Exception in npgsql 3.2.0 connecting to PostgreSQL via Excel PowerQuery - excel

I have a PostgreSQL 9.6.1 database from which I want to extract data for use in Excel with Get & Transform (PowerQuery). I have 64-bit Excel 2016 Pro Plus running on Windows 10 64-bit with .NET framework 4.6 installed.
When I try to use "Data->New Query -> From Database -> From PostgreSQL Database", I put the server name (localhost) and DB name into the dialog box.
I then get the error message,
An error happened while reading data from the provider: 'The type initializer for 'Npgsql.Counters' threw an exception.'
I have the following setup:
npgsql 3.2.0 installed with nuget. There are 3 versions of the DLL, net45, net451 and netstandard1.3. I used net451 for no other reason that it was closest to 4.6.
mono.security.dll I added both of the DLLs to the global cache with gacutil.exe
I updated machine.config as follows for DbProviderFactories
add description=".Net Framework Data Provider for Postgresql Server" type="Npgsql.NpgsqlFactory, Npgsql, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5d8b90d52f46fda7" name="Npgsql Data Provider" invariant="Npgsql" support="FF"
Could anyone help me understand if I did anything wrong?

It looks like this is an issue with a recent npgsql release? Until that's fixed, if you install version 3.1 or 3.0 Power Query should work :)
One other thing you could try is using net45. We officially support .NET 4.5.1 but sometimes you have more luck with older releases.


Is cx_Oracle 5.3 compatible with Oracle client 19.10?

We upgraded our Oracle DB and oracle client from 12.1 to 19.10.
Our application server have below setup
OS is Linux
Python version is 2.7.5 and there is no plan to upgrade the python version yet
cx_Oracle library version is 5.3
A quick test shows the application works fine but I am wondering if I need to upgrade the cx_Oracle library? Does it have a support expiry date? I tried to google it, read the information on its Github page but can't find any statement that answers my question.
This combination hasn't been tested. But since the Oracle Client libraries keep compatibility it is likely to work, subject to whatever underlaying enforced changes have been made to the Oracle libraries, perhaps to drop unsupported TLS versions or whatever has occurred in the 8 years since 12.1 was released that I don't know about. You application testing should be the final confirmation.
You should definitely set a goal to update to Python 3 so you can get the latest cx_Oracle version.

Running Azure functions will result in .net 4.7.1 installation prompt dialog

When I try to run (debug) functions in Visual Studio 2017 on one of our machines, the following dialog pops up!
The target framework for the project is <TargetFramework>net461</TargetFramework>. For some reasons I am not able to install .NET 4.7.1 and now I am completely lost. I am sure it was functioning in the past on the same machine. Probably one of the updates caused it.
Any idea how to resolve it?
This is because the latest version of the Azure Functions Tools for Visual Studio now requires .NET Framework 4.7.1 (as of February 2018).
Note that this does not impact the target framework that you compile against - only the target framework your code runs against. Similarly, when you run in Azure, you can expect the .NET runtime version to be .NET Framework 4.7.1 (at the time of writing).
I tried implementing the solution mentioned in comment. However, it didn't work for me. However, reverting the Azure Functions Tools to previous version worked. Thanks Chris for pointing that it was Azure Tools and not any packages that caused it.
If anyone else should come across this.
For me, the issue was the actual func.exe config that needed to be upgraded.
Navigate to:
.. my version was 1.4.0
Modify the func.exe.config to match the .net version installed
.. it was 4.7.1

VS2008 Azure storage client compatibility issue

According to this article some support for older versions of Azure are going away:
We have a vs2008 application that is uploading files to Azure. {Using Azure 1.2 (for VS2008) - Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient v1.0.0 - Runtime v2.0.50727}.
We can't have this break since we are using this in production.
I need to know if there is a clear way to know if this is going to stop working.
I would really like to know if there is a way to upgrade the vs2008 project to use a compatible version of the StorageClient without migrating the project to vs2015.
Your version of the library should still be supported after the service removal. You can confirm which version of the service you are hitting by running requests through Fiddler and checking the x-ms-version. As you can see in the most recent post regarding our service deprecation, we are only removing version 2009-07-17 and older as of August 1, 2016.

How to upgrade azure sdk to 2.4?

My existing project, uses Azure .NET SDK 2.1. I wanted to upgrade the SDK to 2.4, so i dowloaded the latest from here for VS 2012. After successfull installation, when i opened up my solution, the cloud projects did not load. Thats ok, as they have been created using a lower version. So i removed them and created newer cloud projects.
But the thing which astonishes me is, there are many places in the worker role project where its throwing build error as it is not able to find out the assemblies and methods. Is there any easier way to upgrade to sdk 2.4 without making code changes. Which i think is a bad idea to make changes to the stable code, just for SDK upgrade.
When you open a project created using 2.1 SDK and try to open it using 2.4 SDK, you should see the project upgrade dialog which gives you the option to either download 2.1 SDK or convert existing project to target 2.4. Selecting the convert option should upgrade the project to 2.4. Any errors in this process will be reported in the project migration summary report.
If you are not seeing this dialog, then you might still have 2.1 sdk on your machine in addition to 2.4 sdk. In that case, you can go the Azure project properties. That will give you the option to upgrade your project to 2.4.
In regard to the build errors that you are getting for new projects, the error details will help in identifying the root cause.

SubSonic with MS SQL 2008?

I have been using subsonic with MS SQL 2005 for about a year now. For those of you who have moved to SQL 2008, is subsonic compatiable with that? Have you had too many issues with SubSonic with SQL 2008? Just trying to get a feel if I should upgrade to SQL 2008 at this time or not.
I've not used SQL2008 myself, but I know there is still a bug in SubSonic 2.1 and 2.2 in handling the new date only and time only data types (it sees them as strings).
SubSonic works great with Sql Server 2008. If you are at all worried you can download the source and add a reference to the project so that you can fix any errors that come up.
If you download 2.2(which should have been named 2.1.1 as it is a minor bug fix release) you will notice that the Sql Server 2008 provider inherets from the 2005 provider and I believe that it only overrides one function meaning that there is very little that differs between them though you could always fix anything you need to fix if you ever run into a bug(I haven't run into anything in my development and I use SQL Server 2008)
I have used (well, am using) SubSonic with both MSSQL 2008 and 2005 in a current project. Same code base is used on both MSSQL 2005 and MSSQL 2008. I have not run into any issues yet (that is, not any issues only occurring on one of either platforms).
I believe SubSonic does not support any features exclusive to MSSQL 2008, but if you're migrating from 2005 anyways, this shouldn't be a problem.
Subsonic doesn't support all new data type of MSSQL 2008.
for exaple, i've got a problem with Geography
