Customize Add Stock Item in SO and PO - acumatica

currently I am doing some customization in "add stock item" of Sales Order and Purchase Order in acumatica, in this customization I added "Marked For" column but it is not editable even though its already there, how can I make it editable for the users?
Attached here is the screenshot of customized "add stock item".
Things done:
Extended SoSiteStatusSelected DAC.
Edited .aspx and added Marked For Column

Add your field to your SOOrderStatusSelected DAC extension. It has to be an unbound field because the DAC is not bound to a table. You can add further logic in event handlers to persist to database.
public class SOSiteStatusSelectedExt : PXCacheExtension<PX.Objects.SO.SOSiteStatusSelected>
[PXUIField(DisplayName="Marked For")]
public virtual string UsrMarkedFor { get; set; }
public abstract class usrMarkedFor : IBqlField { }
Enable the field in SOOrderEntry graph extension in the RowSelected event:
public class SOOrderEntryExtension : PXGraphExtension<SOOrderEntry>
protected virtual void SOSiteStatusSelected_RowSelected(PXCache sender, PXRowSelectedEventArgs e)
PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled<PX.Objects.SO.SOSiteStatusSelectedExt.usrMarkedFor>(sender, e.Row, true);
Tested in Acumatica v6.10.0010 for SalesOrder screen:

Digging into SOSiteStatusLookup which is inherited from INSiteStatusLookup you will find that 'OnRowSelected' it is disabling all fields except for 'Selected' and 'QtySelected' columns. To override this, try adding the following to a SOOrderEntry graph extension for any field you want to add to this view as editable from your extension...
protected virtual void SOSiteStatusSelected_RowSelected(PXCache sender, PXRowSelectedEventArgs e, PXRowSelected del)
del?.Invoke(sender, e);
PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled<MyExtension.MyField>(sender, e.Row, true);
Replace 'MyExtension' with your class extension name and 'MyField' with the mark for field name.


How to Enable PO Link on Sales Order screen

I'm trying to change the logic that enables the "PO Link" action/button on the Sales Order lines. I'm not finding where the code that controls the enable/disable lives. Is it controlled by a workflow? If so, where?
I've tried the below but the SetEnable() is being overridden, apparently.
public class MySOOrderEntryExt :
PX.Objects.SO.GraphExtensions.SOOrderEntryExt.PurchaseSupplyBaseExt, SOOrderEntry>
public void _(Events.RowSelected<SOOrder> e)
//Base.Actions["pOSupplyOK"].SetEnabled(false); //Doesn't work.
Any ideas would be great.
The control consists of 2 components. In the ASPX in the ActionBar of the grid, teh button is defined as:
<px:PXToolBarButton Text="PO Link" DependOnGrid="grid" StateColumn="IsPOLinkAllowed">
<AutoCallBack Command="POSupplyOK" Target="ds" ></AutoCallBack>
The StateColumn refers to the field that determines if the action/button is enabled or not. This is defined in SOLine in the field IsPOLinkAllowed as:
#region IsPOLinkAllowed
public abstract class isPOLinkAllowed : PX.Data.BQL.BqlBool.Field<isPOLinkAllowed> { }
[PXFormula(typeof(Switch<Case<Where<SOLine.pOCreate, Equal<True>, And<SOLine.operation, Equal<SOOperation.issue>>>, True>, False>))]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "", Visibility = PXUIVisibility.Invisible, Visible = false, Enabled = false)]
public virtual bool? IsPOLinkAllowed
The PXFormula indicates that the POCreate field must be true and the operation of the Sales Order be an Issue.
The simplest way to modify this behavior likely is to change the attributes on the field via a DAC extension or CacheAttached in the graph to result in true when you want it enabled.

Acumatica Customize Process Shipments Add branch field from PO Receipts

I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to add fields to the grid on the Process Shipments screen for PO Receipts when the "Prepare Drop-Ship Invoice" action is selected. Specifically, I want to add the POReceipts.BranchID field.
I've studied the source code, and I see where different select commands are run based on the selected action, but I don't understand what drives the grid to show the different set of columns.
I looked in the screen designer in the customization editor, and I don't see a different view or anything, hopefully I'm just missing something simple.
This is how I solved your mystery. First create a user field for SOShipment.
#region UsrReceiptBranchID
[PXUIField(DisplayName="Receipt Branch ID")]
public virtual int? UsrReceiptBranchID { get; set; }
public abstract class usrReceiptBranchID : PX.Data.BQL.BqlInt.Field<usrReceiptBranchID> { }
Next is the key part. I extended the data view delegate, and added an extra query to pull the POReceipt branch, when the Filter is Drop-Ship.
public virtual IEnumerable orders()
List<SOShipment> records = Base.orders().RowCast<SOShipment>().ToList();
if (Base.Filter.Current.Action.Contains("Drop"))
foreach (SOShipment sOShipment in records)
POReceipt receipt = PXSelect<POReceipt,
Equal<Required<POReceipt.receiptNbr>>>>.Select(Base, sOShipment.ShipmentNbr);
if (receipt != null)
SOShipmentExt shipExt = PXCache<SOShipment>.GetExtension<SOShipmentExt>(sOShipment);
shipExt.UsrReceiptBranchID = receipt.BranchID;
return records;
return records;

