Use bluebird for mongoose, got ".bind is not a function" - node.js

I use bluebird for mongoose:
const Promise = require("bluebird");
const mongoose = require("mongoose");
mongoose.Promise = Promise;
And I want to use Promise.bind to share variable in the promise chain:
function getAutherOfBook(name)
return Book.findOne(
name: name
}, "-_id auther")
.then(doc =>
return doc.auther;
function geNationalityOfAuther(name)
return Auther.findOne(
name: name
}, "-_id nationality")
.then(doc =>
return doc.nationality;
getAutherOfBook("The Kite Runner")
.then(auther =>
this.auther = auther;
return geNationalityOfAuther(auther);
.then(nationality =>
console.log("auther: ", this.auther);
console.log("nationality: ", nationality);
But I got the error: getAutherOfBook(...).bind is not a function
Maybe bluebird is not working for mongoose?

The problem you are having is that mongoose queries does not return full fledge promises -- directly quoting (v4.7.6)
// A query is not a fully-fledged promise, but it does have a `.then()`.
query.then(function (doc) {
// use doc
// `.exec()` gives you a fully-fledged promise
var promise = query.exec();
assert.ok(promise instanceof require('mpromise'));
In other words, the then function is syntax sugar and not a promise which is why the bind and other promise functions does not work.
To make it work, you either wrap it up in a full promise or use the exec function as suggested in the docs


Aync / Await return pending

Why is my Aync Await Function returning an Pending Promise ? i already tried .then statement but it doesn't work, here is my code :
const findData = async () => {
let query = await userSchema.findOne({ _id: research["uploaderID"] });
return query;
research["uploaderInfo"] = findData();
when i tried to console.log the findData, it just gave me this :
Promise { <pending> }
Promise { <pending> }
and when i tried to check the research object, it was empty, but when i tried to add a console.log(query) inside the findData() function, it gave me the expected result, which mean the query is correct, and this is an issue because of the async / await.
i tried #dai solution to add await when i tried to set my research like this
const findData = async () => {
let query = await userSchema.findOne({ _id: research["uploaderID"] });
return query;
async () => {
research["uploaderInfo"] = await findData();
when i tried this, any code that i put inside the second nameless async function does not work, i tried to set the object to random string and it still doesn't changing
Read this:
Short answer: Run NodeJS 14.17 (or any version after 13.3+) with the flag --harmony-top-level-await and you can have this:
// program.js
const findData = async () => {
let query = await userSchema.findOne({ _id: research["uploaderID"] });
return query;
research["uploaderInfo"] = await findData();
...or even just this (assuming your research and userSchema objects are trivially instantiated):
// program.js
research["uploaderInfo"] = await userSchema.findOne({ _id: research["uploaderID"] });
Longer answer without NodeJS flags:
It looks like NodeJS 14.17 doesn't yet support "top-level await" (someone correct me if I'm wrong) but that's not a real problem: it just means you need to wrap all of your original top-level ("root function") code in an async function and invoke it immediately.
Like so (I've named the function entrypoint, though you can use an anonymous function if you like):
// program.js
async function entrypoint() {
const research = ...
const userSchema = ...
const findData = async () => {
let query = await userSchema.findOne({ _id: research["uploaderID"] });
return query;
research["uploaderInfo"] = await findData();
Note that you can elide and inline findData's function and call userSchema.findOne directly:
// program.js
async function entrypoint() {
const research = ...
const userSchema = ...
research["uploaderInfo"] = await await userSchema.findOne({ _id: research["uploaderID"] });

