kinda new to block chain technologies and going to work on a project of a smart contract based on block-chain .
i was wondering what are the platforms available ?
what is the difference between them ? (points of comparison)
Help plz :) !!
I understand that the term “Contract” it has not communicated clearly. Assuming you have the fair understanding on “what is Blockchain”. Let me give a perspective – it is contact between parties stored on the Blockchain or any computation that takes place on a Blockchain. Referring to some of technical forums, the answer to contract platforms depends on the what type of “Contract”? Mainly any one of the two types of contract (generally refers to the capabilities you looking for).
Smart contract code: This is to identify a specific technology – code that is stored, verified, and executed on a Blockchain. Example, Ethereum or Eris platform, whose primary purpose is to be a platform for smart contract code. The platform provides code that could articulate a conditional financial transaction, While the code could articulate a conditional financial transaction (“send 1 Ether from Alice to Bob on Jan 1, 2017”), it could also be a governance application that controls account permissions (“if Alice has voted yes, remove Bob’s voting rights over Application X and notify the following accounts…”).
You can make smart contract code using Ethereum or Eris Blockchain-based application. Please refer to their respective website. You will find lots of materials. There are may others as well.
And the other type of smart contract,
Smart legal contracts (the real world): This is to a specific application of that technology – as a complement, or substitute, for legal contracts. This type of contract does not limit only to be executed using Blockchain platform. It is still a debatable… as many commercial, clauses may not be always suitably represented using code. But in future the integration of 1 & 2 would most likely replace some of traditional legal contract languages.
Bitcoin Blockchain itself can be used for developing Smart Contracts, though it is a little bit challenging for beginners.
Bitcoin Contracts
Ethereum is one of the most widely used Blockchain Platform for writing smart contracts.
Solidity Smart Contracts
You can also use Hyperledger for writing smart contracts / chain codes.
Smart Contracts on IBM Blockchain
NEO is emerging as another popular Blockchain platform for authoring smart contracts.
Developing Smart Contracts in NEO
Like the title suggest, I need help.
I've little experience with the blockchain, mainly a simple ERC20 token projet I did a few months ago.
Now for my bachelor thesis, i was asked the following :
Develop one or several smart contract(s) to trace the origin of the product and its
conformity certifications / administrative attributes and behaviours.
Register the product on the blockchain and deploy a validation scheme to protect it
against counterfeit
Protect the production method (recipe) as an IPR
The said "product" in this refers mainly to manufactured pieces, like a watch piece.
This project is a proof of concept more than anything else so I have no real pieces. I have to create a mockup of what could be used in a manufacture.
Now I was wondering what to use to achieve this goal. Are NFTs are a good option to insure each piece's conformity or should it be used only for the final product or else ?
I don't know all the possibilities of the technology, thus why I'm asking for help.
Any leads to what to use or tutorials would be more than welcome.
Thanks in advance
So I am new to blockchain. In fact, I am actually doing a one-year diploma for it. I found out it's incredibly hard to find accurate information online regarding blockchain. It's either a chunky mess or completely irrelevant. Right now my team's project is to work on a real-life situation where blockchain could be implemented and we chose blockchain for student credentials. We went with a Hybrid blockchain where certain personal information will be private and other stuff like credentials will be public so that educational institutes can validate them. We are supposed to be working with Hyperledger Fabric for the assignment, but we are stuck deciding whether we should be using ERC-721 Tokens or smart contracts to assign every student a unique digital asset. I am posting this here to see if I can get some help.
p.s dont mind if my concepts are completely off because its only been like a week or 2 since my classes started.
In Russia, finance academy "Active" already uses Emercoin blockchain for this purpose for years. You can use Google Translate and read the interview article.
I think, if you contact them, they will share with you their solutions and source code.
You can implement your use cases with Hyperledger Indy blockchain framework. Hyperledger Indy will suit your use cases as this blockchain framework is used to manage identities.
You can visit Indy Walkthrough demo where you can find tutorial with code based on your use cases.
You can also check the following demo:
I am trying to create a data marketplace where a party can transact with other parties, agree on the set of terms and sell data from one to another.
Here data security is of utmost concern. A party makes data available on the hyperledger, this data should be secured and no one should get hold of it. If an interested party wants this data, they have to transact with data owner party and agree on the set of terms. Only then the interested party will get the data. And now only two parties should have hold of this data. Everyone else should not get hold of it.
