Setting up a server accessible over LAN - linux

I am trying to set up a server (Ubuntu 14.04), which is not connected to the internet, just accessible over LAN.
Can't replace the image of the server being used.
I am using Ubuntu system as my local machine and I want to transfer all the packages installed in the current system to the server.
I tried installing packages like build-tools-essential, node.js using deb files over ssh, but the process gets stuck when it comes to dependencies. I also tried manually installing the dependencies manually, but there's heck lot of them.
Any suggestions, how to package all the installed packages in my current system - which I can transfer at once to the server.


Run artifactory on browser

I installed artifactory on linux server. I want to know how to check whether it is properly installed.
Secondly, I want to use it's user interface on google chrome. From where I can get SERVER_DOMAIN and PORT number for it's url from installed files on server?
Thanks in advance.
Your question is a bit vague.
How did you installed it (ZIP, RPM, Docker, Deb...)?
Which database you used (default, Oracle, MySQL etc..)? You can see if the server is up and running by running the following REST API from the machine you have installed it on:
curl -iuadmin:password localhost:8081/artifactory/api/system/ping
Regarding the IP, this can be checked by running 'ifconfig' on the linux server and get the IP of that machine.
Artifactory by default is running on port 8081, unless you changed it.
It seems that you will need to follow the basic installation wiki:

Install bind9 on a machine that has no internet connection

I need to install bind9 on a machine that has no internet connection.
I downloaded the source code and want to compile it on this machine, but there is no C compiler on my machine. And as I have no internet connection, I cannot install gcc (manual install is too difficult).
How should I do this? Is there a way that I can compile everything on another machine and move all the binaries?
Check out Keryx, it's an offline packet repository which permits you to firstly download bind9 and push it to your offline workstation (assuming you're on a Debian based distro).

RStudio server manipulate and rstudio packages

I have an RStudio server (0.99.441) instance shared by several users, running on an Ubuntu 12.04 server with R 3.2.0.
One user complained that the statement library(manipulate) was crashing because the package was missing. Looking into the issue, I found that some users had the manipulate package installed in their home under /home/user/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.2/manipulate when others didn't. No trace of it in the system libraries. The users who do have it didn't install or copy it manually, so it was installed there automatically.
From what I have found, the manipulate package comes with the rstudio package, and with RStudio desktop they are installed automatically at session startup if not found. However this does not happen when starting a new session on RStudio server, and I couldn't find documentation on this issue.
One solution could be to simply copy these folders to the other users' homes, or even to the system library (rstudio package comes with RStudio and is not on CRAN), but I would like to understand how these packages ended up there in the first place and to find a clean way to install them.

Can node.js be used without installing anything on the machine?

I'm interested in a webserver solution, where nothing needs to be installed on the machine itself. So you just insert the (eg) DVD and of you go.
I know that products exist that allow this, but can it be done with Node.js?
EDIT: I would like the DVD to work on a machine already running some OS (eg. Windows or MacOS), so basically have a cross platform webserver running only from a DVD.
You surely can use a Linux live CD in your favorite flavor and follow the flow the maintainers of that live CD are proposing for changes and install your node.js packages inside it. That would give you a live CD (or DVD) with your node.js application…
Here is an example customizing an Ubuntu live CD to install a BitCoin miner on it: - If you adapt that and install the node.js packages instead of the miner you would have your live CD…

nginx binary files not available linux

Hi I have a requirement like that i should be able to install nginx in a machine that doesnt have internet connection so below are the approaches that i tried
created a debian package from the source and tried installing
downloaded the source(tar file) and tried make and make install
But downloading the source requires internet and make and make install is not recommended
The last option is to build nginx using binary file.
I am not able to find any binaries for nginx.Am stuck here any help will be much helpful
