Apt-get install maven did not install latest version - linux

I need to get Maven 3.25 or later in my Linux Ubuntu VM. After running the command sudo apt-get install maven, the system downloaded Maven 3.0.5. Is there a way to get the latest version of Maven (3.3.9) instead using apt-get?

The version of maven in the ubuntu universe repository does not always match the latest available version of software. In addition, Ubuntu does not upgrade packages for new features after shipping a release, only patches and security updates, unless you upgrade the Ubuntu version you are on.
For example, Ubuntu Xenial (16.04) currently ships Maven 3.3.9, but Ubuntu Trusty (14.04) only ships Maven 3.0.5. You have multiple options:
Install maven manually from the maven website.
Upgrade the version of Ubuntu you are using to 16.04, and the package manager will upgrade maven to the 3.3.9 version of maven.

You can run sudo apt-get update to check for package updates. After that potentially sudo apt-get install maven will install more recent version.

If you are using Debian, you can use sudo apt-get install -t jessie-backports maven and it will install the newest version. (Helpful for other users trying to get help.)


Maven latest version installation UBuntu 16 without using "wget"

Is there any way to install latest Maven specific version without using wget command in ubuntu 16.
You could try doing what my link below recommends, but add references to Bionic instead of Xenial. Then all you need to do is sudo apt install maven.
Note the current version of support Maven for Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic) is 3.6.0-1, so if that isn't new enough for you (the latest Maven release is 3.6.2), you'll have to find another way.
you could install sdkman on the machine 1st and then use it to install and manage various java-related tools (maven among them), but installing sdkman itself likely involves a wget

How to install JavaPackage on ubuntu

I came across a debian application by the name JavaPackage which can create a debian installation file (.deb) form a java binary (.tar.gz) which you can then install using dpkg -i application_name.deb. With Ubuntu being a debian-based linux distribution, it is possible that it can be installed on ubuntu as well.
How do I go about installing it on Ubuntu/Kubuntu 16.04.2 LTS?
java-package is available in the official ubuntu repositories. All you need to do is update the repository with the latest version then install it as shown below:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install java-package

Ansible + why yum not install the latest version

I am installed successfully the ansible tool from yum repository as
ansible is great tool even more then puppet
From site - http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/intro_installation.html#getting-ansible
but after yum installation I see that the ansible isn’t the latest version
Ansible releases - https://github.com/ansible/ansible/releases
please advice why yum not install the latest ansible version ( 1.9 )
You must configure EPEL first: https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/7/x86_64/repoview/ansible.html
It may be better to install Ansible with pip.
pip will get you the latest version much more quickly than yum

ghostscript apt repository - install latest/newer version

If you install gs like apt-get install ghostscript then an older version (9.05) is installed but the latest version is 9.14
How to update the apt repository so I can install the latest version (or newer versions)
With Percona you can add their own repository in /etc/apt/sources.list like:
deb http://repo.percona.com/apt wheezy main
Is it possible to do something similar with ghostscript?
Is using Debian Wheezy
You can try this package for ubuntu.
If you want latest and greatest version you should build it from source.

Upgrading phpmyadmin (and other packages) on Debian Squeeze

I just setup a new VM with Debian Squeeze (latest stable release, 6.0.4). I am going for a webserver, so I installed the usual... apache, php5, mysql, phpmyadmin, etc.
Everything went well, everything is working.
My question is about upgrading packages. I noticed the phpmyadmin version is 3.3.7... the latest is Doing apt-get update/upgrade does not upgrade the package.
How does one go about upgrading packages on a Debian Squeeze server if apt-get update/upgrade does not work?
You can download the latest version from the official page and follow the instrucctions inside the compress file for the installation.
Alternatively if you want to use the debian repositories, you can add
deb http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian testing main contrib non-free
in the file /etc/apt/source.list
Also add
Package: *
Pin: release n=testing
Pin-Priority: 500
in /etc/apt/preferences
doing this you will have all the packages for the testing version, but they're not going to be installed unless you specify it, so run
apt-get update
apt-get install <package name>=<version>
for example
apt-get install phpmyadmin=
you can check the different versions with
apt-cache showpkg phpmyadmin