Creating a Mongoose plugin that supports callbacks AND promises

I have a Mongoose plugin that currently only supports callbacks, I plan on possibly publishing it to npmjs, but I first wanted to make sure that it works just like the existing Mongoose functions/methods, which support callbacks and some built in promises, and you can also specify your own promise library.
I wanted to know what the best way was to implement the same functionality in my library, meaning how can I support both callbacks and promises? I found a similar SO thread, but thats specific to bluebird, which even though I like to use, Id like to not assume it will be used. (Also, that article looks like it might be out-dated, as I couldnt find nodeify in the bluebird api docs
I was thinking I could just do some basic logic to see if a function was provided as one of the parameters, if so, then execute the callback, if not, then return a promise... but im sure theres an easier way to do that.
Also, for the Promises, when I do return a promise, should I use the Promise thats inside the Mongoose object thats handed to the plugins? Meaning:
module.exports = Mongoose => {
// Just verifying, should I use this?..
const Promise = Mongoose.Promise
return Mongoose.model( 'Foobar', new Mongoose.Schema({ /* ... */ }) )
Regarding the last question, about what Promise object to reference when returning promises, I tried using the Mongoose.Promise as stated above, code below:
module.exports = Mongoose => {
const Promise = Mongoose.Promise
const Schema = Mongoose.Schema
const fooSchema = new Schema({
name: Schema.Types.String
fooSchema.statics.blah = function( ) {
// Return Mongoose.Promise
return new Promise( ( res, rej ) => {
res( 'test' )
return Mongoose.model( 'Foobar', fooSchema )
... Which resulted in the error:
throw 'Can\'t use ES6 promise with mpromise style constructor';
Can't use ES6 promise with mpromise style constructor
So I'm guessing thats not the right way to go... I thought it would be a better idea to return promises using the same promise library Mongoose has configured (Custom, or default..)
I tried to see how Mongoose does it by looking at the findOne function code, but I dont quite see how it returns a promise if theres no callback specified
P.S. Im using Mongoose 4.3.7
Was just tinkering around, but would this be an acceptable method? Or is it bad practice
function tester(foo, cb){
return new Promise( ( res, rej ) => {
const result = 'You said ' + foo
if( typeof cb === 'function' ){
cb( null, result )
res() // Is this needed?
else {
res( result )
tester('foo', (err, data) => {
if( err )
.then( data => {
.catch( err => {
just do this
mongoose.Promise = global.Promise
as simple as that
So I mainly didn't want to rely on a specific promise library, incase they were using a different one, but I realized that for the most part, it shouldnt really matter. So I decided to stick with Bluebird, and use the asCallback method
Heres the end result, this is with me coding a library with a function that supports both callbacks and promises; and in a separate file, and without requiring a specific promise library, using that function twice, once with a promise, and once with a callback:
// ./test-lib.js
'use strict'
const Promise = require( 'bluebird' )
module.exports = ( str, cb ) => {
const endResult = ( txt ) => new Promise( ( res, rej ) => res( 'You said ' + txt ) )
return endResult( str ).asCallback( cb );
// app.js
'use strict'
const Testlib = require('./test-lib')
Testlib('foo', ( err, data ) => {
if( err )
.then( data => {
.catch( err => {
// Result:
// DATA: You said foo
// DATA: You said bar
That seems to have worked perfectly! (Thanks to tyscorp the Bluebird Gitter chat)

How to handle promise returning with Mongoose using Bluebird?

I have an Account schema, defined with Mongoose, I've setup promises with Bluebird:
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
mongoose.Promise = require('bluebird');
I've designed a model method for such schema:
accountSchema.methods.validPassword = function(password) {
return bcrypt.compareSync(password, this.password);
So I got a method which will try to find a user and check for password match:
function login (email,password) {
return Account.findOne({email: email}).then(function (user) {
user["match"] = user.validPassword(password);
return user.validPassword(password);
What's really weird is that the second console.log won't show up any match property for the object.
Here my intention is to return a promise of finding a user and check for password match, however when I invoke login:
User doesn't have a match property, how could I achieve it?
You cannot do both a return prior to invoking the Promise call : return Account.xxxxx AND do a .then() .... its an either or ... I give you both alternatives. Version A we process resultset local to login function :
function login (email,password) {
// notice I no longer have return Account.xxxx
Account.findOne({email: email}) // Account.findOne returns a Promise
.then(function (user) {
if (user) {
user.match = user.validPassword(password);
// execute some callback here or return new Promise for follow-on logic
} else {
// document not found deal with this
}).catch(function(err) {
// handle error
here the caller does :
login("email","password") // needs either a cb or promise
.then(function(userProcessed) { ...
... whereas in Version B we relegate processing to caller to do the .then() logic :
function login (email,password) {
return Account.findOne({email: email});
so in caller we have :
Once you have the result set from the findOne, perform some validation on the user , avoid assuming it was found.
Also since Promise is now in ES6, you can use the built in Promise implementation
mongoose.Promise = global.Promise;
Take note that a findOne returns a document, whereas doing a find always gives you an array of 0 or more document(s)
return new Promise(function(resolve,reject){
Account.findOne({email: email}).then(function (user) {
user.match = user.validPassword(password);

