Excel Subtracting time - excel

Currently trying to setup a formula that will calculate the hours/minutes between two different hours of time.
I currently use the following formula in Cell D3 and receive 12:35am as the answer:
What I would want it to display is 35 minutes, which is the correct amount of time in between (6:42AM and 7:17AM).

Something like this would work:
or if you want "minutes" written after
=TEXT(C3-B3,"[m] ""minutes""")

C3-B3 and formatted as [m] will work - either =TEXT(C3-B3,"[m]") or just giving the cell a custom number format of [m].
If Begin is 11:45PM and End is 12:15AM you'll only see ############# as both times are considered to be in the same day, while 12:15AM is the start of the next day.
Try =IF(C4<B4,(1+C4)-B4,C4-B4)
If C4 is less than B4 it adds 1 day to the value of End.

You have to multiply your formula by the amount of hours in a day (24) and the amount of minutes in an hour (60) in order to convert.
So your formula should be the following.


Extract the hour from the h" hour(s) and "m" minute(s)" in excel

I have the list of data that showing the Hours and the Minutes that I extract from the system. I need to be extract the hours.
As example below, column B first row, the Hours would be 64 and the minutes would be 46.
But when I used the formula =Hour , its turn up the different value since its actually decimal number.
Cannot use left() , it will give the actual decimal number.
We tried the #harun24HR 's but cannot readable the value.
But if you noticed, if i copy and paste the value is different. thats why the search not applicable.
4th Update:
To Solar Mike, I have tried the formula given from the thread the i think the value not readable
It's a time value which Excel stores as calculated value based on 24 hours = 1.
To retrieve the hours only you can use:
To retrieve the minutes only you can use:
Your time value is already a number in time format so you just need it to change it to decimal system. Dates and time values are numbers. Even if you see it as 30/09/2019 or 12:00:00, actually, for Excel, both cases are numbers.
First date Excel can recognize properly is 01/01/1900 which integer numeric value is 1. Number 2 would be 02/01/1900 and so on. Actually, today is 44659.
Now, about your data, you posted this screenshoot:
So the value is numeric, not text/string. In Excel, what you see is not always what you have. Probably that column has been formatted using custom mask. My fake data is like this:
The numeric value is 02/01/1900 16:46:36 (or 02/01/1900 4:46:36 PM it depends on your regional settings) but I've applied a custom format like this:
[hh]" hours" mm " minutes"
So what I have is a number but what I see is a text!
We have to work with the number (to be honest, ist's easier to work with numbers), so to extract the total hours, minutes and seconds.
Formula in B1: =INT(A1*24) total hours
Formula in C1: =INT(A1*24*60-B1*60) total minutes
Formula in D1: =A1*24*60*60-B1*60*60-C1*60 total seconds
This should guide you on whatever are you trying to achieve.
From your current sample data you try-
For hour =LEFT(A2,SEARCH(" ",A2)-1)
For minutes =RIGHT(SUBSTITUTE(A2," minutes",""),2)

Excel | Calculate the time difference

I'm trying to calculate the difference in working hours. Depending on the amount, 30 minutes should be deducted for more than 6h (or equal to 6h) (corresponds to the break during working hours). If the working time is less than 6 hours, nothing will be deducted.
My formula in cell E2 looks like this.
(All cells have the time format.)
But this formula doesn't work. In the example above, I actually expect 9:30, but it outputs 10h.
Where is the mistake?
it is because it sees "6:00" as text and does not convert it to a time.
add -- before the "6:00"

