Azure hosted agents - Visual Studio 2017 - azure

I set up a hosted agent in Azure to do a CI build but I'm getting the following warning during the Visual Studio build step before the build fails:
"Visual Studio version '15.0' not found. Looking for the latest version."
Looking at the documentation for hosted agents it looks like they're not deployed with Visual Studio 2017:
Does anyone know when the hosted agents will be deployed with Visual Studio 2017 or when this will be likely?

When selecting your agent queue, you can now select the "Hosted VS2017".
You may need to adapt your build pipeline. For instance I had to remove the Nuget Restore step I had and just ticked the "restore nuget package" in the build step. The standard Restore Nuget step was trying to use MsBuild 14 which is not available on VS2017 agents.


Setup.exe build from azure pipelines prompts for .NET framework 4.7.2 on every run

We are trying to generate a click once application using azure devops pipelines.
During this, we publish the project to create a setup.exe. All the pre-requisites required are ticked, the project builds and publishes the setup.exe without any issues.
However, every time the setup.exe is run we see the prompt in Image 1.
Image 1
We have ensured the installURL is correct, and the .NET Framework 4.7.2 is on the build machine and install machine.
When we publish the project in visual studio, the setup.exe does not show this prompt.
Does anyone have any idea how to stop this prompt showing or what we could try next?
In your Visual Studio build task in your pipeline, make sure you have Visual Studio 2019 selected due to a bug in earlier versions of VS.

Azure WebJobs and Visual Studio 2017

I need to deploy an Azure WebJob and tried to follow this article. Is this supposed to work in Visual Studio 2017? I have none of the mentioned context menu entries (tried two different machines).
I have none of the mentioned context menu entries (tried two different machines).
What type of project did you create? Until now, we could see the [Publish as Azure WebJob…] context menu when we create a Console App(.NET Framework) in Visual Studio 2017.
You also need to check whether you have checked the Azure Development option when you install your Visual Studio 2017. If you did not do that, you could re-run the Visual Studio 2017 install exe file to update your Visual Studio 2017.
If your project type is Console App(.NET Core), the publish function is not available until now.
WebJobs deployment features are available in Visual Studio 2015 when you install the Azure SDK for .NET.
It's not yet available in VS2017.
EDIT: See post below.

Visual Studio Migration 2015

We have around 100 projects in our solution built on Visual studio 2008. We migrated projects to Visual studio 2015. After migration, when the build is triggered to TFS build server, we are getting the below error:
"The type or namespace name does not exist in the namespace" (are you
missing an assembly reference)
Also note that the Build server has Visual studio 2012.
You need to make sure the environment on the build agent are as same as your local developer machine.
Since you can build the solution locally with VS2015 successfully, suggest you also install VS2015 on you build agent and try it again. (To make the environment clean, you can uninstall VS2012 first)

no agent could be found with the following capabilities msbuild visual studio azureps - Hosted agent

Trying to run a build in the new Visual Studio Team Services on a hosted build agent. The only way I get it to fly is when I download the agent and run it locally. I want to bulid it using microsoft servers and not my own computer. But then I get the message:
"no agent could be found with the following capabilities msbuild visual studio azureps"
Any suggestions?

MSDeploy broken on Team Build Server after Installing Visual Studio SDK

I have had nightly builds set up and working for a few months until now. I installed Visual Studio 2012 SDK on Saturday and now my builds are not deploying via MSDeploy.
My build server has Visual Studio 2012 installed. It also has the admin console for both TFS 2010 and 2012 installed. We aren't using 2012 yet so I have the service turned off.
In my build definition, under Process/Advanced/MSBuild Arguments, I have this:
/p VisualStudioVersion=11.0;DeployOnBuild=true;DeployTarget=DeployToDEV;username=xxx;password=xxx;WebPublishPipelineProjectName=dev
My project has a targets file called dev.wpp.targets. Inside of this file I have a DeployToDEV target. I basically followed the instructions from "Inside the Microsoft Build Engine" so I can deploy to multiple servers at the same time. It worked beautifully until now.
I get no errors and no indication that Web Deploy has been run or not.
I would really appreciate some help.
