How to push the hyperlink value to another worksheet in Excel - excel

I have a work book in MS Excel with two work sheets. The first one is called "List Data" and it's where I store the data for the drop down menus on the second page, called "Primary Form". One of my lists are hyperlinks that I want my users to be able to click on, however the hyperlink functionality (web address, etc.) doesn't get pushed to the Primary Form. Is there a way to accomplish this?
MS Excel 365


Automatically updating data across multiple worksheets

I'm trying to create an excel workbook where updates to a master spreadsheet will be automatically reflected onto worksheets within the same workbook which derive from filtered data from the master spreadsheet.
I tried resolving this issue by creating links between rows from the master spreadsheet to the derivative worksheets. Since they are tables, however, they will constantly be filtered which I have discovered breaks the links. Since the links were row-dependent, I cannot think of a way to be able to link all of them without constant breaks. Is there a way around this issue despite the fact that there are many variables at play?
Consider using PivotTables.
Drag all relevant fields to the row area (turn off all (sub-)totals) and the field you wish to filter for as the page filter.
Select the Options dropdown on the Pivot table Analyze contextual ribbon tab and choose "Show report filter pages".

How can I change the data source per tab instead of for the entire workbook?

I am in the process of upgrading an excel spreadsheet we use to manage timecards with for employees every week, we use OCR to process them. Currently our big spreadsheet, its a multi-tabbed spreadsheet where every employee in a given department can see everyone else's time that gets logged.
What I am in the process of doing is making individual spreadsheets inside folders for each employee to access, these folders will be locked so employees of each department cant go in and see other peoples timecards. One master spreadsheet with the use of index/match will pull the data into the master spreadsheet.
I have one page completed for one employee but I have about 20+ more employees to go and it took 6 hours to do one page, is there a way that I can change the spreadsheet connection of one individual page instead of the entire workbook?
here is an illustration:
i have hundreds of cells on one tab connected to this external spreadsheet
With the use of the "Edit Links" prompt I am aware that I can change data sources, but I want to edit the connection per tab not the entire workbook
i want to have one tab pulling from one data source, and the next tab pulling from another data source. I want to accomplish this without going into each cell and updating the link and spending a 40 hour work week on something so small.
How can I do this?
using replace all, [ctrl + h] for windows, you can change any value within formulas on the entire page
works great

Exporting joined list from sharepoint to excel

I have two lists in sharepoint: one list is a customer list with customer id, name and state, the other is an order list that has a lookup column that refers to the customer id, order date and order amount. I would like to join both lists on customer id and export the joined list to excel so that I can create a pivot table that, say, lists sales by state.
I'm able to create a linked datasource using the sharepoint designer. I haven't been able to find a way to export that to excel however. Can someone offer advice?
You can do it by opening both lists in Excel.
Use Open in Excel button in the first list. It will open this list in Excel. Let Excel opened and use the same button in the second list. Excel will pop up dialog where you can choose how to open it. Choose table and new Sheet option.
After that you will have 1 excel file with 2 lists imported in it each on separate sheet.
Next step is using Relationships button in Data ribbon which allows you to join imported lists.
And the final step is to insert PivotTable (Insert - PivotTable). Use External data source option in Insert dialog - Choose Connection... button - Tables tab - and select joined table from previous step (This workbook data model section).
At the end you have Excel with Pivot table where you can drill down data using columns from both lists.

Excel Show Data Based on user Choice

Excel 2007: I get my data from Access tables the Excel sheet is called "Data". My Excel report cells are populated by linking to those data cells(=Data!A1) and some report cells have simple code. But my question is this; my report needs to specify one record. Example: Data record 1: Name=Joe, Birth=7/29/62, Country=USA: record 2: Name=Sam, Birth=4/13/74, Country=China... How do we control the report display to a specific record? If I add a DropDown or ListBox, how do we make only the records for the name picked show in the report. Is there a way to put the code behind the listbox, or should I scrap the list and create a macro, what is the best way for a user to pick the data to be displayed on the report? Suggestions please...
There are two approaches I would use.
When you embed a query object in Excel (which is, I assume, how you are fetching the data from Access) you have the ability to edit that query in the little Query Editor tool.
You can add criteria to that query in this tool - there's a filter icon, you select let's say the Name column, and then type "Sam" in the box below, and that will produce a SQL statement that now includes "Where Name = 'Same'" at the end.
However, that's not that helpful for reporting, since most likely we want the name to be a parameter passed in from the Excel sheet itself. If in the criteria box, you type "[enter name]" instead of "Sam", the square brackets tell the Query tool that this is a user supplied parameter. When you run the query from the tool now you get a pop up box asking you each time for the name.
Now when you exit the query tool and return to Excel, you can edit the Query Parameters for that embedded query object. The parameter you made (name) is there, and it can either take on a static value, prompt the user, or take the contents of a cell. You can even set a flag to refresh the query when the cell contents change.
The other approach goes a little further and manipulates the query object in some VBA code. If you need to do some heavier lifting, or other logic, for example, and you don't want to deal with writing it all out as spreadsheet formulas. An easy way to do that is to drop in a button on the report sheet and have the VBA code start on that button's click event.

Is is possible to populate a SharePoint list from an Excel sheet?

So you can export a list to a spread sheet, but can you do the opposite? Preferably from an Excel sheet.
Go the the Create menu in sharepoint and upder Custom Lists, click Import Spreadsheet. Type the name of the list, browse to the spreadsheet and click Import.
You can also sync your spreadsheet and list on a continual basis by making a list on your spreadsheet and then publishing that to sharepoint.
Open your sheet
Select your data
Click Crtl+l
Click ok
Right click list
Publish list
type name of sharepoint site
name of sharepoint list
click Finish
Yes, you can do it from Excel 2003 :( bit is bit limiting. There is a workaround to do the same from Excel 2007...
But, to achieve best results you should use Access 2007 because it provides you with everything you need. It allows you to do the same you can as from the web interface.