I would like to know what components of hyperledger can be used here. I have an idea of private data concept in hyperledger, but not sure how and where it would fit.
Would love to hear some comments from experts regarding this.
I am thinking of using private data for data sharing securely whenever two parties agree for the transaction. And for that I am thinking of upgrading chaincode every time two parties agree on set of terms for data sharing. Only thing concerns me is that every endorsing peer needs to install and upgrade the new version of chaincode simultaneously and that could be undesirable, because data exchanges on this platform could be very frequent.
You can refer to this, and get some idea
When to use a collection within a channel vs. a separate channel
I'm looking for a decentralized database for my Dapp.
I found two helpful solutions orbitdb and gun but I couldn't realize the main difference and which one is more suitable for a social-media-like application that use ethereum smart contract.
I'm the author of gun. I've seen OrbitDB floating around (ha, pardon the pun!) but obviously am not intimately knowledgable about it enough to speak about it. I'll leave that for them to answer. :)
It does look like OrbitDB also uses CRDTs, which means they are probably doing things right/correct. Very few people are using CRDTs, which is sad, but makes GUN pretty unique! Despite the last 4 years I've been trying to evangelize to people that they should use CRDTs, I welcome it.
Maybe a practical way to answer your question, #maroodb , is around GUN's use case for social media:
Yes, GUN is already being used for P2P social media dApps. You can do:
User account systems, including traditional username/password, and password reset (no server, fully P2P).
Published user data, like tweets, etc. that cannot be tampered with by anybody else (signature encryption, but not private).
Private data to the user (cypher encryption).
Secret data between 2 users, like private messages (diffie-hellman).
And we're currently working on making it easier to do group read/write data, which is possible, but no demos yet.
Here are some links that show demos, and other resources, that might be helpful in building your app:
Conceptual understanding of P2P security, done in 1 minute animated cartoon explainers -
Short, fast article on how to get started with user accounts for a P2P Twitter -
A 4 minute and 40 line of code interactive coding tutorial, on how to build a super basic P2P Twitter -
Social network idea -!/v/marknadal/lanz4e6z ( itself is a P2P youtube)
P2P user account management system -!/v/marknadal/gfqglxvd
Super basic Private Message demo in 75 lines of code -!/v/marknadal/ganoayt8
Documentation on how to use the security API -
And of course, a super friendly chat room of Open Source developers helping each other out build these kind of stuff, ! :)
You'll have to ask OrbitDB for their examples/use case for P2P social networking dApps, maybe they know what makes gun different.
Note: A GUN+IPFS adapter will be out soon.
Ethereum is great, but your social network might not scale up if it is implemented primarily as an ethereum smart contract, just as a warning.
We recommend you use Ethereum for any cryptocurrency payments or transactions for your user (not GUN or Orbit).
But we do not recommend building basic social network features (profile info, posts, messages, etc.) using Ethereum.
Likely, 90 to 95% of your app will be GUN or Orbit, and possibly only 3 to 5% smart contracts.
In the car lease demo, the national regulator owns and operates a chaincode that corresponds to a "car" object. It defines relevant attributes and its lifecycle. Everyone is always on the same page and life is beautiful.
But, to me, it appears inevitable that we will soon see an explosion of "Car" chaincodes by:
other countries with their regulators
insurers that come up with their own blockchain solution
individual car manufacturers that want to capture more attributes of their cars on a blockchain
Unless there is a way to link these different "Car" chaincodes, a Car manufacturer will quickly find itself having to integrate into dozens of different blockchain networks which might not always be in sync with each other.
With my Object-Oriented background it seems obvious that it would be very valuable if the concepts of subclasses or interfaces could apply here. The insurer could define a "Car" interface and every manufacturer that implements that interface in their own "Car" chaincode could automatically be plugged into the insurers solution.
But I don't think such concepts exist in Hyperledger Fabric.
So, hence my question: what are the best practices to ensure chaincodes managed by different organizations can talk to each other in such a situation?
It is quite an old question. But the idea would be that the insurer would create a chaincode for a "Car" with certain methods which can then be invoked by the manufacturers without the manufacturer having to create any chaincode themselves.