Acumatica - Remove RowSelected Event for Service Order Screen

I would like to override the standard method of the RowSelected event on the Service Orders screen. Specifically, the DocDesc field gets populated when you select a row item for the Labor tab. It will set the TranDesc to the DocDesc and I would like to keep this from happening. I am using Acumatica 6.1 which means that the Service Management Module is not standard in Acumatica during this time. I would like the method that populates this field to not run when the labor line is populated, so the DocDesc field would remain null or blank, this way the user can input their own description.
You should be able to customize the ServiceOrderEntry graph like any other graph :
protected virtual void FSServiceOrder_RowSelected(PXCache sender, PXRowSelectedEventArgs e, PXRowSelected bs)
You could override the method if it is virtual, like this :
public delegate void PersistDelegate();
public void Persist(PersistDelegate baseMethod)
You could also modify the base customization, but since you are not the owner it could get difficult to maintain and track the changes.

Is there any event triggered when highlighting a row?

I created a ListView to show the list of documents, then created a button "Button A" to do some actions, my requirement is I would like the button status may be changed with the selected document changes.
Fox example: there are three documents in the following graphic, I want the button is enabled when I click Order-00001 or Order-00002, and it is disabled for Order-00003 due to no money in it.
I appreciate if you could give me a hint if there is any event to be raised when I click a row. Thanks a lot.
To reduce callback to the server there isn't a row selected event. Instead there is PXToolbarButton StateColumn property to control the button enabled state.
When you declare your button, you specify a Boolean DAC field that will enable/disable the button based on it's value. Note that the button needs the DependOnGrid property set to the ID of the grid to get the selected row:
<px:PXToolBarButton Text="Button A" DependOnGrid="grid" StateColumn="IsButtonVisible">
IsButtonVisible is a custom unbound Boolean DAC field (you may choose any name you want except isSelected/Selected which is reserved for checkbox):
#region IsButtonVisible
public abstract class isButtonVisible : IBqlField
protected bool? _IsButtonVisible;
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Is Button Visible", Enabled = false, Visible = false)]
public virtual bool? IsButtonVisible
return _IsButtonVisible;
_IsButtonVisible = value;
You can set the value of IsButtonVisible in the RowSelected event based on your business logic:
protected virtual void DAC_RowSelected(PXCache sender, PXRowSelectedEventArgs e)
DAC row = e.Row as DAC;
if (row != null)
bool yourCondition = ???;
row.IsButtonVisible = yourCondition;
Enable disable button of grid or PXToolBarButton, which depends from value of column in Acumatica

Hide/Disable other fields based on Input field

I want to hide or update a field on the UI based on conditions of another field.
For example, if I have a field called Color:
And text field for comments only shown when "Other" is selected, how is this accomplished?
The requested behavior can either be accomplished either with a series of event handlers or with a bunch of attributes. You can find several examples on how to subscribe to the RowSelected and FieldUpdated events in the T200 training course, available at Acumatica University and Acumatica Open University
Going with field attributes is a more convenient and way easier option for your particular scenario. I would recommend setting CommitChanges to True for the drop-down, so the Comments field is cleared and disabled/enabled immediately after the user updates Color. Also, it's very to have your Color declared after Comments, so the framework will process Comments field first and always clear the current Comments value after the Color field got updated.
public class Other : Constant<string>
public Other() : base("Other") { }
public abstract class comments : IBqlField { }
[PXDBString(255, IsUnicode = true)]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Comments")]
[PXUIEnabled(typeof(Where<color, Equal<Other>>))]
[PXDefault(PersistingCheck = PXPersistingCheck.Nothing)]
public string Comments { get; set; }
public abstract class color : IBqlField { }
[PXDBString(10, IsUnicode = true)]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Color")]
public string Color { get; set; }
The only way to conditionally hide/show editor on a form is though the RowSelected event handler:
public void YourDAC_RowSelected(PXCache sender, PXRowSelectedEventArgs e)
YourDAC row = e.Row as YourDAC;
if (row == null) return;
PXUIFieldAttribute.SetVisible<YourDAC.comments>(sender, row, row.Color == "Other");
I believe, in the T200 training course, there are several examples on the PXUIFieldAttribute.SetVisible method.