Time Study in Excel

I am completing a time study and recording time in excel. I have numbers like 2.24, etc.. I am trying to add them and average them and I am getting numbers like 9.76 when I really want 10m and 16seconds. Any thoughts to fixing this?
When I change the format to mm:ss it give me wild answers
If 9.76 is a decimal number and it's is in A1, then in B1 you can use:
Also, format of cell with formula must be hours (I've used [hh]:mm:ss)
Applying this, I get:
I've done it in the following way: I used cell formatting, like u:mm:ss (in English locale, this might be h:mm:ss instead).
In one cell, I've put 0:2:24 (zero hours, two minutes, 24 seconds).
In the cell below, I've put 0:7:52.
Adding both cells (inside a cell with the mentioned cell formatting) yielded 0:10:16.
=9.76 value(minutes)
=24*60 number of minutes in a day
=A1/A2 formatted as time
Will show 12:09:46. You can use =MINUTE(A3) to extract the minutes and =SECOND(A3) for the seconds.
Actually if 9.76 means 9 minutes and 76 seconds, you'll need more formulas to extract the minutes and seconds then add them together. You can use =Floor() to get the integer. Subtract to find the .76 and multiply by 100 to get the number of seconds. Then divide by 60 to convert to minutes and add to the 9 whole mins. Now you have the number of mins which you can convert to a time value per the above.
You need to enter in Excel as 0:02:12 then you can add quite nicely. If you don't want to re-enter everything you can do this: =VALUE("0:"&SUBSTITUTE(A1,".",":")) then add. Be sure to convert each individual value BEFORE adding otherwise you might get incorrect results.

How can I extract the hour part from a duration value in Excel?

How can I convert duration in excel to text ? I am having 1037:00:00 in a cell, which is the sum of certain durations. I want to extract 1037 alone. Excel returns "hours" when I try to extract with MID or use TEXT function.
If it is really the sum of some durations you can get the amount of hours by multiplying the cell by 24. The internal representation of a date or time cell is the number of days since beginning of the year 1900, so you have to multiply it by 24 to get the number of hours. (The year 1900 is not interesting for you as you just want a time span.) The Hour function does not work here because you get the day hour which is 5 in this case.
Be sure to format your target cell as regular number.
lets assume your cell with 1037:00:00 is in cell L40. You can use the following formula to pull the hours.
Note this will only pull full hours rounded down. It does not take into account minutes or seconds.
This alternative is what Fratyx explained in his answer.

Sum time in Excel to show a big number of days

I have cells with duration, specified as hours:minutes:seconds.
The first line means 1726 hours, 48 minutes and 00 seconds
The second line means 410 hours, 10 minutes and 00 seconds
The third line means 599 hours, 10 minutes and 00 seconds
How do I sum these times in Excel, to get a breakdown in days, hours, minutes and seconds?
I'm afraid that might be impossible by changing the cell format.
If your number is in A1, you could use one of these 2 formulas:
=ROUNDDOWN(A1,0)&TEXT(A1," hh:mm:ss")
=INT(A1)&TEXT(A1," hh:mm:ss")
I also tried =TEXT(A1,"0")&TEXT(A1," hh:mm:ss"), but TEXT(A1,"0") sometimes does roundup which is not welcome.
The drawback of those formulas is that they return text. So you'll not be able to use the results in further calculations.
The requirement is to add a range of cells containing values called “duration”, which are expressed in Date and Time Serial Numbers and to display the result, currently formatted as [h]:mm:ss, in days, hours, minutes and seconds, (a kind of format [d] hh:mm:ss which is not allowed by the Excel application as already explained by ZygD). ZygD also proposed to use a formula to display the desired result as a text which comes with the restriction of further use in other calculations as well explained by ZygD:
=INT(A1)&TEXT(A1," hh:mm:ss")
In case that the total expressed as text needs to be expressed back as a Date and Time Serial Numbers I suggested the formula:
=SUM(LEFT(B1,-1+SEARCH(" ",B1)),
Now if this does not satisfy the requirement there is another solution, that allows to add the Date and Time Serial Numbers showing the result as “days, hours, minutes and seconds” provided that it’s acceptable to show the result in two separated cells using the following formulas:
Values with “duration” are placed in the range C4:C6,
Totals Days in cell "C10",
Total Hours in cell "C11"
Totals Days =INT(SUM($C$4:$C$6))
Total Hours =MOD(SUM($C$4:$C$6),1)
If the totals are needed for further use just use the standard "SUM" formula to add up both, see cell C13
The "original" value can be worked backwards from ZygD's formula using the following formula:
=SUM(LEFT(B1,-1+SEARCH(" ",B1)),
