the Job Title or title as it seems to be called in my instance of AD.
I know how to do it using the older DirectoryServices but I'd like to know how to do it using the new namespace.
Yes, the default set of properties on UserPrincipal is quite limited - but the great part is: there's a neat extensibility story in place!
You need to define a class descending from UserPrincipal and then you can very easily get access to a lot more properties, if needed.
The skeleton would look something like this:
namespace ADExtended
public class UserPrincipalEx : UserPrincipal
// Inplement the constructor using the base class constructor.
public UserPrincipalEx(PrincipalContext context) : base(context)
{ }
// Implement the constructor with initialization parameters.
public UserPrincipalEx(PrincipalContext context,
string samAccountName,
string password,
bool enabled) : base(context, samAccountName, password, enabled)
UserPrincipalExSearchFilter searchFilter;
new public UserPrincipalExSearchFilter AdvancedSearchFilter
if (null == searchFilter)
searchFilter = new UserPrincipalExSearchFilter(this);
return searchFilter;
// Create the "Title" property.
public string Title
if (ExtensionGet("title").Length != 1)
return string.Empty;
return (string)ExtensionGet("title")[0];
set { ExtensionSet("title", value); }
// Implement the overloaded search method FindByIdentity.
public static new UserPrincipalEx FindByIdentity(PrincipalContext context, string identityValue)
return (UserPrincipalEx)FindByIdentityWithType(context, typeof(UserPrincipalEx), identityValue);
// Implement the overloaded search method FindByIdentity.
public static new UserPrincipalEx FindByIdentity(PrincipalContext context, IdentityType identityType, string identityValue)
return (UserPrincipalEx)FindByIdentityWithType(context, typeof(UserPrincipalEx), identityType, identityValue);
And that's really almost all there is! The ExtensionGet and ExtensionSet methods allow you to "reach down" into the underlying directory entry and grab out all the attributes you might be interested in....
Now, in your code, use your new UserPrincipalEx class instead of UserPrincipal:
using (PrincipalContext ctx = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain))
// Search the directory for the new object.
UserPrincipalEx myUser = UserPrincipalEx.FindByIdentity(ctx, "someUserName");
if(myUser != null)
// get the title which is now available on your "myUser" object!
string title = myUser.Title;
Read all about the System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement namespace and its extensibility story here:
Managing Directory Security Principals in the .NET Framework 3.5
Update: sorry - here's the UserPrincipalExSearchFilter class - missed that one in the original post. It just shows the ability to also extend the search filters, if need be:
public class UserPrincipalExSearchFilter : AdvancedFilters
public UserPrincipalExSearchFilter(Principal p) : base(p) { }
public void LogonCount(int value, MatchType mt)
this.AdvancedFilterSet("LogonCount", value, typeof(int), mt);
To Augment the above I have knocked up an extension method to call ExtensionGet. It uses reflection to get hold of the protected method you would otherwise have to inherit. You might need to use this if you are returning UserPrincipalObjects from Groups.Members, for example
public static class AccountManagmentExtensions
public static string ExtensionGet(this UserPrincipal up, string key)
string value = null;
MethodInfo mi = up.GetType()
.GetMethod("ExtensionGet", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
Func<UserPrincipal, string, object[]> extensionGet = (k,v) =>
((object[])mi.Invoke(k, new object[] { v }));
if (extensionGet(up,key).Length > 0)
value = (string)extensionGet(up, key)[0];
return value;
There are simpler ways of getting to that info. Here is the way I got to Job Title in VB.NET:
Dim yourDomain As New PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, "yourcompany.local")
Dim user1 As UserPrincipal = UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(yourDomain, principal.Identity.Name)
Dim Entry As DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry = user1.GetUnderlyingObject()
Dim JobTitle As String = Entry.Properties.Item("Title").Value.ToString
To expand on Programmierus' comment, here is a simple way to do this on the fly in C#.
public static string GetProperty(UserPrincipal userPrincipal, string property)
DirectoryEntry d = (DirectoryEntry)userPrincipal.GetUnderlyingObject();
return d.Properties[property]?.Value?.ToString();