Using Sinon to stub chained Mongoose calls

I get how to stub Mongoose models (thanks to Stubbing a Mongoose model with Sinon), but I don't quite understand how to stub calls like:
myModel.findOne({"id": someId})
I tried the following:
var findOneStub = sinon.stub(mongoose.Model, "findOne");
sinon.stub(findOneStub, "exec").yields(someFakeParameter);
to no avail, any suggestions?
I've solved it by doing the following:
var mockFindOne = {
where: function () {
return this;
equals: function () {
return this;
exec: function (callback) {
callback(null, "some fake expected return value");
sinon.stub(mongoose.Model, "findOne").returns(mockFindOne);
Take a look to sinon-mongoose. You can expects chained methods with just a few lines:
.yields(someError, someResult);
You can find working examples on the repo.
Also, a recommendation: use mock method instead of stub, that will check the method really exists.
Another way is to stub or spy the prototype functions of the created Query (using sinon):
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
sinon.spy(mongoose.Query.prototype, 'where');
sinon.spy(mongoose.Query.prototype, 'equals');
const query_result = [];
sinon.stub(mongoose.Query.prototype, 'exec').yieldsAsync(null, query_result);
If you use Promise, you can try sinon-as-promised:
sinon.stub(Mongoose.Model, 'findOne').returns({
exec: sinon.stub().rejects(new Error('pants'))
//exec: sinon.stub(). resolves(yourExepctedValue)
I use promises with Mongoose and stub the methods like this:
const stub = sinon.stub(YourModel, 'findById').returns({
populate: sinon.stub().resolves(document)
Then I can call it like:
const document = await YourModel.findById.populate('whatever');
Using Multiple mongoose method stub using below code.
Service code
models.Match.findOne({ where: { id: } })
.then((match) => {
if (!match) {
throw Error('Match not found');
{ inning: ChangeInningInputType.inning },
{ where: { id: } },
return resolve(match);
.catch((error) => {
return reject(error);
Testcase code
it('Success test case for inning update', async () => {
const bulkCreateStub = sinon
.stub(models.Match, 'findOne')
const updateStub = sinon
.stub(models.Match, 'update')
const aa = await changeInning(
ChangeInningInputType: inningRequest,
console.log('updateStub===>', updateStub);

How to use mongoose Promise - mongo

Can someone give me an example on how to use a Promise with mongoose. Here is what I have, but its not working as expected:
app.use(function (req, res, next) {
res.local('myStuff', myLib.process(req.path, something));
and then in myLib, I would have something like this:
exports.process = function ( r, callback ) {
var promise = new mongoose.Promise;
if(callback) promise.addBack(callback);
Content.find( {route : r }, function (err, docs) {
promise.resolve.bind(promise)(err, docs);
return promise;
At some point I am expecting my data to be present, but how can I access it, or get at it?
In the current version of Mongoose, the exec() method returns a Promise, so you can do the following:
exports.process = function(r) {
return Content.find({route: r}).exec();
Then, when you would like to get the data, you should make it async:
app.use(function(req, res, next) {
res.local('myStuff', myLib.process(req.path));
.then(function(doc) { // <- this is the Promise interface.
}, function(err) {
// handle error here.
For more information about promises, there's a wonderful article that I recently read:
Mongoose already uses promises, when you call exec() on a query.
var promise = Content.find( {route : r }).exec();
Mongoose 4.0 Release Notes
Mongoose 4.0 brings some exciting new functionality: schema validation
in the browser, query middleware, validation on update, and promises
for async operations.
With mongoose#4.1 you can use any promises that you want
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
mongoose.Promise = require('bluebird');
Another example with polyfilling global.Promise
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
So, you can just do later
.find({route : r})
.then(function(docs) {}, function(err) {});
.find({route : r})
.then(function(docs) {})
.catch(function(err) {});
P.S. Mongoose 5.0
Mongoose 5.0 will use native promises by default if available,
otherwise no promises. You will still be able to set a custom promises
library using mongoose.Promise = require('bluebird');, however,
mpromise will not be supported.
I believe you're looking for
exports.process = function ( r, callback ) {
var promise = new mongoose.Promise;
if(callback) promise.addBack(callback);
Content.find( {route : r }, function (err, docs) {
if(err) {
return promise;
On this page:
The title is Plugging in your own Promises Library
Use the bluebird Promise library like this:
var Promise = require('bluebird');
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var mongoose = Promise.promisifyAll(mongoose);
This is thenable, such as:
// more async stuff
