Ansible + why yum not install the latest version - linux

I am installed successfully the ansible tool from yum repository as
ansible is great tool even more then puppet
From site -
but after yum installation I see that the ansible isn’t the latest version
Ansible releases -
please advice why yum not install the latest ansible version ( 1.9 )

You must configure EPEL first:

It may be better to install Ansible with pip.
pip will get you the latest version much more quickly than yum


How to upgrade the GPG version installed on AWS EC2

I have a requirement to upgrade the GNU Privacy Guard(GPG) package installed on AWS EC2 instance. The OS installed on EC2 is Linux(Not Ubuntu).
The current version installed is 2.0.22-5.amzn2.0.4,which is depricated as per GPG website.
Hence, I wish to upgrade it to version 2.3
I tried the below commands for the purpose.
$ sudo yum update-minimal gnupg
$ sudo yum reinstall gnupg
$ sudo yum update gpg
Everytime, I get a message saying NO PACKAGEs MARKED FOR UPDATE
When tried to reinstall using command number 2, the same version 2.0.22-5.amzn2.0.4 is reinstaled again, which actually isn't the latest version.
Can anyone suggest the process to upgrade to latest version?
Updated remark:
The package name on Amazon Linux 2 should be gnupg2.
You should be using Amazon Linux 2, you are using the latest package version provided by Amazon Linux 2.
By the time I write this answer, most distribution are still using gnupg 2.2, the only common distribution providing gnupg 2.3 is Fedora, you can find it at
In case you really need it now, you may either:
Build it by yourself
Install the rpm package from Fedora via dnf install <rpm-url>

Apt-get install maven did not install latest version

I need to get Maven 3.25 or later in my Linux Ubuntu VM. After running the command sudo apt-get install maven, the system downloaded Maven 3.0.5. Is there a way to get the latest version of Maven (3.3.9) instead using apt-get?
The version of maven in the ubuntu universe repository does not always match the latest available version of software. In addition, Ubuntu does not upgrade packages for new features after shipping a release, only patches and security updates, unless you upgrade the Ubuntu version you are on.
For example, Ubuntu Xenial (16.04) currently ships Maven 3.3.9, but Ubuntu Trusty (14.04) only ships Maven 3.0.5. You have multiple options:
Install maven manually from the maven website.
Upgrade the version of Ubuntu you are using to 16.04, and the package manager will upgrade maven to the 3.3.9 version of maven.
You can run sudo apt-get update to check for package updates. After that potentially sudo apt-get install maven will install more recent version.
If you are using Debian, you can use sudo apt-get install -t jessie-backports maven and it will install the newest version. (Helpful for other users trying to get help.)

Linux: How to install certain old version of a software via apt-get

I am trying to install the same versions of Apache, MySQL and PHP in my Linux PC (Raspberry Debian) as installed in my remote public server.
For instance, I'd like to install the last legacy release of the 2.2 branch, Apache/2.2.31.
apt-cache showpkg apache2
Package: apache2
2.4.10-10+deb8u4 (/var/lib/apt/lists/mirrordirector.raspbian.org_raspbian_dists_jessie_main_binary-armhf_Packages)
But there isn't any information about the 2.2.31 version, neither in "Reverse Provides" section. I can do it by compiling from the sources, but it takes a lot of time. And I tried to find a reliable PPA or a reliable sources for deb packages, without any success.
How can I do it?
If APT tracks the specific version you are looking for, (like Kyle said) then it's pretty easy.
sudo apt-get install <pkg_name>=<pkg_version>
sudo apt-get -t=<target_version> <pkg_name>
To see which packages are tracked, run
apt-cache showpkg <package_name>
Unfortunately though, if a particular version is not managed by the APT, then you are out of luck using APT. It might be managed by some of the other package managers out there.
Ref. How can I downgrade a package via apt-get?
If you have the version number, or the target release, apt-get supports choosing a particular version or target release. More details can be found on manual page of apt-get. It can also be accessed from a terminal by typing man apt-get.
sudo apt-get install <package-name>=<package-version-number>
sudo apt-get -t=<target release> install <package-name>

Update ansible (ubuntu server 14)

I installed ansible in Ubunru server 14 using this tutorial
After I checked version of ansible:
$ ansible --version
ansible 1.5.5
But I need 1.9. How to update it?
From Ansible website:
1) First remove installed version of ansible using sudo apt-get remove --purge ansible
2) Now add the correct ppa using sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible
3) Update the package list: sudo apt-get update
4) Install ansible: sudo apt-get install ansible
I had the same issues as you. Above steps worked like a charm :)
Are you sure you installed it correctly? The version in the PPA for 14.04 is 1.9.4-1, so I don't know where 1.5.5 would be coming from.
In any case, you could try erasing ansible (sudo apititude erase ansible should work), and installing ansible with pip as per
(Namely, have pip installed, then run pip install --upgrade ansible)

I need rpm for RHEL v6.6

I was installing libapr-util1-1.3.9-4.1.x86_64 on RHEL v6.6 and it requires as a dependency. I've searched a lot and couldn't find.
The only rpm I found was vulture-common-3.2-185.1.x86_64.rpm which installs a lot of other packages as well that will conflict with already installed servers and software on my machine.
Does anyone know from where I can get this rpm? Or how to select specific part from the rpm to be installed?
For me yum whatprovides '' shows apr-1.3.9-5.el6_2.i686 is the package, on my CentOS 6.6.
For CentOS 7.7 I had the same error when trying to configure and compile mesos.
I had to install some additional libraries:
sudo yum install -y git apache-maven python-devel java-devel zlib-devel libcurl-devel openssl-devel cyrus-sasl-devel cyrus-sasl-md5 apr-devel subversion-devel apr-util-devel
For me yum install apr , on my CentOS 7.x.
Try to search for apr-1.4.8-7.el7.x86_64.rpm and apr-util-1.5.2-6.e7.x86_64.rpm
