Run NodeJS application without environment variable - node.js

I have a node application that I run on a Linux Server (CentOS 6.5) by setting my environment with a bash script
export PATH
So that I can
# . ./
# node /var/www/html/application/app.js
That all works fine but if I do the following in a separate script
nohup $COMMAND $SITE > /tmp/nodeapp.log &
This runs the node server and app but with errors that seem to be related to npm
Error: Failed to lookup view "control/users" in views directory "/views"
I have a feeling this is because the environment is not set but is there a way to run it correctly without the environment or to pass additional parameters for the npm location?

It seems like it's trying to find the files in "/views" which is a top level directory in your file system.
If that is the case then it's not PATH but PWD that's in fault here.
Make sure that when you define where to look for the views in your app, instead of saying 'views' or './views' you use path.join(__dirname, 'views') instead.
You first need to require path with: var path = require(path);
Of course this is just my guess as you didn't include any part of your source code that you have problem with.


How to generate jhipster application into a different directory?

When I run the following in jhipster-generator's /cli directory:
cd cli
node jhipster.js
I'm generating the application in the same directory (cli). How would I change this directory to somewhere else? For example, export all the generated files into a specific directory.
I believe the directory has something to do with this line of code in jhipster.js:
const localCLI = require.resolve(path.join(process.cwd(), 'node_modules', 'generator-jhipster', 'cli', 'cli.js'));
Note: I'm not running the application with "jhipster" command.

How do I set home folder in Heroku system variable?

I'm deploying a node.js app on Heroku dyno and using config module that requires me to define a system variable NODE_CONFIG_DIR with the location of the config folder.
The config folder is located on my project's root.
I tried to define the system variable NODE_CONFIG_DIR using the following values, all failed:
I keep getting this error:
WARNING: No configurations found in configuration directory:app/config
(replace app/config with any of the values above)
I manage to set a system variable, but its value is not pointing the right place.
What is the correct way to refer to the root of my tree when using a system variable in Heroku?
Based on documentation - if config folder is in the root of your application you should not need to specify $NODE_CONFIG_DIR env variable.
From node-config documentation:
Node-config reads configuration files in the './config' directory for the running process, typically the application root. This can be overridden by setting the $NODE_CONFIG_DIR environment variable to the directory containing your configuration files. It can also be set from node, before loading Node-config:
process.env["NODE_CONFIG_DIR"] = __dirname + "/configDir/";
const config = require("config");
$NODE_CONFIG_DIR can be a full path from your root directory, or a relative path from the process if the value begins with ./ or ../.
You could use above code to set it from your node code.
You were close: /app is the correct path. You can verify it by running heroku run bash.
It was my bad...
Both answers are correct but didn't solve my issue.
The problem was that I used lowercase for my configuration file name while the NODE_ENV value was uppercase.

How can I make node application see system variables on Google Cloud?

I have variable set in my .bash_rc file:
whoami#cloudshell:~/source/NodePrototype (x-alcove-9999999)$ echo $APP_ENVIRONMENT
Yet node.js application out of:
const app_environment_config=require('./APP_ENVIRONMENT/' + process.env.APP_ENVIRONMENT)
2019-02-21 14:18:16 default[20190221t141628] Error: Cannot find module './APP_ENVIRONMENT/undefined'
Eventhough when I enter node shell:
whoami#cloudshell:~/source/NodePrototype (x-alcove-9999999)$ node
> process.env.APP_ENVIRONMENT
The same part works locally.
It depends on how your Node app is being launched, because looks like is not running in an environment where that variable exists, to make sure print all your current env vars to make this sure: console.log(process.env).
Also, a good practice, when you need something like that, is to use .env files with this module: is a good practice to pass configuration to your Node apps.

Rscript and Nodejs integration on Ubuntu Server

I am trying to build a node js app in which i call rscript to do some statistical computation and return an array with 8 elements which then i pass back to nodejs so that we can display those elements on ejs pages .
I am successfully able to do this on local host everything is working fine and even rscript is running and giving back the output, but when we try to do the same on ubuntu server we are not getiing any console.log(out) on our terminal (out is the variable which gets the output from the rscript) we get a null.
We are calling the script in localhost and server in same way as shown.
var out = rscript(abc.R)
In the above code we get json in the data variable and it gives log as well both on local and server.
I have installed all the libraries needed like rscirpt inside nodejs using npm and have already installed R and Rstudio on my ubuntu server and installed all the libraries too which are needed to run the rscript.
The rscript is placed in same folder where my index.js is alll the ejs pages are stored in other folder which the node app is able to access and display them too.
You will have to deploy your R script somewhere else and then call that R script using API calls in your node server file.
One of the services that you can use to call rscript as an API in node is Algorithmia. You will just need to follow their instructions and wrap all your code inside a function. It will appear as a sample there, once you create an R project.

Ubuntu14.04LTS desktop app launcher for node? - Desktop Entry

This is not a duplicated question. The link suggested is for Shell Script, and I can launch node app via shell script doing normaly just 'node app', but for .desktop file, it does not work. So the answer linked never solve my problem, and what is the point to try to close the question suggesting to use an unsatisfied answer.
I simply try to exec node app from the current directory where .desktop file exists.
I do as follows, but for unknown reason, it does not work.
Surely, when I do node app on the directory, the node app launches as expected.
Any idea? Thanks.
[Desktop Entry]
Name=JS Bin
Comment=JS Bin Offline REPL
Exec=node '"$(dirname "$1")"/app'
Icon=/home/ken/Google Drive/js-bin/code.png
Exec=node '/home/ken/Google Drive/js-bin/app.js'
would be the same result.
Just in case, I don't have to re-login to make this work, correct?
for node.js program, we should be careful for the path.
I have to do like
var app1 = proc.spawn(atom, [__dirname + '/app1.js']);
using __dirname properly, otherwise, PATH context problem occurs especially using shell script.
